The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

Key Takeaways

  • Marvel Rivals could feature iconic locations like Manhattan & Wakanda, offering diverse map experiences.
  • Xavier’s School and Hammer Bay could be exciting battlegrounds, with unique gameplay opportunities.
  • Potential maps like Ego The Living Planet and Atlantis could introduce dynamic elements to enhance gameplay.

As a long-time comic book enthusiast who has witnessed the evolution of these iconic worlds, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospective locales that could potentially grace the maps of Marvel Rivals. The resurgence of Atlantis, home to the enigmatic King Namor, in the MCU has left me eagerly anticipating its inclusion in this game.

As a die-hard gamer, I can’t help but marvel (pun intended) at the sheer wealth of material Marvel offers when it comes to designing new gaming landscapes. With NetEase’s 6v6 shooter due out in just three months, it’s clear that fans have only been granted a glimpse into this universe so far, with barely two locations revealed amidst the four beta maps we’ve had access to.

Due to Dr. Doom’s Timestream Entanglement, an array of locations become ripe for exploration to deepen the game’s narrative. Herein, I present some potential destinations that our heroes might journey to as dimensions intertwine.

10 Manhattan, New York

A Familiar Frontier

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

Undeniably, New York City seems to be an indispensable inclusion in the game’s map selection. Over the Marvel universe, it has been the battlefield for numerous conflicts. Incorporating a mission where players push a payload through the city streets, with Stark Tower as a possible final checkpoint, would make an engaging objective for a game mode.

As a die-hard fan, I’m absolutely thrilled about the concept of Marvel Rivals, where diverse realities collide! One intriguing possibility could be blending today’s bustling New York with the futuristic cityscape inhabited by Peni Parker in 3145. That would surely make for an incredible blend of nostalgia and cutting-edge sci-fi adventure!

9 Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters

The Perfect School For A Skirmish

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

In the current scenario, Rivals already has quite a few X-Men characters. It’s entirely plausible that Xavier’s Institute could be incorporated into this game, perhaps even as a map for a Domination mode. The back-and-forth action between the school’s interior and its surrounding environment, where both teams strive to seize various control points, would fit this setting perfectly.

In the game Rivals, the environments that can be destroyed provide teams with an abundance of creative opportunities. For instance, they might shatter floorboards to navigate between different levels within a building or smash through windows to access the beautiful gardens at the X-Mansion from outside.

8 The Kingdom Of Wakanda

A Land Of Prosperity

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

Featuring the kingdom of Wakanda, ruled by its king, within the game’s roster would be fantastic, especially since this technologically advanced nation aligns perfectly with the geographical diversity of the “Rivals” map. Given the diverse landscapes of the country, incorporating it as a Convergence map could maximize that potential, showcasing Wakanda’s unique terrain to players.

In a three-round format, players may engage in intense battles that span various battlefields. These include majestic mountain landscapes, dense jungles, sophisticated urban settings, and even subterranean locations beneath the city, where swift Maglev trains reside.

7 Hammer Bay, Genosha

A Mutiny For Mutants

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

Nestled on Africa’s eastern shore lies a fictional nation, home to Hammer Bay – a city notorious for its past as a prison for X-Men, once controlled by the Genoshan magistrate. In this scenario, the attackers aim to seize control and liberate the imprisoned mutants, while the defenders strive to maintain order and prevent an escape.

This scenario could potentially allow other competitors to employ a strategy similar to Overwatch’s, hinting at a future new character by subtly modifying the map so that some X-Men characters appear to be mysteriously absent from their designated locations.

6 Muspelheim, The Realm Of Fire

Duel In The Depths Of Hell

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

It’s logical to expect that, since Marvel Rivals has already featured three Asgardian Gods and Asgard itself, another one of the Ten Realms might be introduced next. Among all possibilities, the realm of eternal fire would offer an appealing visual diversity to the game’s map selection.

“To enhance realism, consider adding environmental elements such as active lava pools and fiery caverns, which would create a dynamic landscape. Additionally, having a payload traverse bridges suspended over flaming canyons could provide an awe-inspiring yet nerve-wracking experience.

5 Ego The Living Planet

A Celestial Stadium

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

1) The Guardians of the Galaxy have experienced an unprecedented amount of affection from fans since their 2014 movie revolutionized the superhero genre, making it only fitting to return that love with a map tailored just for them. In their second on-screen adventure, Star Lord’s cosmic father was the main antagonist, whom they eventually overpowered by detonating a bomb within his brain.

As a gamer, my objective could be setting up a bomb inside this menacing entity’s core, and with every checkpoint I conquer, its temper flares higher. It’s as if it’s urging me on, daring me to keep going. And just when I think I’ve got the upper hand, it changes the game environment around me, keeping me on my toes.

4 The Lost City Of Atlantis

A Land Long Forgotten

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

In recent X-Men productions, Namor the mutant hasn’t had much screen time, but his popularity has skyrocketed since his MCU debut in 2022’s “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”. This renewed interest might lead to his underwater kingdom becoming more prominent in games like “Marvel Rivals”, as the King of Atlantis could potentially receive a dedicated game map.

Including Atlantis in the story might necessitate its emergence from the water as a battleground for our protagonists, making it easier for all characters in the Rivals’ group, especially those who aren’t aquatic creatures. Otherwise, it could present a challenge to play out effectively.

3 Xandar, Home Of The Nova Corps

The Interplanetary Police Station

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

In a dramatic turn of events, where the Timestream Entanglement drastically alters the structure of multiple universes, it’s plausible that an influential force like the Nova Corps, comparable to the power of the Nova Corps, would engage in such a critical scenario. A conflict unfolding on their home planet Xandar could certainly be a fitting addition to this narrative.

Here are two options:

2 Spider-HQ, Nueva York

Siege The Spider Society

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

Miles Morales has been enjoying a lot of success lately, as both of his animated movies have earned rave reviews from critics and audiences. The Spider Society’s New York home, featured in the second movie, seems like an excellent addition to the multiversal map.

The fundamental structure of this society is astonishingly complex to behold, yet it might serve as an intriguing foundation for gravity-oriented map strategies. With the third and last film in the trilogy due out soon, it’s probable that this location will be revealed simultaneously with the movie, possibly featuring a playable character like Miles himself.

1 Doomstadt, Latveria

The Doctor’s Domicile

The Best Locations That Could Become Marvel Rivals Maps

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but feel that Doctor Doom’s influence will undeniably draw Latveria into the fold of this thrilling game. It’s only a matter of time before we find ourselves laying siege to Castle Von Doom. The specific reasons for this battle will hinge on the narrative path the game decides to pursue, shaping the game’s lore in its unique way.

In this game, the villainous Victor Von Doom is pitted against his 2099 version. The creative team has several options for depicting Doctor Strange’s realm. Regardless of the choice, the confrontation between these Dooms feels essential and adds to the excitement generated by Doom’s recent resurgence in popularity.

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2024-09-24 16:34