Tales of the Shire is everything I wanted it to be | Hands-on preview

Tales of the Shire is everything I wanted it to be | Hands-on preview

As a lifelong fan of Middle Earth and its enchanting inhabitants, I have eagerly awaited my chance to immerse myself in the peaceful, idyllic world of the Shire. From the moment I set foot (or rather, padded) in Bywater as a newly-minted hobbit, I was instantly captivated by the game’s heartwarming simplicity and charming authenticity.

From reading The Lord of the Rings as a child to watching the incredible trilogy, I have always shared an affinity with the hobbits. Their love of food and finding the simple joys in life to their passion for those they hold dear and their unwavering loyalty to friends and family, I often felt at home while adventuring with Frodo, Sam, Pippen, and Merry. Tales of the Shire takes those core concepts of a hobbit’s personality and puts it into a game that allows you to finally feel like a part of something that instantly cleanses the soul.

After crafting your own hobbit character and naming it, you’ll meet a well-known wizard. Following this conversation, you’ll find yourself as the proprietor of a house in Bywater. From the outset, Tales of the Shire reveals its nature – a game that embraces simplicity. Your role is primarily to transform a dwelling into a home, but there’s also the pleasure of basking in the sunlit fields and the camaraderie of the town’s residents.

Tales of the Shire is everything I wanted it to be | Hands-on preview

Although I haven’t spent much time with it yet, the sneak peek has given me a clear picture of what to anticipate when I start playing around its official launch date next year. The initial training levels equipped me with a fishing rod to catch various fish scattered throughout Hobbiton, allowing me to either keep them or set them free again. Moreover, I was able to cultivate my own potatoes in my garden, watering them over time to witness their growth as days go by. These activities are quite simple but provide an opportunity to immerse myself in the game’s atmosphere, as it doesn’t demand much from the player.

In Bywater, the stunning sun shines brightly, casting light upon the verdant fields and blossoming flowers, giving off an atmosphere reminiscent of the early pages of The Fellowship of the Ring, emphasizing nature’s profound impact on a hobbit’s life. I encountered various individuals, whether in The Green Dragon pub or by the riverbank with old man Noakes. Engaging with each character reveals their unique personalities, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the exciting lifestyle that awaits among the hobbits.

Building fellowships with other hobbits is important to Tales of the Shire, and the best way to do so is by cooking luxurious and hearty meals at your home. You can gather or purchase ingredients, and acquire a range of recipes from plenty of different places, and making meals as scrummy as possible will help you to make friends and maintain those relationships as best you can. Doing so is once again, a relatively easy task, preparing the ingredients then dumping them in a pot, but it’s how you prepare the table and sit down with friends that gives it a personal touch.

Tales of the Shire is everything I wanted it to be | Hands-on preview

The Shire appears vast yet charming, already discovering stunning spots within it. Although the camera angles could be more balanced and navigation marks could use refinement, the feeling of awe and adventure is captivating. I’ve spent countless hours straying from the usual routes to admire the breathtaking landscapes, and I eagerly anticipate establishing my life in Bywater, enjoying second breakfasts and hosting gatherings for all my companions.

As a devoted fan, I’m thrilled about Tales of the Shire. It’s like stepping into a peaceful haven where the complexities and chores of other life sims are nowhere to be found. Instead, it invites you to savor the delightful moments with the hobbits, creating a tranquil experience that’s free from present-day frustrations. With time for fine-tuning minor issues and promising further development until release, this game seems destined to become an enchanting treasure trove for enthusiasts of life simulation games and Lord of the Rings fans alike.

Tales of the Shire: A Lord of the Rings Game is coming in 2025.

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2024-09-23 10:46