The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Sword of Convallaria combines classic RPG elements with modern mechanics for a fresh gameplay experience.
  • The game features unique characters with different roles, emphasizing the importance of healers in battles.
  • Angel, Samantha, and Inanna are among the best healers in the game.

As a seasoned player with countless battles under my belt, I can confidently say that Samantha and Inanna are two of the most remarkable healers I have encountered in this game. Their healing abilities are not just impressive, but they are lifesavers!

Recently unveiled a short while ago, the captivating “Sword of Convallaria” has swiftly climbed the Steam rankings due to its exceptional gameplay and narrative seamlessly merging traditional tactical RPG aspects with contemporary mechanisms, resulting in a unique, enjoyable, and demanding experience.

In the enchanting realm of Rodina, the game titled “Sword of Convallaria” operates on a gacha system, implying it introduces various distinctive characters at different times. These characters each have unique roles to play within the storyline and the overall team.

In a tactical RPG, it’s rare not to get hit by enemy attacks as they grow stronger with each level. This is when the importance of healers becomes clear. They play a crucial role in battles, ensuring the party stays alive. The following list serves as a guide for players by ranking the best healers in the game from least effective to most effective.

9 Flare

The Light Knight

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK1298
Physical DEF445
Magic ATK911
Magic DEF482
FactionThe Union

As a gamer, I’m Flare, the light knight. Though my armor and weapons may suggest a warrior at first glance, don’t be deceived – beneath this tough exterior lies a healer with a wealth of abilities to restore our team’s health points.

As a member of the Union faction, Flare’s skill set is heavily focused on healing capabilities. Her initial ability provides area-of-effect healing within a 3-tile range, with the healing power increasing according to her Physical Attack (P. ATK). Delving deeper into her skill tree, it becomes evident that the majority of her abilities revolve around health recovery. From resuscitating allies on the brink of death, draining life from opponents, or amplifying the potency of future healings, Flare truly shines as a dedicated healer for the team.

8 Nightingale

The Pharmacist

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK836
Physical DEF361
Magic ATK1193
Magic DEF606

In the game “Sword of Convallaria”, Nightingale is categorized as a watcher character. Given her profession as a pharmacist, she brings an array of useful abilities for mending allies. To start with, her primary skill performs a healing action on a single target, restoring approximately 80% of their total health points.

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve found myself excelling in my healing abilities, instantaneously reviving fellow players when they’re down. However, unlike some other characters, Nightingale doesn’t have an area-of-effect healing skill. Yet, she makes up for it by boasting a variety of skills that prove invaluable across different game aspects.

As a devoted admirer, I’d say that Nightingale is not just a healer; she’s a miracle worker, revitalizing and accelerating the recovery of my fallen comrades, keeping them from certain demise. However, it’s crucial to remember that Nightingale herself can be vulnerable on the battlefield, easily targeted by enemies. So, I must protect her diligently to make full use of her unique abilities in combat.

7 Butterfly

Vldreian Dancer

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK1375
Physical DEF394
Magic ATK964
Magic DEF394
FactionVlder, Alacrity

Initially, the Butterfly character possesses a healing ability that extends to allies within a 3-tile vicinity, thus signifying her role as an effective healer for the team. Hailing from the Vlder faction, this Vlderian dancer is equipped with numerous spells designed to restore health points.

The primary means by which Butterfly harnesses her healing abilities is through her mastery of various curative techniques, capable of revitalizing allies within a certain region. At level 7, her ability, Dance of Encouragement, imparts a substantial life-steal enhancement, enabling the player to regain health proportional to the harm inflicted upon enemies.

In addition to its healing abilities, Butterfly can clear negative effects (debuffs) and grant positive ones (buffs) at the end of its turn, making it a valuable addition to any team. Players who don’t already have legendary characters such as Inanna, Samantha, or are seeking an alternative for characters like Angel might find Butterfly worth acquiring.

6 Dantalion

Prince Regent

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK1609
Physical DEF573
Magic ATK1123
Magic DEF504
FactionIria, Fortitude

In the given list, the initial figure may not be traditionally considered a healer, but he certainly earns his place due to his ability to restore Health Points (HP) for his allies. In the realm of Iria, the first prince and present ruler, Dantalion, stands out as a remarkable character. He is a high-tier legend from the Destroyer class within the game’s faction system.

To transform Dantalion into a character capable of healing, players should select “Inspired Healing” as his initial skill and “Legacy of Comrades” as his eleventh skill. The “Inspired Healing” ability allows Dantalion to restore 20% of his attack power as health to the ally with the least HP when he actively attacks.

Conversely, the Comrades Legacy ability restores 30% of a character’s health when their ally falls in battle. Over the next three turns, this character also gains various bonuses. While Dantalion is primarily known for his destructive capabilities, it’s important not to underestimate his healing prowess. If players find themselves short on healing options, Dantalion can serve as a valuable backup choice when needed.

5 Tael

The Calm Prince Of Iria

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked

In the current version of “Sword of Convallaria” being rolled out globally, Tael is set to appear as a character, and he could become one of the most powerful healing units within the game. This might create challenges for free-to-play gamers.

In simpler terms, Tael’s starting ability and innate talent have significant curative properties. His initial skill restores the target to full health with an amount equal to his magic attack power, while also removing one debuff from the target. Moreover, his trait, Historian, offers healing benefits as it raises the healing output slightly each time Tael employs a healing or supportive skill.

In essence, Tael’s talent development primarily focuses on healing or supportive abilities, making him a top choice when it comes to healing teammates. He can heal individual allies who are critically low on HP, perform area-of-effect (AoE) healing, or provide consecutive healing depending on the situation. This versatility makes Tael one of the most powerful healers in the game, so keep a lookout for his release in the global version as he’s bound to make a significant impact!

4 Cocoa

Playful Girl

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK1300
Physical DEF652
Magic ATK911
Magic DEF385
FactionVlder, Iria

Born among the Vlder tribe, a faction found within the game, Cocoa is an exceptional character of legendary status, serving as a defender. Known for her playful demeanor and humorous spirit, Cocoa’s unique attribute revolves around healing. This characteristic kicks in at the beginning of each round, restoring 15% of her own health while removing one debuff from allies with the lowest health percentage. Additionally, as she progresses through skill development, Cocoa gains access to various healing abilities.

Cocoa’s Level 3 ability, “Treasure Chest,” offers a quick healing option for an ally. In one battle sequence, it can restore up to 25% of the caster’s HP five times, or it can provide a substantial heal of up to 45% of the caster’s HP (for a maximum of three times) in the same battle.

1) With each single-target attack against her, Cocoa has the ability to restore her own Health Points (HP) while simultaneously healing an ally with the least HP among those within two tiles of her, by 12% of her current HP. At level 11, Cocoa can also unleash an Area-of-Effect (AoE) healing spell, restoring 30% of her HP to all allies situated within a radius of three tiles around her. Due to her versatile healing capabilities, Cocoa is an ideal healer for various scenarios, making her a valuable addition to any team for players seeking a strong healing character.

3 Angel

Radiant Maidservant

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK934
Physical DEF373
Magic ATK1334
Magic DEF747
FactionPapal States, Aggression

As a gamer, I’d say Angel is a fantastic, free-to-play epic healer that stands tall among its peers. Labeling it as the ultimate F2P healer wouldn’t be an exaggeration. Even though it’s the only epic character in the list, Angel can go toe-to-toe with legendary units when it comes to healing. Equipped with healing traits and initial skills, this character is brimming with regenerative abilities that my team needs to weather even the toughest battles.

This character’s unique trait boosts the recovery by 15% and bestows 3 unpredictable enhancements onto the chosen target for two rounds. Initially, her skill focuses on healing one character, restoring health equivalent to 100% of her M. ATK. The development of her skills is further detailed in her skill tree, encompassing additional healing abilities. With her level 1 ability, she can revitalize all allies by up to 60% of her M. ATK within a range of two tiles.

Angel, at level 3, restores an ally with the least health (as a percentage) within a 3-space vicinity by 20% of her attack power. Furthermore, upon reaching the highest skill level, she can enhance her next healing ability by 15% over the course of two turns. Functioning as a guardian, Angel’s healing abilities make her an adaptable choice for any team. Budget-conscious players without access to legendary characters may find a valuable asset in Angel.

2 Samantha

The Saintess

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK886
Physical DEF395
Magic ATK1233
Magic DEF640
FactionPapal States, Aggression

In the town of Convallaria, Samantha tirelessly works as a healer, mending the injured and ill. Additionally, she plays the role of a healer in the game, always prepared to mend her teammates when they’re in peril. Her starting ability restores 75% of her M. ATK to the target, while her status as a legendary-tier character allows her to heal many with this skill.

Samantha’s unique ability provides a team-wide Area of Effect (AoE) healing boost, enhancing the healing they receive by 30%. Moreover, if one of her allies’ Health Points (HP) drops below 70% due to an attack, she quickly steps in to restore 50% of her Maximum Attack (M.ATK) as health, using up 1 NRG in the process.

Regarding Samantha’s abilities, it’s worth noting that she possesses a striking array of skills. At her base level, the ability Light of Judgement inflicts damage on an opponent while simultaneously healing the ally with the least health in combat for half of her M. ATK. Furthermore, her level 3 skill, Radiant Stamp, restores health to all allies within an area, with the target at the center receiving extra healing.

Samantha has the ability to rejuvenate allies that are resuscitated and returned to the fightfield, bringing them back from the brink of defeat to a fully combat-ready state. Each one of her skills offers some form of recovery, making her an indispensable resource. Players who draw her will find it hard not to appreciate her, as she ranks among the top units in the game.

1 Inanna

Princess of Iria

The Best Healer Characters In Sword Of Convallaria, Ranked
Physical ATK926
Physical DEF332
Magic ATK1321
Magic DEF553
FactionIria, Discipline, SoC

The princess from the royal family of Iria is not only a kind-hearted and hard-working person, but a formidable character to have in the team when facing enemies. Standing as the best healer in the game, Inanna ensures the survivability of the team members. Inanna heals better than any other healer available in the game as of the time of writing. Her trait heals 2 allies with the lowest HP within a 4-tile radius by 25% of her M. ATK. Her initial skill heals a single target by 100% of her M. ATK and dispels a debuff.

Inanna’s talent tree boasts an array of potent healing spells and supportive abilities. She can enhance healing potency, heal multiple party members simultaneously, and keep everyone on their feet during the toughest battles. At level 11, her skill Flight of the Princess drains 90% of her health but boosts her healing power by 50%, removes all negative effects from her allies, and heals those within range. With suitable weapons and tarot cards, Inanna becomes even more powerful, solidifying her position as the top choice for a healer.

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2024-10-17 05:05