The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human

Key Takeaways

  • The Shrapnel mechanic in Once Human is a key gameplay feature that can be enhanced with specific mods for increased damage output.
  • Mods like Explosive Shrapnel, Crit Amplifier, and Shrapnel Smash directly impact Shrapnel’s function and are essential for a Shrapnel build.
  • Shrapnel Carnage and Obliterate are rare and powerful mods that significantly boost Shrapnel damage, making them valuable additions to any player’s arsenal.

As a seasoned player of Once Human, I can confidently say that these three mods are absolute game-changers when it comes to enhancing your Shrapnel build. Let me break down why each one is indispensable for any serious Shrapnel user.

In this survival game, gameplay unfolds over several seasons, divided into multiple stages. At the conclusion of each season, the player is restarted, but some items like blueprints are carried forward to the next season. The player then advances through the game anew, gradually enhancing their blueprints and growing in power with each replay.

In this terrifying game, certain weapons possess a unique feature called the Shrapnel mechanic. Upon striking a target, a bullet might disintegrate into several pieces, subsequently causing harm to additional areas on the same target. Some modifications even enhance or alter this skill’s effectiveness.

6 Explosive Shrapnel

Extra Damage On Shot 20

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Epic
  • Mod slot: Mask
  • Bonuses: The 20th Shrapnel is explosive and deals +240% DMG as a critical hit.

The Explosive Shrapnel mod fits on the player’s mask in Once Human. It is one of the few mods that actually has an impact on the Shrapnel special ability directly. This mod isn’t so hot for general-purpose use against enemies, as it is rare that 20 iterations of Shrapnel will occur while killing a normal enemy.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this mod truly excels when it comes to taking down tough enemies or bosses. When engaged in a firefight, the Shrapnel ability consistently triggers multiple times, making it a game-changer for those close-quarters battles. The unique feature of this mod is its counter system. With each initial Shrapnel hit, a counter begins to tick upwards. Once this counter reaches 20, the stacked Shrapnel unleashes an additional 240% damage as a critical hit on the target. This added burst of power can make all the difference in a challenging fight, making it a valuable asset for any player’s arsenal.

5 Crit Amplifier

More Crit Damage

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Gloves
  • Bonuses: Crit Rate +10%, Crit DMG +15%

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this mod is an ideal partner for a Shrapnel build, even though it doesn’t affect the Shrapnel special ability directly. The reason being, Shrapnel already boasts a high critical hit chance, and this mod takes it to another level, making crits a common occurrence in my gaming sessions. It’s like adding rocket fuel to an already powerful weapon, enhancing the overall experience and increasing the excitement of every battle.

As a devoted fan, let me share my excitement about a fantastic mod I’ve come across that significantly enhances the Shrapnel build’s performance. This nifty addition kicks in an extra 15% critical damage, amplifying the overall output of each attack. Whether you’re farming enemies for acid or taking down bosses, this glove mod proves its worth in every situation. Just a heads-up, Shrapnel isn’t categorized as status damage.

4 Momentum Up

Faster Weapon Fire

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Helmet
  • Bonuses: Increases fire rate by 10% for the first half of the magazine and boosts weapon damage by 30% for the rest of the magazine.

As a seasoned gamer who has spent countless hours honing my skills in various shooter games, I can confidently say that this helmet mod is an excellent addition to any Shrapnel build, even though it doesn’t directly affect the Shrapnel special ability. With its unique properties of increasing weapon fire rate and damage output, it significantly enhances my gameplay experience by allowing me to dish out more damage in a shorter amount of time. This mod has become an essential piece of gear for me in my gaming sessions, making me feel like a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that this modification is a bit tricky to grasp at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that this mod is designed to offer unique benefits based on the state of your weapon’s magazine. For the initial half of the magazine, you’ll notice an increase in the rate of fire, which can make quick work of enemies. But as you approach the second half of the magazine, the damage output gets a significant boost, making those final shots count even more. So if you want to maximize the potential of this mod, be sure to run your weapon dry before reloading – trust me, it’s worth it!

3 Shrapnel Smash

Higher Crit rate

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: Increases Shrapnel Crit Rate by 1% for 2 seconds each time Shrapnel is triggered, stacking up to 20 times.

The Shrapnel Smash weapon mod is one of the few mods available in Once Human that has a direct impact on the function of the Shrapnel special ability. It should be considered a must-have mod for any player putting together a Shrapnel build. There is also an epic version of this mod which is easier to acquire.

In simpler terms, activating Shrapnel multiple times on a single target will increase its chances of scoring a critical hit. This mod is particularly effective against bosses or elite bosses because, during lengthy battles, the bonus can accumulate up to a maximum of 20 times.

2 Shrapnel Carnage

More Shrapnel Damage

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Mask
  • Bonuses: The chance of Shrapnel hitting Weakspots is increased by 100.0%, with Weakspot DMG +25.0%

As a gamer, I’ve noticed a game-changing tweak in my latest playthrough of Once Human. The mod installed on my mask now influences the Shrapnel special ability. Instead of each bullet fragment hitting any random part of the target, it seems to favor the Weakspots. This means that I’m more likely to score critical hits, making my gaming experience even more thrilling!

Among the limited number of modifications that significantly influence Shrapnel in the game, this one is another obvious choice for those aiming to create an efficient shrapnel setup. It functions equally well against all types of enemies, making it valuable in any firefight scenario. Given its scarcity, players should be ready to transfer it to each new season once found.

1 Obliterate

Simply Devastating

The Best Mods For Shrapnel In Once Human
  • Tier: Legendary
  • Mod slot: Weapon
  • Bonuses: The more parts Shrapnel hits, the higher the Shrapnel DMG. Each part +15%

In the game ‘Once Human’, the Obliterate weapon modification can be obtained either as a legendary or an epic mod. Among all the mods that cater specifically to Shrapnel, it stands out as the top choice. This mod optimally leverages the unique abilities of Shrapnel.

When a bullet divides into pieces, an unpredictable amount of shrapnel fragments are created. Each shrapnel fragment produced from a hit increases the overall damage by 15%. There’s no limit to this bonus multiplier. This modification applies to all combat situations in the game and is considered one of the best Shrapnel mods that players will strive to find.

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2024-08-24 15:54