The Best Mythic Brawlers In Brawl Stars, Ranked

The Best Mythic Brawlers In Brawl Stars, Ranked

As a seasoned Brawl Stars player, I can confidently say that each of these characters brings a unique and exciting dynamic to the game. Byron, with his healing abilities, is a lifesaver for any team, especially in those tense moments when health bars are dwindling. However, one must be careful not to underestimate him, as he can hold his own in a fight.

Brawl Stars is a thrilling multiplayer mobile game featuring numerous playable characters, or “brawlers,” each with distinctive skills. The game houses more than 80 brawlers in varying rarities, and a fresh one is introduced monthly, providing ample choices for gamers.

In this game, Mythic fighters are second in rarity only to Legendary ones, with 26 mythic fighters available. Given their scarcity, it’s essential for players to understand which mythic fighters are the most effective. This guide will rank the top mythic fighters, detailing their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal usage. It will also take into account each fighter’s ease of use and performance across various game modes.

10 Buster

Projects A Shield That Deflects Enemy Projectiles

  • Class: Tank
  • Movement Speed: Fast
  • Range: Normal
  • Health: 10,000
  • Damage: 2,760 (max range), 1,380 (min range)

Buster boasts an impressive defensive prowess as a tank, skillfully safeguarding both himself and his teammates. His unique talent lies in his protective shield, which he fortifies by staying near his comrades. Any hostile projectiles striking the shield are repelled and redirected towards the attacker, potentially causing harm upon impact. However, Buster’s defense weakens against throwers capable of inflicting damage beyond the reach of his shield. Furthermore, if an adversary gets too close to penetrate the shield, they can also cause harm to Buster.

Buster’s primary attack is effective against opponents, dealing more harm as the distance narrows, making it easier for Buster to defeat adversaries who come closer. Generally speaking, Buster has the potential to alter the course of a game with his shield, but because he heavily depends on teammates to assist him, he may not be the most robust in various scenarios.

9 Tara

Summons An Enemy Pulling Portal

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,200
  • Damage Per Card: 960

In a nutshell, Tara uses three tarot cards that inflict substantial damage and penetrate through enemies. However, her true strength lies in her special ability. When charged, she sets up a portal that sucks in all nearby enemies within a radius of four tiles towards its core before detonating. This strategically positioned portal can quickly dispose of the entire enemy team by grouping them together, thus maximizing the impact of Tara’s penetrative tarot cards. It works exceptionally well when combined with other friendly brawlers’ skills.

Even though the portal moves slowly and its projectiles are not fast enough, it can be challenging to hit targets, especially when attempting to strike multiple opponents simultaneously. Moreover, Tara faces difficulties in defeating robust brawlers quickly due to her slow reload speed, frequently needing assistance from her teammates.

8 Lou

Freezes Areas And Enemies

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 6,400
  • Damage Per Snow Cone: 880

Lou‘s icy talent sends even the toughest adversaries quivering. In each attack, he hurls three snowballs, and with every one that strikes, a frost gauge fills up next to the health bar of the targeted brawler. When this gauge is full (which happens after seven snowballs), the enemy becomes stunned for 1.5 seconds, making them an easy mark for Lou and his allies to hit. However, due to the slow velocity of Lou’s snowballs, precision in aiming is crucial to successfully hit your target.

Instead of creating a large, icy surface for his super, Lou lays down a slick, chilly floor that poses trouble for adversaries, inflicting minor harm and increasing the frost gauge by 12.6% every second, making it ideal for managing expansive parts of the map. Moreover, in control game modes, Lou’s hypercharge, Slushie Storm, instantly freezes opponents who come into contact with his super-induced ice, further enhancing his command over the match.

7 Otis

Silences Enemies With A Starfish

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,400
  • Damage Per Paint Blob: 920

With each burst, Otis dishes out significant harm to opponents over various distances, especially with his Ink Refills special ability that boosts each attack by adding an extra paint blob. Furthermore, his super allows him to launch Cil, his starfish companion, who becomes the main attraction. If Cil lands on a foe, they are temporarily incapacitated, unable to attack or use any star powers, gadgets, or hypercharges for 3 seconds, while also taking continuous damage.

As long as an opponent is engaged in combat, they’ll be unable to retaliate but can still move around. This leaves Otis and his teammates a clear opportunity for elimination if the enemy has no place to escape to. Furthermore, Otis excels at managing nearby adversaries, preventing them from attacking first before swiftly closing in and defeating them.

6 Gene

Gene Only Has One Wish, To Pull You Closer

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 7,200
  • Damage: 2,000
  • Split Damage: 326

In a simplified version:

Gene’s ability is particularly beneficial in Gem Grab, allowing him to snatch the enemy team’s gem carriers if they’re not cautious. It’s also effective in other game modes, assisting in isolating opponents and eliminating them. Additionally, Gene’s special talent, Magic Puffs, enables him to heal nearby teammates, enhancing his supportive role.

5 Charlie

Puts Enemies Into A Cocoon

  • Class: Controller
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,600
  • Damage: 1,520

In simpler terms, Charlie is yet another tough fighter who excels with her unique ability. When she uses it, Charlie launches a clump of hair that can ensnare an adversary in a sturdy cocoon. The cocoon’s health decreases by 20% each second and can be weakened further by opponents. This cocoon enables Charlie to temporarily take an enemy brawler out of the fray, giving her and her team the opportunity to either push forward or retreat based on the circumstances.

In the battle for Charlie, she utilizes her yo-yo as a weapon against opponents, which comes back to her after striking an adversary, colliding with a wall, or reaching its farthest extent. Consequently, if an enemy combatant is near Charlie, she can launch her yo-yo quicker and inflict more damage.

4 Max

Speed Has A New Name

  • Class: Support
  • Movement Speed: Very Fast
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,600
  • Damage Per Projectile: 640

Max is an exceptionally swift combatant whose special abilities temporarily increase the movement speed of nearby teammates for a brief period. This feature synergizes well with close-range fighters, enabling them to swiftly approach enemies and eliminate them. While Max might not excel in either short or long-range combat, her high mobility allows her to selectively join and exit battles at will.

Additionally, her ability to fire a scattershot of small bullets against opponents positions her as a versatile and effective combatant in many scenarios. Moreover, Max’s Run n’ Gun star power enhances her capabilities by enabling faster reloading when she’s on the move. This, combined with her quick reload speed, means that Max can consistently bombard enemies while also contributing to her team’s defense.

3 Byron

Gradually Heals Teammates And Damages Enemies

  • Class: Support
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Very Long
  • Health: 4,800
  • Damage/Heal Per Second: 760 x 3

Byron excels as a support character in brawl games, boasting a strong regular attack and super ability. His basic attack fires a dart over long distances that not only harms opponents but also restores health to teammates gradually. This dual functionality allows him to keep his allies healthy while simultaneously fending off enemies. However, Byron faces challenges when up close, as he finds it difficult to inflict significant burst damage in such situations.

The most effective strategy for handling a close combat opponent is by using Byron’s super, which breaks into pieces upon contact, causing harm or healing nearby targets within its blast area. This means he can both heal himself and inflict substantial damage on the approaching adversary. In general, it’s best to stay behind the team and offer support when using Byron for maximum effectiveness.

2 Lily

Don’t Get Close

  • Class: Assassin
  • Movement Speed: Very Fast
  • Range: Short
  • Health: 8,200
  • Damage: 2,120

In a flash, Lily excels at getting up-close and finishing off opponents swiftly. Her attacks have the unique quality of penetrating foes while inflicting substantial damage, making it possible for her to eliminate many brawlers in just a few rapid-fire shots when they’re nearby. Moreover, Lily’s Vanish star power gives her the stealthy advantage of entering the shadow realm for three seconds, enabling her to approach enemies unnoticed, dodge their attacks, or make a quick exit from battles.

Lily’s special ability becomes particularly vital for approaching adversaries. When she uses her special move, she hurls a seed at an opponent and instantly teleports to them if the seed connects. Notably, Lily’s special ability also gradually charges when she is within a 5-tile proximity of an enemy, making it easier to activate.

1 Clancy

Damage Dealer Who Can Claw Back Victory From The Jaws Of Defeat

  • Class: Damage Dealer
  • Movement Speed: Normal
  • Range: Long
  • Health: 6,600
  • Damage Per Paintball: 1,600

As the most recent brawler in Brawl Stars, Clancy has already made a name for himself with his high damage output at most distances. Initially, Clancy is a below-average brawler, shooting one paintball per attack, which gives him a token if he hits an enemy brawler. However, once Clancy gains nine tokens, he upgrades to stage two, shooting two paintballs with each attack. After acquiring another 15 tokens at stage two, Clancy upgrades to stage three, where he shoots two more paintballs to the side with each attack.

At each level, Clancy enhances his abilities, unleashing a barrage of paintballs in a cone formation that inflicts heavy damage on opponents nearby and moderate, albeit inconsistent, damage from afar. By stage 3, Clancy becomes a formidable threat for the enemy, dishing out massive damage both at close quarters and from a distance. Notably, unlike Surge, Clancy retains his upgrades upon respawning, amplifying his strength throughout the game. Additionally, Clancy’s Pumping Up star power allows him to self-destructively wipe out entire teams by replenishing his ammunition after defeating each enemy brawler.

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2024-08-28 19:55