The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Key Takeaways

  • Killers can use Memento Moris in
    Dead By Daylight
    instead of hooking Survivors to sacrifice them.
  • Some Moris are more elaborate than others; style and gore ratings vary among Killers.
  • Players have their favorite Moris, with some being more gory, stylish, or creepy than others.

As a seasoned survivor of countless horror games and a dedicated fanatic of “Dead by Daylight”, I must say that each of these Moris hold a unique charm that speaks volumes about their respective killers.

As a gamer immersed in the chilling world of “Dead By Daylight”, I’ve found an intriguing twist that adds a layer of depth to my gameplay: the Memento Mori. When survivors are on the death hook, instead of hooking them again for sacrifice, I can opt for a more personal touch – a direct kill by my own hand. This grim ritual serves as a stark reminder of their impending doom at The Entity’s hands.

In the world of “Dead By Daylight”, every player tends to favor a particular Mori, and some Survivors may even request to be “Mori’d” as the game nears its end. Over time, these Memento Moris have grown increasingly intricate and gruesome. So, which ones stand out among the rest in this game?

37 The Pig

Amanda’s Very Basic Mori

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

The simple slices and thrusts from the Pig’s attack are rather unimpressive compared to those of the others, lacking any distinctive style or flair. A more fear-inducing approach would be beneficial, perhaps by employing her ambush tactics and reverse bear traps instead. There is room for improvement in this attack method; a revision could make it as potent as some of the newer ones.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 0/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

36 The Trapper

What, No Trap?!

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Instead of the traditional Trapper’s method involving only swift attacks with his weapon, it’s more engaging when Naughty Bear employs his special move by hurling the Survivor into a waiting bear trap. To make Trapper’s mori more appealing and authentic, perhaps incorporating the use of his traps would be an exciting update.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 0/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

35 The Wraith

A Quick Bludgeoning

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

The Wraith’s effectiveness could be enhanced by making use of his Wailing Bell. A scarier approach would be for him to stealthily approach the Survivor from behind, unveil himself, and attack instead of using a quick, short Mori. This Mori seems brief and doesn’t demonstrate the full extent of the Wraith’s abilities.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 0/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

34 The Hillbilly

Expected More From That Chainsaw

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

In this scenario, there’s no easy way for the swift assassin to strike quickly. Instead, The Hillbilly takes pleasure in his tasks and occasionally pauses to appreciate a job well executed. To add some flair, he could make a dramatic entrance by roaring onto the screen with a chainsaw as seen in “Dead By Daylight.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 1/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

33 The Skull Merchant

A Lackluster Attempt

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

The Vendor of Skulls adds an unsettling blend of playful and lethal charm to her mori, yet it might benefit from additional drones. Her method of silently approaching the Survivor from behind is captivating. Regrettably, her ultimate kill could use a touch more style as it appears somewhat monotonous.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 1/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

32 Legion

The Lone Legion

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Redefining the phrase for better readability: A single, tedious yet brutal slaughter from The Legion could benefit significantly if other members were included in the rampage. After all, they are called The Legion because they work best when united, so having the entire group present to finally eliminate the Survivor would be ideal.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

31 The Shape

Not Gory Enough

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Michael Myers’ design is straightforward yet engaging, and numerous players adore it. Regrettably, it lacks the necessary gore for some. The chilling gaze of The Shape into a Survivor’s eyes is extremely unsettling, but there simply aren’t enough blood splatters to satisfy.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 2/5

30 The Twins

Two Moris In One

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

In this game, you have the option to play as either Charlotte or Victor while enacting the mori. Both scenarios involve a touch of gore, but Victor’s version carries a more unsettling atmosphere than Charlotte’s. However, neither is particularly thrilling. Amongst the two siblings, Victor’s performance is bloodier and has a more distinct style overall.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

29 The Huntress

Angry Hatchets

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

If the Huntress had hurled a couple of axes, it would have made for an excellent kill, albeit quite gory. However, it could use more intensity and violence to truly convey her fury to the players.

  • Gore: 3/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

28 The Nemesis

Nemesis SMASH!

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

In a chilling manner, The Nemesis grasps the Hapless Survivor using one of its long, eerie tentacles. Then, with an earth-shaking thud, it delivers a crushing blow by slamming the Survivor onto the ground with a devastating stomp. This scene is certainly gory, but it could be expanded to incorporate his hordes of zombies somehow for a more intense experience.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

27 The Nightmare

A Gory Bedtime Story

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Straight from your most terrifying dreams emerges Freddy Krueger. This mortar board carries a hint of “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” enhancing the chilling atmosphere. It’s worth considering that The Nightmare could be expanded, delving deeper into Freddy’s unique abilities to make it even more thrilling.

  • Gore: 3/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

26 The Nurse

She Will Take Your Breath Away

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

In a different phrasing:

  • Gore: 0/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 2/5

25 The Dredge

Taken By The Darkness

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

This mori, or scene, in “The Dredge” isn’t already terrifying, but could be made more so with a touch of increased horror elements. The appeal of “The Dredge’s” mori stems from its unsettling and creepy atmosphere. As the Survivor succumbs, they are enveloped by the perpetual darkness that defines The Dredge.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 2/5
  • Creepiness: 3/5

24 The Trickster

A True Showman

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

This Mori is ideally suited for the Trickster; it’s quite violent yet extremely fashionable. It could benefit from a touch more gory details. He executes his Mori with panache, tossing his signed photo onto the unfortunate Survivor as a tribute to Johnny Cage, hinting at the final move.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 4/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

23 The Good Guy

It’s Playtime!

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Just as you’d anticipate from Chucky and Tiffany, this mori is gruesomely violent and belligerent! The standout features are their voice lines and the final kick to the corpse. Regrettably, both Killers share the same mori; it would have been intriguing to witness how uniquely they might have executed it.

  • Gore: 3/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

22 The Mastermind

The Man Of Many Glasses

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

In this scenario, the Mastermind’s mori features the Survivor retaliating, only to fail. Wesker thrusts his tentacles into the ground, causing them to spread and pierce the Survivor, thus ending their life. While it could be more graphic, the move itself is commendable.

  • Gore: 2/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

21 The Demogorgon

Don’t Pet That Dawg

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

The hauntingly grotesque habitat of Demogorgon perfectly suits its wild nature. With a terrifying screech and swift leap, the Demogorgon devours the Survivor’s head in a single bite. A more intense scene could be achieved if the Survivor’s head appeared to have already been bitten off following the attack.

  • Gore: 3/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 0/5

20 The Xenomorph

She Will Blow Your Mind

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but admire the majestic Xenomorph and its unique ability – the double-headed creature that strikes with a chilling precision, sampling Survivor brain in the process. This skill aligns perfectly with the Xenomorph’s ominous persona, offering a decent dose of gore. However, to elevate this terrifying scene, I believe incorporating the Xenomorph scuttling across the ceiling for an initial jumpscare would significantly intensify the Survivor’s experience.

  • Gore: 4/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

19 The Doctor

He’s Electrifying

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

This is a typical move for a classic “Dead By Daylight” Killer, namely The Doctor. He excels at draining the life from an unaware Survivor. The gruesome execution concludes with a chilling gaze fixed on the Survivor’s frightened face.

  • Gore: 1/5
  • Style: 4/5
  • Creepiness: 1/5

18 The Spirit

She’s A Scream

The Best Dead By Daylight Moris

Those who have survived might truly sense the wrath of the entity in this place. It’s bloodstained, malicious, and eerie – qualities that perfectly match the entity. If only there were more echoes of its furious outbursts, it would be even more fitting.

  • Gore: 3/5
  • Style: 3/5
  • Creepiness: 2/5

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2024-09-22 06:34