The Best Guns In Rust

The Best Guns In Rust

Key Takeaways

  • The right weapon in
    can be a game-changer, like the versatile Thompson submachine gun for mid-game practicality.
  • The M39 Rifle’s high damage and accuracy combo make it ideal for stealthy long-range engagements, but it’s not craftable.
  • The M249 light machine gun is the ultimate firepower option, with unmatched damage output and a massive magazine size in

As a seasoned survivor of numerous Rust apocalypses, allow me to shed some light on the weapons that have left an indelible mark on my battle-scarred hands. First and foremost, let’s talk about the Tactical Gloves – they’re not just gloves, they’re the silent whisperers of precision, reducing aim sway by a whopping 80%. If you’re sniping enemies from the rooftops like I do, every little bit counts.

In the intense, life-or-death scenario of the game Rust, created by Facepunch Studios, players are compelled to persistently battle and forage to stay alive. From safeguarding valuable finds to assaulting adversary outposts, having the ideal weapon can significantly tip the scales.

A trustworthy firearm can significantly alter a gamer’s unfortunate gameplay moments, making it crucial for players to understand the intricacies of Rust’s extensive weapon collection. To assist players, here are some top-tier weapons that a player may encounter in Rust, providing details on their specifications and instructions on how to craft or locate them.

10 The Thompson

The Most Versatile Tier-2 Weapon

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level 2
Ammo Pistol Bullets, 20 Rounds
Damage 37.5
Crafting Ingredients 10 High-Quality Metal, 100 Wood, 1 SMG Body, 1 Metal Springs

The Thompson, often called the “Tommy Gun”, is a dependable submachine gun that performs exceptionally well in close and medium-distance battles. This weapon, though categorized as an SMG, can also be quite effective at long ranges when used by a proficient player. Compared to the MP5A4, its advanced version, the Thompson delivers more damage per shot. However, it has lower accuracy and magazine capacity, which means it may not hold up against multiple opponents as effectively.

Compared to other firearms in the list, the Thompson stands out due to its economical manufacturing price. This affordability gives it versatility, making it an extremely useful option, particularly during the mid-game stage, as you’re balancing resources and combat effectiveness.

9 The M39 Rifle

A Precise And Powerful Psuedo Sniper

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level Not Craftable
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 20 Rounds
Damage 50
Spawn Locations Supply Drop, Locked Crate, Helicopter Crate, Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower, Heavy Scientist, Heavy Scientist With Minigun, Elite Tier Crate, Bradley APC Crate

The M39 Rifle is a semi-automatic rifle that combines high damage and accuracy to make a powerful mid to long-range weapon. When combined with a scope and silencer, the M39 becomes an exceptionally reliable choice for stealthy, long-range engagements. Boasting the same damage as the Assault Rifle, the M39 can be deadly when used by a player with steady aim.

Unlike its simpler counterpart, the SAR, which can be made or researched, the M39 is not accessible in that way. Players wanting to get their hands on the M39 will need to spend 400 scrap at Bandit Camp, or find it from high-level loot locations.

8 The M4 Shotgun

The Most Powerful And Rarest Shotgun

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level Not Craftable
Ammo Handmade Shell, 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge Incendiary, 6 Rounds
Damage 168
Spawn Locations Locked Crate, Helicopter Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower, Heavy Scientist, Heavy Scientist With Minigun, Elite Tier Crate

As a gamer, I can vouch for the M4 Shotgun being an absolute beast in close-range PvP situations within Rust. Unlike other shotguns in this game, the M4 boasts impressive damage range, and its semi-automatic design allows it to churn out shots at an astonishing rate. This versatility sets it apart from its lower-tier counterparts, making it a formidable choice for any player looking to dominate the battlefield.

The M4 excels not only in thwarting attacks but also in close quarters combat with adversaries, delivering exceptional firepower that’s hard to match in the game. It’s so potent that it can even penetrate heavily armored foes, making it a rarity to come across.


Reliable Firepower Perfect For Raiding

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level 3
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 60 Rounds
Damage 57.5
Crafting Ingredients 60 High-Quality Metal, 1 Rifle Body, 3 Metal Springs, 2 Gears

The Handmade Light Machine Gun (HMLMG) is a manually crafted weapon that boasts an impressive rate of fire and a capacity of 60 rounds. This versatile tool is particularly valued for its use in raids due to its large magazine, capable of holding a significant amount of explosive ammunition, allowing for sustained pressure without frequent reloading.

Although the HMLMG can be crafted as an alternative to the well-known M249, it comes with a hefty price tag and disappointingly poor accuracy. Furthermore, its built-in iron sights are not very effective, so players might want to consider using a Holosight for better aiming with this weapon.

6 The MP5A4

A Craftable Military-Grade SMG

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level 3
Ammo Pistol Bullets, 30 Rounds
Damage 37.5
Crafting Ingredients 15 High-Quality Metal, 1 SMG Body, 2 Gears

The MP5A4 represents an improvement over the Thompson, boasting numerous benefits that make it a preferable option for many PvP situations. As a Tier-3 submachine gun, it delivers superior precision and ammunition capacity compared to the Thompson, while also featuring a much faster rate of fire. This makes it exceptionally potent in close to moderate combat encounters.

The MP5 also features an alternate burst fire mode that makes its recoil more manageable, which is ideal for medium-to-long-range engagements, and significantly enhances the gun’s overall versatility. It is easily the best SMG in Rust and is, thankfully, the only military-grade weapon that players can craft.

5 The Bolt Action Rifle

A Reliable And Craftable Sniper

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level 3
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 4 Rounds
Damage 80
Crafting Ingredients 20 High-Quality Metal, 1 Rifle Body, 3 Metal Pipes, 1 Metal Spring

The Bolt Action rifle, often called “Bolty,” is a reliable and potent sniper weapon, usually equipped with an 8x Zoom Sight. Its accuracy and high damage make it a favored choice among those who prefer strategic, long-range battles. Fortunately, players who have reached Level 3 Workbench can construct this trustworthy sniper rifle using the provided components.

Instead of inflicting heavy damage, the Bolty has a slower firing speed and can carry just four bullets at once, requiring players to be precise when shooting. Adding a Lasersight to the Bolt Action reduces weapon shake and improves aiming accuracy.

4 The LR-300

A Well-Rounded Assault Rifle Offering Low Recoil And Versatility

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level Not Craftable
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 30 Rounds
Damage 40
Spawn Locations Supply Drop, Locked Crate, Helicopter Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Heavy Scientist, Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower, Heavy Scientist With Minigun, Elite Tier Crate

The LR-300, comparable to Rust’s renowned Assault Rifle in the military realm, exhibits significantly reduced recoil compared to the AK. However, it has a wider bullet dispersion and deals less damage. Its user-friendly design and burst mode option make it a versatile choice against the Assault Rifle, but often, its performance is overshadowed by the latter’s superior damage output.

The LR-300 isn’t manufacturable; instead, players must acquire it through different means such as overpowering well-equipped Scientists, scavenging premium locations, or buying it from the Bandit Camp.

3 The L96

Offers High Accuracy For Long-Range Fights

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level Not Craftable
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 5 Rounds
Damage 80
Spawn Locations Locked Crate, Helicopter Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Heavy Scientist, Heavy Scientist With Flamethrower, Heavy Scientist With Minigun, Elite Tier Crate

Aficionados of the Bolt Action rifle will likely be drawn to the L96, given that it’s known as an upgraded military version of their favorite rifle. Notably, the L96 sniper rifle boasts increased accuracy and quicker bullet speed, which makes it more potent, particularly for shots over exceptionally long distances. Regrettably, unlike the Bolt Action, there is no customization option available for crafting the scarcely found L96.

Users can put on Tactical Gloves for a 80% reduction in weapon recoil, particularly beneficial during sniping with a sniper rifle.

Users might think about employing explosive ammunition to enhance the L96’s destructive capacity, as the rapid bullet velocity tends to offset the typical disadvantages associated with such rounds.

2 The Assault Rifle

The Most Dynamic And Reliable Choice

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level 3
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 30 Rounds
Damage 50
Crafting Ingredients 50 High-Quality Metal, 200 Wood, 1 Rifle Body, 4 Metal Spring

In many Rust games, the “AK” or Assault Rifle is widely recognized as the preferred weapon for most players. It provides a well-balanced combination of damage output, firing speed, and precision, making it an incredibly adaptable weapon that often surpasses all other weapons in terms of effectiveness at close to mid-range distances.

The AK’s only drawback is its drastic recoil. Players must master its spray pattern to be effective when using it, especially during long-range PvP. Despite being one of the most powerful weapons, the Assault Rifle is craftable, which makes this multipurpose gun an even more appealing choice and solidifies its status as a favorite among Rust players.

1 The M249

Offers Unmatched Firepower

The Best Guns In Rust
Workbench Level Not Craftable
Ammo 5.56 Rifle Ammo, 100 Rounds
Damage 65
Spawn Locations Helicopter Crate, Bradley APC Crate

In the game of Rust, nothing quite compares to the awe-inspiring presence of the M249. Unlike other weapons that can be bought or crafted, this one is exceptionally hard to come by. Players must engage in fierce battles and emerge victorious at either the crash site of the Attack Helicopter or the Bradley APC to lay their hands on it.

As someone who has spent countless hours playing the survival game Rust, I can confidently say that the M249 is undoubtedly the best gun available. With its rapid fire rate and enormous magazine capacity of 100 5.56 Rifle Bullets, it truly stands out as a game-changer in any situation, whether you’re raiding or defending.

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2024-08-26 01:35