- Subnautica features unique and impressive creatures, from Leviathans the size of buses to skyscrapers.
- Creatures like the Chelicerate and Ghost Leviathan are terrifying, with unique abilities and impenetrable defenses.
- Players can interact with passive creatures like the Reefback Leviathan and Glow Whale, offering stunning experiences.
Among the multitude of survival games out there, one aquatic marvel truly outshines the rest – none other than the breathtaking Subnautica. As a player, I find myself immersed in the perilous waters of planet 4546B, where every decision could mean life or death. The game’s captivating storyline and distinctive features have earned it global acclaim and respect from gamers worldwide. What sets Subnautica apart for me, however, are its extraordinary creatures. These fascinating beings populate the underwater world, adding a layer of realism that leaves me in awe. Each creature is a testament to the game’s exceptional design, making every dive an exhilarating adventure.
The diversity in creatures, from the wide-eyed octopus to the enigmatic Crabsquid, never ceases to amaze. Although each creature is extraordinary, it’s the colossal Leviathan Class Organisms that truly leave us spellbound. Each of these behemoths towers over us, with some as large as buses and others reaching the scale of skyscrapers. What’s fascinating is how astonishingly massive they are; however, their true size would likely astound even their most ardent admirers.
The variety in creatures, from the big-eyed octopus to the mysterious Crabsquid, never fails to amaze us. Though each creature is impressive, it’s the massive Leviathan Class Organisms that leave us awestruck. Every one of these titans dwarfs us, with some as large as buses and others rivaling skyscrapers in size. The sheer magnitude of them is truly astounding; however, their true size would likely astonish even those who admire them the most.
15. Squidshark
11 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 1000
- Damage: Bite – 40
- Locations: Deep Lilypads Cave, Deep Twisty Bridges, Main Lilypad Islands
In the game ‘Subnautica’, the Squidshark is the smallest known creature classified as a Leviathan. While not explicitly listed among them, the data entry for this creature mentions it’s a “Leviathan-class predator at the smaller end of the scale,” implying that although it’s not commonly seen, the Squidshark belongs to the group of large and powerful creatures.
Originally seen in the game “Subnautica,” the Squidshark is an unusual blend of two distinct creatures, combining the frightening aspects of each. Despite its relatively small size, it towers over the player and has the potential to end their journey with a few lethal bites.
14. Sea Treader
20 Meters

- Attitude: Defensive
- Health: 3000
- Damage: Kick – 40; Stomp – 40
- Locations: Grand Reef, Sea Treader’s Path, Sea Treader’s Tunnels Caves
The Sea Treader Leviathan stands out remarkably among its fellow class members. Unlike other species that swim or burrow, the Sea Treader moves about on two legs. Its extended snout, often mistaken for a third leg, propels it forward across the desolate ocean bottom. With each forceful stride, it dislodges ore from the earth, which players can gather.
The smallest known creature classified as a Leviathan is called the Sea Treader, and it’s quite substantial at 20 meters long. That’s almost as big as two school buses! Even young Sea Treaders are impressive when compared to humans. But when you compare it to other Leviathans, the Sea Treader seems much smaller.
How To Deal With Sea Treaders
Sea Treaders aren’t hostile by nature, but they will defend their herd fiercely. With their strong limbs, they can deliver fatal blows to an unaware diver. Therefore, it’s wise to avoid crossing paths with a Sea Treader. If you’re trying to gather uprooted ore, it might be safer to let these creatures pass first.
13. Glow Whale
30 Meters

- Attitude: Passive
- Health: 10,000
- Damage: None
- Locations: East Arctic, Lilypad Islands
On planet 4546B, the Luminous Leviathan Whale showcases the breathtaking, frosty environment. From its glowing characteristics to its soothing melodies, it’s a sight to behold and leaves one in awe. Seeing these whales leap from the water or feed on schools of fish is breathtaking, but players have an opportunity to experience more. These magnificent creatures will grant players permission to stroke them or even hop on for a short ride!
In the game “Subnautica: Below Zero,” the smallest leviathan, known as the Glow Whale, ranks as the 13th largest overall. Measuring a considerable 30 meters long and quite broad, it’s almost as large as a basketball court. Interestingly, this colossal creature also serves as a home for barnacles and plants. However, compared to other leviathans in the game, the Glow Whale appears relatively small.
How To Deal With Glow Whales
Gentle Giant Whales possess no means of defense, making them harmless creatures. Consequently, there’s no reason to feel apprehensive around these awe-inspiring titans of the sea. Instead, seize every chance to interact with and even enjoy a ride on their broad backs.
12. Chelicerate
40 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 5000
- Damage: 75 (Player); 15-30 (Seatruck); 21-33 (Prawn Suit)
- Locations: East Arctic, Purple Vents, Tree Spires
As a captivated observer of the chilling depths of 4546B, I can attest that the Chelicerate Leviathan is merely a tantalizing glimpse into its icy abyss’ hidden wonders – and it instills an unnerving sense of dread. Initially, it seems rather innocuous, but as you draw near, the beast reveals its true, petrifying nature. When provoked, this creature unfurls a jaw splitting into four mandibles, capable of seizing and consuming prey with alarming efficiency.
Among the series, the Chelicerate is the smallest and most aggressive of the Leviathans, also ranking as the twelfth largest in its kind. This terrifying creature measures approximately 40 meters long, with its head accounting for a third of that length. Essentially, this Leviathan is roughly the size of a smaller commercial aircraft. Compared to its void counterpart, the Chelicerate still ranks as one of the less imposing sized Leviathans in the series.
How To Deal With Chelicerates
Chelicerates are persistent and territorial creatures that won’t hesitate to chase anything that threatens their territory. As a result, it can be challenging to avoid or escape these relentless giants. To handle Chelicerates effectively, players should consider moving through narrow passages or increasing their speed as much as possible. Unfortunately, if they don’t succeed in doing so, the only option left is to hope that the Chelicerate doesn’t spot them.
11. Reaper Leviathan
55 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 5000
- Damage: 80 (Player); 220 (Cyclops); 40-60 (Seamoth); 20-30 (Prawn Suit)
- Locations: Crash Zone, Dunes, Mountains
In the series, the terrifying Leviathan known as the Reaper continues to be one of the most fearsome creatures. This menacing beast serves as a constant warning for adventurers navigating the sea of 4546B, reminding them to tread carefully. Unfortunate or heedless individuals who cross paths with the Reaper Leviathan will find themselves against the formidable power of 4546B’s deadly predator.
In the underwater world of Subnautica, the Reaper Leviathan ranks as the second smallest among its aggressive kindred, measuring a formidable 55 meters in length – all muscle and menacing intent. This malevolent beast is roughly the size of the iconic Leaning Tower of Pisa, capable of crushing vehicles effortlessly due to its immense size. Despite being one of the deadliest Leviathans, it does not make it among the largest of its kind.
How To Deal With Reaper Leviathans
As a fan, I can tell you that Reaper Leviathans are fearsome beasts known for their relentless aggression and brutal attacks. To stay safe, it’s crucial to maintain a distance from these creatures, especially since they prefer the darker depths of the ocean. If you find yourself face-to-face with one of these leviathans, moving in a zigzag pattern is your best bet for evasion.
10. Shadow Leviathan
60 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 5000
- Damage: 75 (Player); 20-35 (Seatruck); 33-42 (Prawn Suit)
- Locations: Crystal Caves, Fabricator Caverns
In the series, the Shadow Leviathan stands out as one of the scariest creatures. Each aspect of its design is crafted to instill fear in players. The slender black body and jagged projections of the Shadow Leviathan are already quite scary, but its mouth is downright terrifying. This monstrous mouth is positioned beneath its body and features a glowing ribcage-like structure.
In the game Subnautica: Below Zero, the Shadow Leviathan ranks as the second most aggressive of its kind and is the tenth largest overall, stretching a whopping 60 meters long. This fearsome creature dwarfs a small soccer field and has the capacity to engulf your Seatruck without a second thought. Despite being one of the more terrifying Leviathans, it sits on the smaller end of the spectrum.
How To Deal With Shadow Leviathans
Menacing Shadow Behemoths feed on other leviathans and any players unlucky enough to be near them. Their ethereal maw can crush and devour almost anything, making them a formidable danger. To avoid these creatures, it’s best to stay in the deeper parts of the ocean where they cannot reach.
9. Reefback Leviathan
70 Meters

- Attitude: Passive
- Health: 10,000
- Damage: None
- Locations: Bulb Zone, Crag Field, Dunes, Grassy Plateaus, Mushroom Forest, Sparse Reef, Underwater Islands
The Reefback Leviathans are among the most cherished creatures in the series. Their tranquil nature and immense size make them one of the most awe-inspiring sights in Subnautica. Even experienced players find it hard not to marvel at schools of Reefback Leviathans. Moreover, these majestic creatures also serve as miniature ecosystems, living on their shells.
In the underwater world of Subnautica, the Reefback Leviathan stands out as the largest passive creature of its kind, belonging to the ninth-largest class. This robust beast measures an impressive 70 meters in length, equivalent to the size of the world’s biggest cargo planes. Due to their colossal size, adult Reefback Leviathans have no natural predators. However, it is worth noting that despite its immense dimensions, it ranks among the smaller species within the broader category of Leviathans.
How To Deal With Reefback Leviathans
As a film enthusiast captivated by the wonders of the universe I’ve explored, Reefback Leviathans are more than just colossal beings of tranquility. They offer invaluable resources and serve as a safe haven for Tiger Plants – flora that can be lethal to the unaware adventurer. So, it’s always wise to admire them from a distance and swiftly eliminate any Tiger Plants using a Survival Knife or Thermoblade to ensure safety.
8. Ice Worm
95 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: Unkillable
- Damage: Unknown; can instantly kill players and heavily damage the Snowfox
- Locations: Arctic Spires
Among its kind, the colossal Ice Worm Leviathan stands alone as the sole species that dwells entirely on land, specifically on the icy expanses of planet 4546B. This titanic beast excavates effortlessly through the frozen ice sheets using its extraordinarily hot horn. With this unique skill, it can swiftly surprise and capture prey lurking above the ice within seconds. The only known method to escape the Ice Worm’s grasp is by employing a Thumper, which momentarily diverts its attention.
In the underwater world of Subnautica: Below Zero, I’ve encountered a colossal creature known as the Ice Worm, which happens to be the most aggressive Leviathan of its kind. Remarkably, this subterranean beast stretches an impressive 95 meters – approximately the size of the iconic Big Ben clocktower. Its burrows are so vast that I can maneuver my Prawn Suit through them effortlessly. Despite being one of the largest Leviathans, it’s humbling to realize that there are still some even bigger ones out there.
How To Deal With Ice Worms
Ice Worms are exceptionally fierce creatures, unmatched in their aggression and having indestructible defenses, making them a challenging adversary. Yet, they aren’t invincible. The most effective method for handling Ice Worms is by using a device commonly called a Thumper. This gadget attracts the beast, giving players enough time to flee or gain a good head start.
7. Ghost Leviathan
107 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 8000
- Damage: 84 (Player); 42 (Seamoth); 14 (Prawn Suit); 250 (Cyclops)
- Locations: Crater Edge, Grand Reef, Northern Blood Kelp Zone
In many accounts, the Ghost Leviathan is considered one of the scariest sea-dwelling leviathans. Its ghostly, glowing form gives it an otherworldly aspect in the waters of 4546B. Even its skin is enough to send a shiver down your spine, but what hides beneath is truly chilling. Upon careful examination, players will discover that this creature boasts an impressive muscular structure underneath.
The Ghost Leviathan ranks third among aggressive Leviathans and seventh overall in size, boasting a sleek and long form spanning approximately 107 meters – roughly equivalent to a football field. Capable of obliterating submarines, this leviathan poses a significant danger. Although it is one of the larger individuals within its group, it is dwarfed by even larger counterparts.
How To Deal With Ghost Leviathans
Just as ominous and destructive as their name indicates, Ghost Leviathans are fierce creatures that can swiftly damage, overturn, or even obliterate the sturdiest vehicles. However, they typically take a moment to gather energy for an attack before retreating. The wisest course of action is to quickly change direction and avoid their path upon contact, thus escaping their assault and giving yourself time to escape.
6. Ventgarden
110 Meters

- Attitude: Passive
- Health: None
- Damage: None
- Locations: Tree Spires
On planet 4546B, the Ventgarden Leviathan is an extraordinary illustration of symbiotic relationships. This creature collaborates with the native plant life to thrive solely on a thermal vent. The Ventgarden’s translucent bell serves as a sanctuary for plants, shielding them from herbivores. In exchange, these plants aid the Leviathan in absorbing various metals and gases emanating from the thermal vent.
In terms of size, Ventgarden ranks as the largest passive creature in its franchise, belonging to the sixth largest class. Reaching a staggering 110 meters in height, it’s only slightly larger than the Ghost Leviathan. This colossal structure, resembling a plant nursery, is spacious enough for players to venture inside and discover its secrets.
5. Sea Dragon
112 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: 5000
- Damage:
- Bite: Instant Kill (Player); 10-20 (Prawn Suit). Swat – 40 (Player); 11 (Prawn Suit); 250 (Cyclops)
- Fire Breath: 12-72 (Player); 3-19 (Prawn Suit); 500 (Cyclops)
- Locations: Inactive Lava Zone, Lava Lakes
In the game ‘Subnautica’, the fearsome Sea Dragon Leviathan ranks as one of the most destructive creatures, surpassed only by the Sea Emperor. Equipped with a devastating arsenal that includes destroying precursor facilities and launching fireballs, this Leviathan is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Remarkably, even the seemingly invincible Reaper Leviathans are hunted as food by the mighty Sea Dragon.
The Sea Dragon is the second largest and aggressive type of leviathan, ranking fifth in overall size. When fully matured, it can stretch up to an astounding 112 meters, making it capable of handling any potential danger, including players and their vehicles. Despite being one of the larger Leviathans, it does not make the top three rankings.
How To Deal With Sea Dragons
Sea Dragons, famed for their danger and prestige within the franchise, exhibit extraordinary abilities unlike any other sea creature, making them a formidable adversary. Due to these exceptional capabilities, they are challenging to evade since they can attack from both short and long distances. Prudence suggests staying near confined areas and remaining vigilant against approaching fireballs when confronting them is the optimal strategy.
4. Frozen Leviathan
150 Meters

- Attitude: Aggressive
- Health: Unknown
- Damage: Unknown
- Locations: Glacial Basin
In the frigid depths of the waters in 4546B, there lies an unknown, extinct behemoth that was once frozen. This colossal creature is believed to have tumbled into the ice more than a millennium ago and is thought to be deceased. Despite extensive research by Alterra, little is understood about the Frozen Leviathan. Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly one of the largest creatures that ever inhabited 4546B.
The “Frozen Leviathan” is the third-largest extinct creature in its kind, and it ranks fourth among all known giants. Its body spans 70 meters, but with its tail added, it stretches to an impressive 150 meters – making the Frozen Leviathan larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. Scientists believe that the Frozen Leviathan’s species is now extinct because the current sea environment on our planet is no longer suitable for their survival.
3. Sea Emperor
200 Meters

- Attitude: Passive
- Health: None
- Damage: None
- Locations: Primary Containment Facility Aquarium
The Sea Emperor, a rare and nearly extinct type of giant sea creature called Leviathans, was largely wiped out due to the Kharaa bacterium eliminating their food supply. Few of these creatures remain, and most are believed to be dead. However, one individual seems immune to the Kharaa infection, and it was captured by the Precursors in an attempt to discover a cure. In the game Subnautica, players have the opportunity to assist this last Sea Emperor in hatching its eggs.
On planet 4546B, the Sea Emperor, a colossal sea creature, is known as the largest living being resembling a leviathan. However, it ranks third in terms of overall size. This magnificent beast measures an impressive 200 meters long, towering over all other life forms on the planet. Yet, unfortunately, the oceans of 4546B can no longer sustain creatures as massive as the Sea Emperor, potentially making its continued existence rare.
2. Ancient Skeleton
Unknown Size

- Attitude: Unknown
- Health: Unknown
- Damage: Unknown
- Locations: Lost River
On the alien world of 4546B, the skeleton of an ancient, armored beast – one of the extinct species known there – has piqued the curiosity of the Precursors. Although some aspects remain a mystery to us, this colossal creature may have been one of the largest ever to inhabit planet 4546B.
Although the exact location of the Ancient Skeleton is unclear, we do know it’s considerably larger than the Sea Emperor. The remains suggest that 95 meters of this creature were discovered, but it’s believed to be even larger. On planet 4546B, scientists predict that the Ancient Skeleton would dwarf any current living creature. Despite the uncertainty about its size, there’s no doubt that it wouldn’t be smaller than the largest Leviathan ever recorded.
1. Gargantuan Fossil Leviathan
1100-1500 Meters

- Attitude: Unknown
- Health: Unknown
- Damage: Unknown
- Locations: Lost River Bone Fields, Lost River Ghost Forest
On distant planet 4546B, the colossal Fossilized Behemoth is recognized as the largest extinct sea monster. Due to limited knowledge about this titan, it has sparked intrigue among Precursors and players alike. The only facts uncovered are that it resembled an enormous eel, and its surroundings exhibited unusual shifting phenomena. What’s certain is that it is the largest known Leviathan ever discovered on planet 4546B.
This Massive Fossilized Creature’s head dwarfs that of seven Giant Beasts. In its entirety, it stretches from approximately 1100 to 1500 meters long. To give you an idea, this colossal fossil is a whopping 672 meters larger than the world’s tallest building. It seems doubtful that any other creature roaming the planet 4546B could have been as large or perhaps even larger than the Gargantuan Fossil – thankfully so, for our sake.
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2025-01-05 04:35