The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

As a long-time Destiny 2 player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring and mastering various Crucible maps throughout my journey. Among these, there are a few that truly stand out due to their unique design and gameplay dynamics.

In Destiny 2, The Crucible is a location with complex feelings towards it – some players despise it while others cherish it. Two key factors influence this sentiment: the current meta and the available maps in rotation. Regrettably, for an extended period, no new PVP maps were introduced until Recently, Into the Light brought us three fresh maps: Cirrus Plaza, Eventide Labs, and Dissonance. However, even with their visually stunning designs, it’s essential to ask if the experience of playing on them is truly enjoyable.

As a long-time Crucible player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I understand that ranking Crucible maps is no easy feat. My personal preference for a map can vary greatly depending on the game mode. For instance, when it comes to 6v6 Control matches, I’ve always had a soft spot for Dusty Depot. The layout suits my playstyle with its open spaces and multiple vantage points, allowing me to pick off enemies from afar or engage in close-quarters combat with ease.

10 Cirrus Plaza

A New Neomuna-Themed Map Excellent For Close-Range Chaos

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

When I composed this text, Cirrus Plaza had been active for around a week. Consequently, it’s premature to provide an exhaustive evaluation. However, one thing is certain – the vibrant, colorful, arcade and shopping mall-themed Neomuna map created by Cirrus Plasmas looks stunning. It offers a refreshing change from larger maps such as Disjunction that prioritize extended-range combat and may not appeal to all players.

At Cirrus Plaza, there’s a main area with ample space, yet the remainder of the layout features narrow corners, ideal for swift and aggressive gameplay. You’ll want to equip yourself with a shotgun or submachine gun for this map, while staying alert at every turn. With the popularity of weapons like these among players, Cirrus Plaza might just become a beloved map in the game.

9 Vostok

Players Either Hate It Or Love It

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

I’ve had the chance to explore a few maps in my gaming career, and Vostok is one that elicits strong reactions. It’s not for everyone, that much is clear. For some, the sight of its snowy, windswept summit brings a sense of excitement and adventure. They relish the challenge of setting up camp in the harsh conditions, and find joy in the strategic advantages offered by long-range sniping positions.

In the heart of this map, there’s a cozy hollow area which caters perfectly to gamers who prefer an intimate gaming experience. It also offers a concealed refuge from enemy positions perched atop higher grounds, saving players from being picked off by snipers and long-range weapon users stationed afar. Essentially, this map is primarily suited for mid to long-distance gameplay enthusiasts.

8 Convergence

A Map That Suffers In Control, But Is Brilliant In 3V3

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

On Vex-themed Crucible map named Convergence, six players engage in intense battles. Due to its compact size and tight layout, the action can become chaotic, leaving players feeling like they’re being repeatedly killed and respawning near the mid area, only to face more destruction once again.

As a gamer in a 3v3 match, I find Convergence particularly exhilarating. The two primary paths leading to the central area and the heavy ammo drop at the waterfall create an adrenaline rush during Trials. Snipers prefer the cliffside for their long-range advantage, while close and mid-range combat is the preferred choice on the waterfall side. Controlling the mid-area in this smaller team fight is always a heart-pumping experience due to the reduced number of players.

7 The Anomaly

A Classic Map That Works Well In 3V3s And With Close-Range Playstyles

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

As a Moon exploration enthusiast, I’d describe the Anomaly as follows: Nestled on the lunar surface, this peculiarity is perfect for thrilling 3vs3 engagements. It boasts a central zone with confined corners, yet offers a panoramic view of space in its circular design. Here, an intriguing blend of tactics unfolds – both long-range sniping and close-quarter shotgunning can be effective, making for exciting encounters.

Outside of the central mid-region, there are plenty of opportunities for exciting gameplay. The outlying corridors offer more room and can benefit players looking to establish flanking positions or disrupt an enemy’s defense if they have camped in one spot. In summary, the map provides a good mix of areas and isn’t excessively large, resulting in frequent player interactions.

6 The Dead Cliffs

Another Favorite For 3V3 And Trials

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

An alternate map with an ideal size for strategic positioning is Dead Cliffs. Long-range players can take advantage of its well-placed corners and clear sightlines for sneaky snipes. The central pillar, where heavy ammo typically drops, serves as a significant focal point for intense team battles. Additionally, the cliffside areas themselves are frequently contested grounds.

Paraphrasing: In this area, using a shotgun could be more challenging if players aren’t certain about advancing into firing range without getting taken down. The medium and long ranges are excellent options here, but they don’t seem as overwhelming as in Vostok because snipers must carefully aim along a specific line of sight to hit their targets and have limited visibility of their surroundings.

5 Endless Vale

Excellent Map For 6V6 That Favors Many Playstyles

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

As a fan of Vex and Endless Vale, I’ve noticed that this map borders on being too cramped for 6v6 matches. For those who aren’t fond of the frenetic chaos, it can feel quite claustrophobic. Personally, I prefer playing in 3v3 where the classic middle peek at the beginning of each round carries a higher risk of getting sniped, making the gameplay more thrilling but also less overwhelming for some players.

As a gamer, I’d describe Endless Vale as having an engaging mix of strategic spots for both teams. There are three circular arenas in the heart of the map that call for close-quarters combat. Long-range weapons like snipers might have the upper hand in these areas and at the cliff-side points, making it challenging for shotgunners to excel.

4 Rusted Lands

A Great 6V6 Map With Fast-Paced Gameplay Due To Limited Space

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

At the Rusted Lands in 6V6, gameplay is ensured to be brisk and thrilling. Reaching opponents won’t require an excessive amount of time, and extensive viewlines are obstructed by an ample supply of concealment. Consequently, shotgun enthusiasts and those drawn to mid-range hand cannon confrontations have a wealth of possibilities.

As a gamer, I don’t mind the compact size of the Crucible maps. Sometimes, it even adds to the excitement as I might spawn right next to an enemy or even behind them. It’s all about adapting and thriving in the chaos of this intense multiplayer arena.

3 The Burnout

Indoor And Outdoor Differences Allow Players To Favor Their Own Playstyle In 3V3

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

Some well-designed maps feature three key areas where pressure is applied, catering to various playstyles. In the case of “burnout,” this map excels with two enclosed interior zones that work effectively in both 6 vs. 6 and 3 vs. 3 game modes. Players who prefer close-quarters combat over long-range skirmishes can employ a strategy focused on controlling these areas, making it an attractive option for those less fond of outdoor engagements.

As a gamer in the 3V3 arena, I can tell you that the setup remains consistent. We face off against opposing teams with an arrangement that allows us to pick our preferred strategies. You can attempt sneak attacks from the sides, where cover might be available, or go all out in the center, right under the towering Vex pillar. It’s all about choosing the best approach for your team and executing it effectively.

2 Altar Of Flame

A Straightforward 6V6 Map With A Highly Contested Middle Area

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but express my admiration for maps that truly stand out, and none are more iconic in their mid arenas than the Altar of Flame. In six versus six matches, this map offers a delightful experience with its linear design, where the boundaries between teams are clear as day. Three distinct push points cater to various playstyles, allowing both close-range and long-range players to find their perfect fit.

Capturing and maintaining the central position in Control is notoriously challenging because it offers natural concealment. It takes cooperation among team members to push forward and displace the opposing team. With bulky, fortified playstyles commonly employed in the Crucible, this task can become aggravating. However, there are numerous advantageous vantage points and protective hideaways scattered throughout the map, making it an inviting battleground for novices to PVP experiences.

1 Javelin-4

The Ultimate Map Without Excess Space, And Works For Both 3V3 And 6V6

The Best Crucible Maps In Destiny 2

In Destiny 2, Javelin-4 is highly favored by many players due to its diverse offerings. Similar to Altar of Flame, this map features approximately three distinct zones that cater to various play styles. The interior region is rich in concealment, while the central area ignites excitement for both close-quarters and long-range combat.

For beginners learning to be snipers, the exterior aspect offers an ideal setting. Additionally, it provides opportunities for stealthy side attacks, particularly beneficial in game modes featuring three teams (3V3).

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2024-07-18 06:54