The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami

Key Takeaways

  • Keep Kiryu’s equipment up-to-date to avoid absorbing too much damage from enemies’ stronger attacks.
  • Purchase the Tour T-Shirt at Ebisu Pawn to knock enemies down when Kiryu falls, adding a hilarious twist to combat.
  • Acquire the Dragon Mail at the Shrine for better defensive stats and resistance to bullets, facilitating Kiryu’s battles.

As someone who’s spent countless hours battling my way through the gritty streets of Kamurocho and beyond, I can confidently say that the equipment in Yakuza Kiwami is nothing short of a godsend. One piece of armor that truly stands out for me is the Makoto Surcoat.

Yakuza Kiwami offers an overhauled version of Kiryu’s initial journey into the world of yakuza. It remains true to the main storyline while infusing it with numerous amusing and heartwarming side activities that are characteristic of the series. The combat is incredibly satisfying, but remember to regularly update your gear for optimal play.

As the game progresses, opponents grow tougher and carry more powerful weapons. If players neglect to boost Kiryu’s defenses significantly, he might sustain excessive damage from certain attacks eventually. Players can only pause for healing so often before they run out of restoratives or interrupt the rhythm of the fight.

8 Tour T-Shirt

Special Effect: Enemies Fall If They Knock Kiryu Down

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 30,000 yen
  • Location: Ebisu Pawn in the Finale

As I progressed through Yakuza Kiwami, I found myself getting better at avoiding takedowns in fights. Mastering the art of dodging and blocking became essential to my survival, but even so, there were times when a formidable foe or a powerful combo would knock Kiryu down.

In the final act, players visiting the pawn shop can acquire an item that retaliates against enemies who dishonor Kiryu so rudely. The Tour T-Shirt offers respectable defense stats, but its standout feature is that it causes both Kiryu and his foes to be knocked down if Kiryu loses balance, providing a comical method of payback for enemies who believe they’re in control.

7 Wild Shirt

Special Effect: Damage Enemies Who Hit Kiryu

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 60,000 Coliseum Points
  • Location: Substory #50 (Searching for the Present) & Coliseum in the Finale

In Yakuza Kiwami, it’s simpler in theory than in practice to dodge damage, especially towards the game’s end, as enemies become unyielding and equipped with advanced weaponry. Kiryu will undeniably take a few blows, but since there are no restrictions on healing items, players shouldn’t encounter too many challenges when confronting these adversaries.

If players desire to retaliate against Kiryu’s enemies for daring to harm the Dragon of Dojima, they have two options: finish a specific side-mission or accumulate points in the Coliseum to obtain the Wild Shirt. This outfit increases the damage Kiryu inflicts back onto his attacker, creating amusing scenarios where opponents can perish from a single wild punch.

6 Dragon Shirt

Special Effect: Resistance To Many Things & Bonus Experience Gain

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 10 CP
  • Location: Shrine

The Dragon gear is one of the top choices for armor that players can obtain, provided they have enough CP available. Compared to similar items in its class, the cost of the shirt is somewhat lower, but the benefits it offers are substantial.

If Kiryu requires extensive practice to acquire additional abilities, then having the extra edge provided by the Dragon Shirt is a significant advantage. Additionally, players will appreciate the added protection it offers against all types of damage, making encounters with increasingly complex enemy attacks more manageable.

5 Dragon’s Binding

Special Effect: Reduces Heat Loss From Being Attacked

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 15 CP
  • Location: Shrine

In most instances, it’s heat that fuels the extraordinary moves in the game ‘Yakuza Kiwami’. Launching these dynamic attacks provides an enjoyable experience as adversaries begin to grasp why Kiryu is someone to fear and respect.

In the event Kiryu is assaulted, he forfeits a precious asset, but the Dragon’s Binding gear can significantly reduce this Heat loss. This equipment allows players to aggressively attack opponents without fear of their Heat gauge draining excessively due to enemy attacks.

4 Chain Shirt

Special Effect: Resistance To Slashing

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 800,000 yen
  • Location: Ebisu Pawn in the Finale

Players frequently express their exasperation over Kiryu consistently getting struck by slashing attacks, and it cannot be overstated. Anything that lessens this irritation is appreciated, making costly items like the Chain Shirt highly valued among players due to its ability to alleviate such frustration.

It’s inspiring to witness Kiryu maintaining his composure after being wounded rather than succumbing to defeat repeatedly. Particularly useful gear like the Chain Shirt becomes essential in combat against Majima, who often resorts to using his Demonfire Dagger, inflicting pain on Kiryu during the Majima Everywhere episodes.

3 Military Jacket

Special Effect: Resistance To Bullets & Double Weapon Durability

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 440,000 yen
  • Location: Beam in Chapter 11

For those who find bladed weapons irritating, they might change their tune when foes armed with guns start attacking Kiryu. If a dodge isn’t perfectly timed, just one bullet can cause Kiryu to lose a significant portion of his health meter as he crumples to the ground defenselessly.

By using gear such as military jackets, a significant reduction in the impact of gunfire can be achieved, thereby minimizing instances where players are forced to end the game prematurely due to loss of health. Additionally, the increased resilience of weapons is an appreciated additional benefit.

2 Dragon Mail

Special Effect: Resistance To Bullets & Double Weapon Durability

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 15 CP
  • Location: Shrine

If gamers prefer the Military Jacket but are seeking a variation with improved statistics, they might find the Dragon Mail appealing instead. It shares similar advantages, yet offers superior defensive capabilities across all aspects, making it ideal for Kiryu to tackle even the most challenging adversaries effortlessly.

This item requires a considerable amount of in-game currency (CP) to acquire, but players won’t find it a problem since they’ll be rewarded with an essential piece of equipment that will sustain them throughout their intense gaming journey. Kiryu will prove harder for guns to bring down, and the Dragon of Dojiima gains access to potent weapons, enabling him to dominate most enemies effortlessly.

1 Makoto Surcoat

Special Effect: Resistance To Blades And Bullets

The Best Equipment In Yakuza Kiwami
  • Cost: 999,000 yen
  • Location: Beam in the Finale

In the final stage of the game, those who have accumulated a substantial amount of yen from farming could consider spending it all at the weapons store in Beam. For nearly one million yen, they would be able to acquire the top-tier equipment in Yakuza Kiwami, which stands out significantly above other gear.

This armor not only showcases strong defense statistics all-round, but it’s also immune or highly resistant to two particularly frustrating forms of damage within the game. With this armor on Kiryu, he’ll transform into an unstoppable force, able to withstand enemies without even breaking a sweat.

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2024-10-25 21:24