The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize Basic Challenges for easy CP points (3,200 total).
  • Complete Professional Agent Challenge for the powerful Handcannon.
  • Aim for Mission Accomplished S+ Challenge for Deer Antlers – boosts melee combat.

As someone who’s spent countless hours navigating the twisted corridors of the Umbrella Corporation, I must say that the Challenges in the Resident Evil 4 remake are nothing short of exhilarating! Each one offers unique rewards that can significantly change your gameplay experience.

In the reimagined version of Resident Evil 4, there are more than 100 Challenges that players might find themselves struggling to manage while deciding what’s worth investing time and effort into. A common question among gamers is which Challenges offer the most value. To help answer this, the following list presents top-rated Challenges in the RE4 remake based on their rewards. By focusing on these objectives first, newcomers can unlock significant items quickly and improve their experience during New Game Plus runs.

Resident Evil 4 Challenge Tier List

Tier Challenge
S Leon “S+” Kennedy, Revolution Wind-Up
A Mission Accomplished S+, S+ Rank Investigator,
B Basic Challenges, Professional Agent

6 All Basic Challenges

Reward: Easy Completion Points

The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • How to Complete: Depends on the Challenge

In the RE4 remake, Basic Challenges offer an efficient method for players to gather early Combat Points (CP). These tasks are often accomplished organically as players advance in the game’s narrative because they are associated with essential game mechanics such as crafting or trading.

Players will be able to accumulate a significant amount of CP (up to 3,200) by finishing all the fundamental tasks, which are generally straightforward to accomplish due to their basic nature.

It’s recommended that players hold onto their CP (Currency Points) because they will be essential for unlocking bonus weapons as the game progresses.

5 Professional Agent

Reward: Handcannon

The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • How to Complete: Beat the game on Professional without Bonus Guns in a new save file, not NG+.

Finishing the Professional Agent task awards players with the privilege to wield one of the top-tier weapons in the game: the Revolver. Known for its tremendous force, the Revolver could prove highly beneficial when confronting final-stage foes, especially on challenging modes.

Players also have the option to obtain this weapon by earning an S rank on every map within the Mercenaries. This approach could be advantageous for experienced players, as it usually requires less than an hour if they’re already well-versed in the maps and gameplay of the Mercenaries mode.

4 Mission Accomplished S+

Reward: Deer Antlers

  • How to Complete: Get an S+ rank on the Standard difficulty.

Overcoming the Mission Accomplished Plus Challenge in the Resident Evil 4 remake isn’t a walk in the park, but the Deer Antlers accessory you earn is definitely worth the struggle. The Deer Antlers significantly increase Leon’s close combat damage, which, although not essential in a game primarily centered on shooting, can be extremely advantageous for experienced players. In tougher difficulty levels where ammunition and resources are limited, this accessory can be a real game-changer.

Players who primarily rely on gunfights may find this Challenge less relevant. However, those who frequently use Leon’s parrying and stealth kill abilities will greatly appreciate the added boost to melee combat provided by the Deer Antlers.

3 S+ Rank Investigator

Reward: Chicken Hat

  • How to Complete: Get an S+ rank on the Hardcore difficulty.

In the remake of RE4, many tasks award players with Combat Points (CP). However, certain objectives also grant unique accessories that come with special power-ups. For instance, the Chicken Hat is a prize for finishing the S+ Rank Investigator Challenge. Once worn, the Chicken Hat greatly decreases the damage received from enemies, making the player resistant to most attacks, albeit not entirely immune; it only provides minimal protection against serious hazards like chainsaw injuries.

Beyond its useful features, the Chicken Hat also brings a dash of comedy to the grim game environment. It’s a fantastic accessory for gamers who often utilize the photo mode, resulting in some laugh-out-loud photos.

In another interpretation, the Chicken Hat might pay tribute to a comparable item from “Metal Gear Solid 5”, as this accessory assisted gamers in conquering difficult enemy strongholds.

2 Leon “S+” Kennedy

Reward: Cat Ears

The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • How to Get: Get an S+ rank on the Professional difficulty.

In the game Resident Evil 4, Cat Ears might just be the most beneficial addition to your gear. They offer an unlimited ammo supply for all weapons apart from the Rocket Launcher. This handy tool proves extremely useful in subsequent playthroughs, notably reducing the time spent on each chapter during New Game Plus mode. It’s a godsend for speedrunners and those chasing records or time-based achievements.

Keep in mind that while Leon’s Cat Ears are a cool addition to his look, they don’t expand the ammo capacity of his weapons. This means he’ll still need to reload his guns from time to time, even though he has an infinite supply of ammunition. The reloading process can take some time due to this, but there are ways to streamline it. Players could aim to maximize each weapon’s magazine capacity or opt for machine guns with larger clips. For instance, the Chicago Sweeper works particularly well with this accessory.

1 Revolution Wind-Up

Reward: Primal Knife

The Best Challenges to Complete First in Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • How to Complete: Destroy all 16 Clockwork Castellans (There’s one in each Chapter.)

In the remake of Resident Evil 4, the toughest hurdle lies in mastering the Revolution Wind-Up. To achieve this, players must demolish 16 clockwork enemies known as Castellans to claim the highly sought-after Primal Knife. This knife is the rarest blade in the game and can be acquired only after finishing the campaign at least once.

As a gamer, I’ve come across some pretty unique weapons, but none quite like the Primal Knife. Unlike other blades, this one has the amazing ability to become indestructible. The recent update introduced a new maintenance system, which means that knives can now get damaged and need regular repairs, adding them to the list of weapons that require upkeep. But fear not, once the Primal Knife is fully upgraded, it transforms into an everlasting blade that never breaks. This fantastic feature allows me to counter enemy attacks indefinitely, ensuring I’m never caught off guard by chainsaw assaults. It’s a must-have tool for any dedicated player like myself.

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2024-09-02 16:34