The Best Items In Deadlock

The Best Items In Deadlock

Key Takeaways

  • Improved Cooldown is a game-changer for skill-based heroes, providing a crucial 16% cooldown reduction.
  • Healing Rite offers early sustain and a speed buff, making it ideal for early game survival and mobility.
  • Extra Regen boosts early game survivability by providing more ammo and health regen for all heroes.

As a seasoned Deadlock player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that these three items are absolute game-changers for any build you might concoct. Allow me to enlighten you on why they’re indispensable.

In Deadlock, although it may appear to be a shooter-style game initially, it actually shares many similarities with Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs). This means that the items in the game significantly impact the way each character is constructed. As of now, there are 117 items available in Deadlock, categorized into three main groups: Weapons, Vitality, and Spirit.

As a dedicated fan, I’d say the most effective items to wield in Deadlock are those that can be customized around almost any hero, offering something distinct and often valuable enough for serious thought, or providing a lifesaver in situations where victory seemed impossible without them.

15 Improved Cooldown/Superior Cooldown

Machine-Gunning Skills Is Surprisingly Fun

Improved Cooldown is a 1250 item that gives the player a 16% cooldown reduction. For heroes that are heavily reliant on their skills to deal damage, like Grey Talon, this item is a godsend for both their damage and ability to scale throughout the game. However, tanky characters like Dynamo can also get plenty of use out of this item since it not only gives them access to their heavily disruptive skills more often, but it also gives more health regen as well.

In the latter stages of the match, you could enhance the cooldown by upgrading it to a superior version, making it beneficial for any construction that requires increased cooldown reduction. Essentially, this allows for creative builds such as Gray Talon unleashing as many as 35 ults within half an hour.

14 Healing Rite

Beloved Early Game Healing Item

The Best Items In Deadlock

At first glance, Healing Rite may appear as an ordinary, uninteresting object. However, it’s actually an ability that gradually restores a player’s health. Yet, there’s a catch: if the player encounters an enemy during this process, the healing will temporarily cease.

The purpose of acquiring this item is for the enhanced early durability it provides. This restorative effect persists even when the player gets hit by a minion, making it advantageous in situations where the player needs to leave the lane and purchase items regardless. In such instances, Healing Rite will restore a substantial portion of their health while they are shopping at the midshop and subsequently returning to the lane. When utilized judiciously, players can keep farming minions and shop while recuperating back to full health.

During later stages of the game, if Healing Rite becomes less effective due to being outmatched in healing compared to mid-game characters, you can sell it for some souls and use those resources to purchase a more advantageous late-game item instead.

Using Healing Rite’s speed boost can be beneficial not only during intense combat but also while moving between different lanes, attempting ganks, and making your way back to your lane as well.

13 Extra Regen

The Perfect Item For Early Game Survival

The Best Items In Deadlock

In the context of potent early-game equipment, the “Extra Regen” item stands out as one of the most beneficial for players navigating the early game. This item harmonizes seamlessly with virtually every hero in the initial stages, enhancing their ammunition supply, health regeneration rate, and total HP.

In essence, Extra Regen equips users with various advantages that can help them progress swiftly in their gameplay, ultimately positioning themselves as a formidable force in the mid-game.

12 Active Reload

Timely Weapon Buff For More Damage

The Best Items In Deadlock

In the game Deadlock, an item called Active Reload consistently glows, irrespective of a player’s proficiency level. For beginners, this item serves as a less stringent method for learning to blend gunplay with lane farming, skill usage, and early game probing.

For players who specialize in weapon-heavy builds such as Lady Geist, Seven, or Wraith’s Full Auto, Active Reload offers a significant advantage when they require a weapon with double the ammunition capacity, increased firing speed, and life steal. Timing the use of this feature is crucial not only for executing the active reload correctly but also for coordinating it with another skill that enhances damage, as the buffs are most effective when used simultaneously. Given that Active Reload can only be activated every 17 seconds, selecting the optimal moment to employ it is equally strategic.

11 High Velocity Mag

Strong Early Game Damage And Durability Bump

The Best Items In Deadlock

As a gamer, I can’t seem to fault the High Velocity Mag. It grants us a bullet shield, ramps up our weapon damage, and speeds up bullet travel speed. Though the last bonus might not be as potent as the others, this item serves as an excellent starting point for players who need a bit more resilience against opponents heavily relying on weapon damage, and for those seeking an early boost in damage output.

In the course of the game, acquiring High Velocity Mag can lead to crafting Headhunter, an impressive item that any weapon build would benefit from having in their arsenal. As long as players are comfortable landing headshots, this item is definitely worth considering. Moreover, being able to craft a formidable mid-game item like Headhunter is another strong argument for getting High Velocity Mag.

10 Mystic Burst/Improved Burst

Every Spirit Build’s First Friend

Initially, Spirit-based abilities require a swift and effortless boost in their potency, and the Mystic Burst item serves this purpose excellently. It offers some Weapon damage, increased Spirit damage, and a Spirit Shield for enhanced survivability. However, the main attraction of this weapon lies in the fact that if an ability inflicts 80 or more damage, Mystic Burst increases it by another 35 points. This extra damage provides an early offensive surge, making ability-centric heroes more threatening in attacks and more efficient at farming.

In the course of the game, Mystic Burst can evolve into an enhanced version called “Powerful Burst”. It functions similarly to Mystic Burst, but offers a more potent impact and is optimized for effective use in later battles.

9 Debuff Remover

Underrated Life Saver Against CC

The Best Items In Deadlock

There are certain moves in deadlock, such as Bebop’s Sticky Bomb or Mo & Krill’s Sand Blast, that require a countermeasure to be prepared prior, especially when an opponent structures their entire strategy around those specific skills. **Debuff Remover serves as an effective solution for such builds, nullifying troublesome crowd control effects before the enemy can secure a victory.**

Examples of what Debuff Remover stops include the following:

  • Bebop’s Sticky Bomb
  • Warden’s Binding Word
  • Seven’s Static Charge
  • Knockdown’s effects before it stuns
  • Slows
  • Silences
  • Immobilizes
  • Disarms

8 Soul Shredder Bullets/Bullet Resist Shredder

Weapon Damage For Everyone!

In addition to the standard stat boosts, the key advantage of these items lies in their unique categorization that deviates from the usual focus areas for builds. For instance, a Spirit build can effortlessly fill all four designated slots, but if they wish to incorporate an extra Spirit item, they might need to unlock a versatile slot or acquire Soul Shredder Bullets. These bullets belong to the weapon category and serve to amplify a Spirit build’s damage output, provided the player is skillful in hitting their targets with their primary weapon.

When considering this, Soul Shredder Bullets are most effective in character setups focused on Spirit, as they amplify the player’s Spirit damage by boosting it with every strike from their primary weapon. On the other hand, Bullet Resist Shredder performs optimally in builds centered around weapons, since each successful shot will also increase the weapon damage output due to added CC effects (Crowd Control).

7 Rapid Recharge

More Firepower In One Item

The Best Items In Deadlock

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but rave about the game-changing perk known as Rapid Recharge! This amazing feature gives skills that have charges an extra boost of two charges, quicker cooldowns, and swifter casting between each charge. For champions like Kelvin, Viscous, and Gray Talon, Rapid Recharge serves as a significant power-up, amplifying their damage output, and equipping them with additional tools to rule battles more effectively. It’s a fantastic reward for players who keep their abilities on constant rotation!

Just remember, Rapid Recharge only works for skills that have charges to them. Players may need to level up a skill’s rank so it can unlock its first additional charge before this item’s effect comes into play.

6 Slowing Hex

Make Escape An Impossibility

The Best Items In Deadlock

As the 10-minute mark approaches, you’ll notice an increase in ganking opportunities as heroes start to wander and farm neutral camps. To cut off their escape routes, players might want to consider acquiring a Slowing Hex, which not only disables movement skills but also slows down other means of mobility such as dashes and activated item-induced movement.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but appreciate the versatility of Slow Hex, even when wielded by heroes not primarily focused on spirits. This tactical maneuver allows for the strategic use of a hero’s skills to mute foes, setting the stage for a precise barrage of shots that ultimately seals the victory.

5 Mystic Reverb

Massive Damage Spike For That Late Game Push

The Best Items In Deadlock

As a gamer, I’ve found myself in awe of the game-changing item known as Mystic Reverb. This bad boy amplifies the already formidable damage output of Spirit builds, particularly those with potent single-target abilities. When wielded by heavyweights like Gray Talon or Lady Geist, it transforms their skills into an even more devastating area-of-effect (AoE) weapon. Now, not only can they obliterate a primary target, but also any nearby foes who dare to stick around.

The exceptional strength of this item lies in its ability to inflict substantial damage during battles that occur close to objectives or among teammates. Upon casting a potent single-target spell, an extra explosion will ensue around the target after a brief 3-second interval. This subsequent blast significantly increases in value when it detonates against objectives, minions, or clusters of adversaries, dealing a fraction of the initial skill’s damage.

4 Kinetic Dash

Free Movement And Additional Survivability

The Best Items In Deadlock

As a seasoned gamer, I can’t help but appreciate the game-changing impact of the Kinetic Dash item. This Tier 2 gem stays significant throughout most stages of the game. It boosts my health and health regeneration, which is always welcome. But what truly sets it apart is its ability to make my next dash-jump free on a 6-second cooldown.

Initially, Kinetic Dash grants the player a significant amount of agility to invade other lanes, evade hostile attacks, and swiftly conquer neutral camps before opponents can manage them effectively. The boosts prove beneficial in the early stages, facilitating farming and exerting pressure on rival champions more efficiently. However, as the game progresses, Kinetic Dash becomes crucial for escaping precarious situations or chasing enemy heroes who are attempting to flee.

3 Bullet Lifesteal/Spirit Lifesteal

Additional Sustain And More Durability For Any Build

In every build, the two items, Bullet Lifesteal and Spirit Lifesteal, prove indispensable due to their potent role in providing extra survivability and self-sustain. These tools will cause the player to recuperate a minor portion of the damage they inflict. At a reasonable price of 1250 souls, these items are easily within reach, and heroes equipped with them can mitigate some of the harassment damage taken from minion attacks while farming. Among the two, Bullet Lifesteal offers slightly more healing if the player is continuously firing shots, but Spirit Lifesteal remains beneficial due to its ability to heal from large skill impacts or multiple charges.

During later stages of play, if players find themselves needing further life-draining abilities, they might as well consider acquiring an item called “Leech“. This choice not only provides a more potent effect compared to the existing items but also enhances various beneficial stats.

2 Unstoppable

An Easy Out Of Every Problem

The Best Items In Deadlock

Despite a minor time-related aspect, the Indomitable artifact is an impressive addition to any hero’s inventory. Essentially, it grants heroes temporary freedom from Crowd Control (CC) for a brief span. Moreover, this item can be triggered even during a hero’s ability channeling.

As a devoted fan, I’d express it like this: “During the heat of battle, I rely on the Unstoppable skill to ensure my crucial abilities are executed flawlessly, undisturbed by any interruptions. Seven’s Storm Cloud is an ideal representation of this, as CC abilities such as Wraith’s Telekinesis or Knockdown items can disrupt his ultimate. By activating Unstoppable before Seven gets hit with any CC during his ultimate, I guarantee that the Storm Cloud will always take effect, regardless of the situation.

1 Superior Stamina

More Movement, More Power

The Best Items In Deadlock

Superior Stamina, sets it apart from other items, offers versatility by fitting seamlessly into virtually any game build. Increased Stamina enhances the mobility of heroes, providing a multitude of options for evading, engaging, and navigating between battlefields efficiently. This extra stamina boosts players’ escape routes, attack strategies, camp transitions, and survivability by making them harder targets to hit. As players master their movement techniques, additional stamina further expedites lane-ganking and recovery, ensuring they can swiftly move between lanes and quickly return to combat. In the strategic game of Deadlock, this universal item application is invaluable.

For certain champions such as Warden, the Superior Stamina trait can aid players in neutralizing enemy abilities more effectively. This is because it makes their moves less predictable or more difficult to successfully execute.

Developing the practice of tracking dodges and dashes is beneficial, and with Superior Stamina, it becomes even more crucial. With an additional two bars of stamina, players can outsmart each competitor with less stamina by depleting their resources first, then corner them in CC once they’ve run out of stamina to evade.

Ultimately, it’s quite straightforward to incorporate Superior Stamina into any game setup. The initial version of this item, Extra Stamina, provides an extra stamina bar, quicker stamina regeneration, and enhanced weapon damage. Picking up Extra Stamina early offers players improved lane strategies, and the possibility of later upgrading to Superior Stamina makes this item even more beneficial for any player.

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2024-09-14 12:05