Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Key Takeaways

  • Customize your sub with gear like motors, armor, and weapons to enhance gameplay in SteamWorld Heist 2.
  • Unlock secret abilities for party members through the Personal Upgrade Terminal to maximize their potential.
  • Increase crew HP permanently with upgrades like Dumbbells and gain more Water with the Water Purifier in battles.

As a seasoned RPG enthusiast with countless hours spent in various worlds, I can confidently say that the sub-upgrades available in SteamWorld Heist 2 are not just game-changers, but lifesavers!

In contrast to its predecessor, SteamWorld Heist 2 ventures into new territory with a water-themed pirate motif as opposed to space piracy. Interestingly enough, another indie game called Cat Quest 3 also revolves around pirates, but in this case they are anthropomorphic cats sailing the seas.

In “SteamWorld Heist 2”, players navigate their submarine above the water surface, participating in battles where weapons are launched autonomously. The main method of controlling units is through turn-based tactical skirmishes. To enhance your sub and team, you’ll want to focus on early upgrades using a resource called Fragments. Let’s explore some top early upgrades that will fortify your sub and party.

7 Sub Equipment Slot

Equip More To Your Sub

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

In the game, the first enhancement for your submarine is introduced via a tutorial, which is the Sub Equipment Terminal. This terminal serves as a gateway to an equipment menu where you can customize your sub with various items. Each item you obtain will occupy a slot within the Terminal. You can expand the number of available slots by acquiring two early upgrades that are not part of the tutorial: Sub Equipment Slots.

Players have the option to obtain various equipment such as a propeller for increased speed during navigation or protective shielding to boost HP. However, it’s crucial to note that weapons are particularly significant, ranging from cannons to torpedoes, which serve to repel naval forces. Each item of gear requires storage, so the Sub Equipment Slots feature will enable players to fine-tune their submarine more effectively.

6 Personal Upgrade Terminal

Give Party Members Abilities

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Another good Terminal upgrade is called the Personal Upgrade Terminal. This will unlock a way for players to get secret abilities for party members in the crew. Most have two innate ones hidden away, just begging to be unlocked through the aformentioned Fragments in SteamWorld Heist 2.

Example: Wesley, initially playing as the Reaper character, has the option to acquire the Grenadier skill. This ability grants him one free grenade throw per turn. With up to three Utility Slots available, players might be able to toss three grenades for free in a single mission, resulting in some powerful explosions. It’s always wise to optimize your team’s capabilities when playing an RPG.

5 Job Upgrade Terminal

Improve Classes With Abilities

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

The Job Upgrade Station is clearly another instance of a terminal upgrade, but it’s focused on enhancing the abilities of certain character classes. It’s essential to note that these classes aren’t tied to a single character. For example, Daisy might initially be a proficient Sniper within her pirate crew, but with this upgrade, she could potentially gain additional sniper skills as well.

Once a character selects the appropriate tool, their role will transform. For instance, if Wesley chooses a rifle, he turns into a Sniper. It’s advantageous that enhancements in the Job Upgrade Station apply to all characters instead of specific ones like the Personal Upgrade Station. Among the beneficial upgrades, there’s one for Snipers that amplifies the strength of the Power Shot attack skill.

4 Dumbbells

Crew Gains +1 To HP

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Steering clear of Terminal updates, using Dumbbells is an excellent choice that will positively impact the entire team. This item will permanently increase the HP level of your party members by one unit. While it may not appear significant, this role-playing game doesn’t typically involve high numbers like modern tactical games do.

In one of the most exhilarating game series, known as Disgaea, players have the unique ability to surpass health point (HP) limits. Excluding Disgaea, battles in SteamWorld Heist 2 usually involve enemies with HP levels around twenty, which is quite high for this particular RPG. To clarify, an incremental boost in HP using Dumbbells can make a greater impact on the duration of missions for heroes, compared to other RPGs where such a boost might not significantly extend their survival time.

3 Water Purifier

Gain 10% More Water

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

In SteamWorld Heist 2, water serves as the primary resource, denominated in Gallons. This versatile commodity allows you to purchase various items such as weapons, hats, and other resources from shops. One of the less common resources, Fragments, can be bought in bulk at a time.

As a player accumulates more Fragments, they’ll unlock more permanent enhancements for their party members or subs. For instance, the Water Purifier is a sub upgrade that boosts the amount of Water players can acquire by 10%. This additional water can be obtained not only through exploration while sailing, but also during combat.

2 Utility Belts

Crew Can Equip An Additional Utility Item

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

The enhancement for Utility Belts in SteamWorld Heist 2 may not be as thrilling as it might seem, but it proves to be quite practical. Unlike the iconic Batman’s Utility Belt, the one in this game doesn’t boast a superhero theme. However, it does offer an advantage: it enables characters to carry more utility items into battle. Initially, most characters can only bring a single utility item on a mission.

In the game SteamWorld Heist 2, Utility Items can vary from medical kits to explosive devices. These items are replenished after each mission, and an upgrade to the Utility Belt allows you to carry two at a time. Additionally, by acquiring a skill upgrade through the Boomer class, you can increase your Utility Item capacity by one more, resulting in a total of three items that can be carried.

1 Bunk Bed

Gain A New Party Member

Sub Upgrades To Buy First in SteamWorld Heist 2

Initially, players will find themselves accompanied by Daisy and Wesley as their starting party members. Later in the game, they have an opportunity to add Sola and Judy to their group at the local tavern. However, once the team is complete (consisting of six members), no more recruits can join due to limited space on the submarine.

In SteamWorld Heist 2, the Bunk Bed enhancement becomes crucial. It enables you to assemble a larger team of party members, which is essential for achieving high scores in missions. Moreover, having a variety of characters allows players to take on more missions before they need to take a break at the end of the day.

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2024-08-23 22:54