Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters

As a seasoned player with over 10 years of Smash Bros experience under my belt, let me tell you that some characters in Ultimate are more frustrating than a game-losing lag spike. And believe me, I’ve seen plenty of those!

Enthusiasts of Nintendo can’t get enough of the Super Smash Bros. franchise. The latest addition, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, welcomes gamers to engage in combat with fresh characters and environments, while maintaining its classic charm. This battle game offers an exciting crossover experience where players can square off using their beloved Nintendo characters.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, you can discover and employ fresh characters along with unique abilities, whether you’re playing solo or teaming up with others. It’s incredibly fun! The game boasts a vast roster of characters, but some of them might not measure up to the more powerful ones.

With consistent training, it could be argued that virtually any character in the game could become a formidable fighter; however, it usually requires extensive effort and repetition. Typically, it proves simpler to select a character that suits your playing style right off the bat.

22 Jigglypuff

Lightweight And Thus Easier To K.O.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters

  • Originally appeared in Pokemon Red and Blue
  • Major Weaknesses: Easy to K.O., poor ground performance

Jigglypuff may look adorable, but it’s also quite delicate and its defense isn’t top-notch, making it susceptible to being pushed around effortlessly and knocked out quicker than many other characters in the game. Against skilled opponents who know how to put pressure on their foes and limit their opportunities to rest, Jigglypuff can be a significant handicap.

Among the few favorable aspects of this character lies its exceptional ability to maneuver through the air, making it possible for players to regain their footing in the battlefield even without mastery of complex techniques.

21 Ridley

Too Large And Slow

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In EarthBound
  • Major Weaknesses: Inferior to his counterpart, Lucas

One significant drawback for the character Ridley is its considerable size. Given its colossal dimensions, Ridley sports an oversized hitbox, making it simpler for opponents to connect attacks. Despite being quite sturdy in terms of weight class and not getting tossed around easily, Ridley remains vulnerable to swift combos. Moreover, Ridley’s recovery move is highly foreseeable compared to characters like Jigglypuff, and given its heft, it finds it more challenging to re-enter the battlefield when knocked out.

Overall, although Ridley’s substantial build gives him a greater ability to endure multiple attacks without being easily knocked over, his large stature also makes him an appealing mark for opponents.

20 Byleth

Not Even Close To Being One Of The Best Swordfighters In The Game

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  • Major Weaknesses: Boring and uninspired moveset

It could be argued that, due to the strong dislike many players expressed towards Byleth’s inclusion as a playable character in Smash Ultimate, it might appear they belong on a list of the least favored characters. The game already has a surplus of swordfighters, and introducing another one into the fray wasn’t necessarily the most strategic decision.

It was disappointing that Byleth’s moveset lacked distinctiveness and effectiveness, and there are far superior swordfighter characters to choose from within the game, which makes Byleth seem less significant in the context of the Smash universe.

19 Sora

Too Floaty And Sometimes Hard To Control Because Of This

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Kingdom Hearts
  • Major Weaknesses: Floaty movement, isn’t really all that strong in any department

The inclusion of Kingdom Hearts in Super Smash Bros. was undeniably a significant milestone for both franchises. Yet, it can’t be disputed that Sora, being the main character, is fairly ordinary and lacks exceptional skills in any particular area.

The issue lies in the fact that managing him isn’t very effective, making his movements during combat rather unstable. This instability, combined with other factors, results in a character that lacks excitement, often proving frustrating when controlling and facing in battle.

18 Pyra/Mythra

Bad Recovery Moves

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Xenoblade Chronicles 2
  • Major Weaknesses: Abysmal recovery that overshadows all her good qualities

As a devoted fan, I’d say that Xenoblade Chronicles stands tall as the crown jewel among JRPGs on Nintendo platforms. The second installment in this legendary series may have stirred up some varied opinions, but it certainly didn’t disappoint when it came to introducing unforgettable characters like Mythra and her alter ego, Pyra.

These characters may not be the hardest to manage, but their ability to recover is exceptionally poor. Even a well-timed attack causing them to tumble can easily cost an inexperienced gamer a precious life.

17 Ness

It’s Always Better To Choose Lucas

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In EarthBound
  • Major Weaknesses: Inferior to his counterpart, Lucas

Lucas and Ness may appear to be similar characters due to their shared move names, however, their differences run deep. While they share some moves, the mechanics and execution of these moves vary significantly for each character.

Generally speaking, Lucas is often viewed as the more formidable combatant compared to Ness, making him the preferred choice in most fights. Unfortunately for Ness, this leaves him underutilized due to his impressive speed.

16 Min Min

Terrible At Close-range After Being Nerfed

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In ARMS
  • Major Weaknesses: Has become a poor close-range fighter after being nerfed

At one point, Min Min was known for being one of the toughest opponents to face off against in Smash Bros. games. But after several adjustments or “nerfs,” her fighting ability has decreased significantly.

Consequently, Min Min’s performance in close-quarters combat has significantly declined, making her less exceptional compared to her past self. This decline has led to her being largely overlooked among the extensive cast of characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

15 King K. Rool

Telegraphed Attacks And Slow Speed Overall

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Donkey Kong Country
  • Major Weaknesses: Large size, slow attack/charge speed, telegraphed attacks

King K. Rool caused quite a stir upon his introduction in 2018, alongside several other characters, with many noticing the unique portrayal of Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong in the trailer. Nevertheless, when players find it challenging to execute his powerful moves in succession, he may be vulnerable against some of the least effective characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

In simpler terms, King K. Rool has a significant disadvantage due to his substantial size and sluggish speed. His most potent moves require ample time to build up power, leaving him vulnerable during preparation. Moreover, many of his attacks are predictable, allowing adversaries to anticipate his actions. Combine this with his bulky form and lethargic pace, it’s challenging for the standard version of King K. Rool to compete against D.K. effectively.

14 The Three Mii Variants

A Fun Addition To The Game, But Underwhelming Compared To Other Characters

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Super Smash Bros 4
  • Major Weaknesses: Unoriginality, lack of power compared to stronger counterparts

In Ultimate, Mii fighters are fascinating because they allow players to engage in combat using any Miis saved on their Switch, even customized ones that resemble characters from series not yet fully incorporated, such as the Dragonborn from Skyrim or Sans from Undertale.

The primary issue with the Mii Swordfighter, Brawler, and Gunner is their lack of uniqueness and comparatively lower power levels compared to standard characters. These characters seem to borrow aspects from other Ultimate characters in various ways, and while each Mii has a custom appearance, they don’t offer much that their inspirations can’t do more effectively.

13 Banjo and Kazooie

Large Hitbox Makes It Easy To Hit Them

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Banjo-Kazooie
  • Major Weaknesses: Heavy character, low range, awful air recovery

Among the unexpected additions to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Banjo and Kazooie were highly anticipated characters, with fans eagerly expecting a faithful representation of these iconic gaming figures. Regrettably, their performance in the game fell somewhat short of expectations.

In many games, they have a larger target area compared to other characters, making them more vulnerable. Furthermore, some of Banjo and Kazooie’s moves, like their air recovery, can be tricky to execute skillfully. However, professional players often pass on choosing them initially. Yet, those who put in the time to master the duo have shown that they are not as weak as some might assume.

12 Diddy Kong

Not As Powerful As He Was Once

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Donkey Kong Country
  • Major Weaknesses: Lack of power, Ultimate-specific nerfs

Diddy Kong has been a part of the Super Smash Bros. series since Super Smash Bros. Brawl with minimal modifications to his general move set. While Diddy Kong may lack in strength, he compensates with speed; however, this swiftness isn’t enough to make Donkey Kong’s smaller companion a reliable choice as a pick.

In the game titled Ultimate, Diddy Kong has undergone significant reductions, or nerfs, in multiple areas such as his speed, range, and ability to defeat opponents swiftly. His unique move set sets him apart from other characters in the game, but due to these changes, many players view him as the least effective character in Super Smash Bros, making him the least powerful Smash Bros character.

11 Pac-Man

Terrible Grab And Poor Side Smash Attacks

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Pac-Man
  • Major Weaknesses: Lengthy combos, slow smashes, worst grab in the game

In terms of competitive rankings, Pac-Man is often deemed as the least effective character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. However, among casual players, he’s widely recognized as one of the most enjoyable characters to control. His grab is weak, his side smashes move at a snail’s pace, his Fruit attacks can be easily countered, and he requires intricate combo sequences to excel – yet, despite being an iconic figure, many experienced players still view him as the least favorable Smash Bros. Ultimate character.

Similar to King K. Rool and Diddy Kong, Pac-Man’s distinct skill set lends itself well to casual gaming. However, this doesn’t mean that skilled players can’t effectively use Pac-Man in tournaments. In fact, mastering a character often considered inferior can be an effective strategy against pros who have grown accustomed to the standard meta.

10 Isabelle

Cute, But Not At All Powerful

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Animal Crossing
  • Major Weaknesses: Worse than the comparable Animal Crossing villager, lack of power overall

In the realm of gaming, while Animal Crossing is undeniably charming, it’s unrealistic to envision any of its characters, including Isabelle, becoming a formidable fighter in the Smash series. The reason Isabelle may seem less compelling as a character stems from this disparity.

It’s because she’s seen as more disliked than a less popular character from Animal Crossing named Villager that some people believe she is the most disliked character in Smash Bros. Players who aim to avoid humiliating defeats are advised to stay clear of this particular character.

9 Robin

Unimpressive Moveset And Weaker Overall Than Other Fire Emblem Characters

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Major Weaknesses: Uninspired move set, weakness compared to other Fire Emblem characters

In the game known as Smash, there are far too many swordfighters, an issue that resonates with many players. Consequently, it’s likely that some characters will fall flat and won’t be popular among fans.

Robin is a character who struggles due to having a less impressive move set compared to many other Fire Emblem characters, making them more appealing to play with. In the world of Super Smash Bros., very few players who value their skills would opt for this character during battle.

8 Ganondorf

Slow And Predictable Attacks

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Ganon was in the original Legend of Zelda)
  • Major Weaknesses: Slow and easily avoided attacks compared to Captain Falcon, who has almost the same moveset

Ganondorf is a formidable antagonist with no contest. However, it doesn’t make him the ideal choice for use in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. In his Ocarina of Time persona, he’s often considered one of the least powerful among the roster, making gameplay less effective compared to other characters.

Instead of using his sword as his primary weapon, Ganondorf lacks a diverse repertoire of moves, which leaves him open to attacks. Moreover, his sword often proves ineffective against stronger adversaries, making him one of the less favorable Super Smash Bros characters throughout his multiple appearances.

7 Donkey Kong

His Attacks Leave Him Open To Being Hit Repeatedly

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Donkey Kong
  • Major Weaknesses: Size, attacks that leave D.K. open, and long charge-up time for many smashes

It’s regrettable that despite Donkey Kong having great potential, he turned out to be one of the weakest characters in the Super Smash Bros series. While his raw strength can be useful, the trade-offs in terms of safety make him quite frustrating to control.

For those opting for this character, it’s crucial to master the timing of using their unique abilities tactfully. If not, Donkey Kong becomes vulnerable to repeated hits, a situation that can be quite disheartening.

6 Little Mac

Bad Air Recovery And Imprecise Movements

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Punch-Out!
  • Major Weaknesses: Extremely imprecise movements, terrible air recovery, reliance on ground-based fighting

It’s possible that Mike Tyson is considering creating a new Punch-Out!! game, yet it’s widely acknowledged among players that Little Mac isn’t the strongest character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Despite being one of the most renowned boxers in video games, many consider him to be the weakest character in the game.

In the game Super Smash Bros Ultimate, while Little Mac can handle himself well on the ground, he’s limited in terms of moves compared to other characters. Consequently, these characters inflict more damage. On a relaxed gaming day, Little Mac is enjoyable to play with. However, for serious players aiming for intense battles, it might be wiser to avoid using him altogether.

5 Incineroar

Good Throws, But Slow Movement And Bad Recovery

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Pokemon Sun and Moon versions
  • Major Weaknesses: Slow movement speed, bad air recovery, but good throws

As a passionate fan, I can’t help but feel a pang of disillusionment when one of my highly anticipated characters doesn’t quite live up to expectations in the heat of battle. And let me tell you, finding myself saddled with Incineroar wasn’t exactly the turn of events I had hoped for!

Instead of rushing forward at an appalling speed, this wrestling Pokemon unleashes a thrilling Alolan Whip and other forceful throws, but it’s challenging for players to execute these moves due to its poor run speed. Its bulky sides often result in opponents being juggled continuously until the Pokemon’s dismal recovery tosses them into the danger zone.

4 Dr. Mario

Few Combos And Many Are Underwhelming

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Dr. Mario
  • Major Weaknesses: Bad recovery, lack of combos, worse than vanilla Mario

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve gotta say, it’s great to see Dr. Mario back in action, but his performance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just doesn’t seem to live up to the hype. No matter how much we love him, Mario’s charm is undeniable. In the good old days of Super Smash Bros. Melee, Dr. Mario was not only a fan favorite, but he was also a character that could hold his own in competitive play. However, it seems like he’s taken a bit of a tumble and isn’t as viable in today’s competitive scene.

Users may grow aggravated due to his sluggish recoveries, frequently ending up in danger zones instead of returning to the playing field. If you’re into combos, Dr. Mario is more likely to be on the receiving end than dishing them out in future highlight reels. Overall, his slow pace makes him a challenging and frustrating character to master.

3 Ice Climbers

Nerfed Beyond Recognition Over The Years

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: The Worst Characters
  • Originally Appeared In Ice Climber
  • Major Weaknesses: Not very effective as a duo team, Ultimate-specific nerfs compared to previous entries

Interestingly, the Ice Climbers experienced a decrease in power between Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Ultimate. Regrettably, this change has made them less effective characters to use in combat. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, they no longer collaborate as smoothly as they did before.

If one of the pair is engaging an adversary, the other essentially becomes incapable of action. At this stage, it’s almost as if there’s only one combatant left. The Ice Climbers deliver minimal damage collectively in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, leading some to deem them suboptimal choices for that particular game.

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2024-09-26 23:45