The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that these weapon mods for Power Surge in Once Human are nothing short of game-changers! Now, I ain’t no mathematician, but even I can see that these mods can significantly boost your DPS.

Regardless of whether you prefer playing PvE or PvP modes, Once Human provides a wealth of engaging content. Its chilling horror motif, immersive narrative, and robust gameplay mechanics centered around survival create an exceptional free-to-play gaming experience. For those who desire additional perks, an optional season pass is up for grabs.

In certain weapons used within this horror survival game, there’s an inherent feature known as Power Surge. When activated, it temporarily stuns enemies for two seconds. Alongside this stunning effect, it also delivers extra damage that doesn’t require precision hits on weak spots. This makes it a reliable source of damage compared to other status-based damage types in the game, as it’s easier to apply consistently. A well-constructed Power Surge build is quite formidable.

6 Momentum Up

Faster Weapon Fire

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human

  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Helmet
  • Bonuses: Increases fire rate by 10% for the first half of the magazine and boosts weapon damage by 30% for the rest of the magazine.

This modification works well with a Power Surge build, boosting its effectiveness even though it doesn’t directly enhance the ability itself. It amplifies overall damage by speeding up the weapon’s firing speed and increasing its damage output. The mod offers various bonuses depending on the amount of ammo left in the magazine.

In the initial part of the magazine’s usage, the weapon shoots more frequently, but in the latter half, each bullet deals more damage. For optimal performance, it’s best to fire all bullets before reloading.

5 Shock Rampage

Adding Damage

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human
  • Tier: Epic
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: When a player hits an enemy with Power Surge damage, the mod adds an extra +4% Power Surge Trigger Chance (based on the weapon the mod is equipped on Trigger Chance) for 5 seconds. The effect can be stacked up to a maximum of 4 times.

In the game Once Human, there are several modifications or upgrades, known as mods, that directly influence the Power Surge special skill. Among these, this particular epic weapon modification is one of the simpler ones to obtain, even though the acquisition is still largely dependent on luck when it comes to obtaining mods. It’s worth noting that this mod significantly boosts the effectiveness of Power Surge, greatly increasing the chances of the status damage effect taking hold.

This mechanism functions similar to a self-reinforcing cycle, where each instance of Power Surge triggers increases the likelihood of another Power Surge for the next five seconds, and this effect can be accumulated up to four times. When used in conjunction with other related enhancements, it leads to frequent Power Surge activations, reducing most opponents to mere slag.

4 Shock Diffusion

Spreads Power Surge

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: When Power Surge is triggered, the status is applied to an enemy in a 5m radius of the target (in priority to targets not yet affected by it)

Among Power Surge modifications for the game Once Human, this particular one stands out as one of the top choices, particularly in situations where you’re battling regular enemies while gathering loot and resources. The reason being, it introduces the Power Surge status damage effect to an extra enemy when the mod activates.

On the other hand, you should be aware that this is a modification for weapons, and it’s up to you to decide if you wish to install it. There are other excellent Power Surge weapon modifications available as well, and since only one can be equipped per weapon, you’ll need to choose wisely.

3 Static Shock

Reduces Stun But Increases Damage

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: Power Surge duration -50.0%, and Power Surge DMG +20.0%

This modification for the weapon in ‘Once Human’ is quite intriguing; it’s one of the more challenging mods to grasp at first sight. At a glance, it may not seem impressive. But upon careful examination and contemplation, it effectively increases damage output, making it an excellent choice for boosting DPS (Damage Per Second).

The “Power Surge” ability temporarily disables an opponent. This modification shortens the duration of this disable but raises the damage caused by Power Surge. If you’re not concerned about how long enemies are disabled, this is an excellent mod for amplifying your Power Surge’s destructive potential in gameplay.

2 Surge Amplifier

Progressive Damage Add

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: Dealing Power Surge damage gives +5% Power Surge damage for 3s, up to a stack of 4

In the game ‘Once Human’, the Surge Amplifier modification is another option for enhancing weaponry, specifically boosting the damage of the Power Surge special move. There are numerous modifications serving similar purposes, so players must choose the one that aligns best with their character’s build.

This enhancement boosts the amount of damage that Power Surge inflicts on a target with each instance of damage dealt. It persists for 3 seconds and can accumulate up to four times. This mod is particularly effective in intense battles within the game, proving useful against regular enemies, elites, and bosses alike.

1 Thunderclap

Great For Boss Fights

The Best Mods For Power Surge In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Mask
  • Bonuses: After triggering Power Surge 20 times, the next hit summons Celestial Thunder (Shock DMG of 200% PSI Intensity)

In the game “Once Human”, the Thunderclap mod shines particularly during boss battles for those who’ve crafted an effective Power Surge build. However, it’s not as beneficial in regular combat against typical enemies because it’s rare for a player to discharge 20 rounds at such enemies. Given that the mod doesn’t activate under these circumstances, farming for this mod is definitely worth considering.

In confrontations with your boss or powerful foes, the colossal damage boost activated by the 20th use of Power Surge becomes exceptionally destructive. It’s most effective when combined with other modifications that enhance the likelihood of activating Power Surge.

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2024-08-27 00:55