The Best Primary Gadgets For Attackers In Rainbow Six Siege

The Best Primary Gadgets For Attackers In Rainbow Six Siege


  • Operators in Rainbow Six Siege have unique gadgets crucial for gaining map control, eliminating enemies, and executing objectives.
  • Thermite’s Exothermic Charges, Maverick’s Breaching Torch, and Ace’s Selma Charges are powerful gadgets for hard breaching reinforcements.
  • Montagne’s Le Roc Shield, Grim’s Hive Launcher, and Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow offer versatile and powerful tactical options for attacking.

As a seasoned operator in Rainbow Six Siege, I can confidently say that Thatcher’s EMP Grenades are a game-changer. With years of combat experience under my belt, I’ve seen firsthand how these little devices can turn the tide of a battle. They disable enemy electronics, clear out traps and cameras, and even neutralize anti-projectile devices like Jager’s ADS and Wamai’s Magnets. If you’re looking to open reinforced walls or execute on the bombsite, Thatcher’s EMPs are your best friend.

In Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, there are a multitude of operators on offer, each with distinct tools and skills. With more than 35 Attacking Operators available for selection, choosing the right gadgets can be challenging since not all are equally effective. The primary gadgets wielded by attackers provide a wide range of tactical options, and they’re essential for gaining an edge in combat. A well-timed and strategically placed gadget could tip the scale between winning and losing, making it crucial to know which ones to employ effectively.

As a long-time player of Rainbow Six Siege, I’ve come to appreciate the strategic depth and variety that the game offers, especially when it comes to its various game modes. Among them all, Bomb is undoubtedly my favorite due to its fast-paced nature and high level of competition. In this mode, there are numerous strong attacker gadgets, but not all are equally useful for every situation. However, I’ve put together a list of powerful, reliable, and easy-to-use gadgets that even less experienced players can excel with. These gadgets have proven to be consistently effective in my own gameplay, making them essential tools in any attacker’s arsenal.

10 Exothermic Charge (Thermite)

Explosive Sheets That Blow Large Holes In Reinforced Surfaces

  • Difficulty – Easy

As a seasoned gamer, I’ve come to rely on Thermite as a crucial member of my attacking squad. His Exothermic Charges are the game-changer in any lineup, offering the largest initial breach among all hard breachers. These charges serve as the key to unlocking objectives, creating additional entry points for us, and narrowing down defenders’ safe play areas.

Despite its strength, this equipment comes with certain limitations. If an electrified or signal-disrupted surface is involved, Thermite will require help to blast open the wall or hatch. Moreover, he has to manually place the Charge on a surface, making him vulnerable during deployment.

9 Breaching Torch (Maverick)

Quietly Burn Through Reinforced Surfaces With Precision

  • Difficulty – Hard

Maverick’s Flame Cutter is capable of piercing through any kind of surface, be it strong or weak, by creating a burning gap in it (regardless if it’s electrically charged or blocked with Mute’s jammers). It can make tiny holes, round holes, and even break open reinforced doors and entire walls when skillfully used. However, this process takes longer compared to other heavy-duty breachers, but with the right operator, a single person can choose to open anything they desire. But, while wielding his Flame Cutter and cutting through a surface closely, he is highly exposed and typically needs cover from teammates.

1. The Breaching Torch has a finite number of uses; it weakens each time it’s utilized. However, if used strategically, it can penetrate two fortified doors or walls. Additionally, creating subtle openings unnoticed by defenders could enable stealthy elimination of enemies. The Breaching Torch is a potent device, but proficiency comes with practice.

8 S.E.L.M.A Aqua Breacher (Ace)

Ranged Hard Breach That Opens Good-Sized Holes

  • Difficulty – Easy

Ace acquires three Selma Breaching Units, capable of penetrating both reinforced and non-reinforced structures. One Selma creates a moderate-sized opening that players can either jump over or crawl through. To allow players to walk through the opening, correctly placing two Selmas at an appropriate distance apart is necessary. While Selma breaches might not be as expansive as Thermite’s Exothermic Charges, they can be launched from a distance onto a surface, making them safer for use.

Selma’s biggest weakness is against reinforced hatches. Two Selmas open one reinforced hatch, which is the worst of any hard breaching gadget. The best option for opening hatches is Hibana’s X-Kairos Launcher, which nearly made this list, but since it only opens small holes in walls, it just missed out.

7 Le Roc Shield (Montagne)

Extendable Shield Perfect For Flushing Out Defenders

  • Difficulty – Hard

In the game, Montagne is among a select few characters chosen primarily for his unique gadget – the extendable shield. After the recent rework, Monty has proven to be one of the top attackers when employed in tandem with his team. This protective shield allows him to approach defenders without sustaining any harm. He can then signal the location of the enemy to his team using yellow pings and callouts, enabling his comrades to effectively engage and eliminate them.

The ability to extend and retract his Shield also makes him more of a threat than other shield operators. If enemies look away from him, he can retract his Shield and bash them onto the ground up close or shoot them with his pistol at range (although shooting exposes his head). This makes Monty a formidable opponent that enemies often need to double up on to get the better of.

6 Kawan Hive Launcher (Grim)

Fire Canisters Of Robotic Bees That Mark Enemies

  • Difficulty – Easy

Initially, upon its debut, the Grim’s Hive Launcher was one of the most underperforming primary tools in the game. But after several updates and enhancements, it has become one of the top choices for intel gathering and clearing out positions. The Hive Launcher is capable of firing up to five containers that unleash a swarm of robotic bees which persist for 16 seconds, marking any enemies within its 4.6-meter radius with a live, red ping, thereby revealing the defenders’ position to attackers. The Hive Launcher offers two firing modes; sticky and bouncy. The latter allows players to bounce the container around corners, thus minimizing exposure to enemy fire.

Grim’s Hive Launcher excels at executing bomb sites since it restricts defenders’ play areas, making it difficult for them to plant the bomb. Additionally, it’s fantastic for clearing power spots that defenders often occupy, forcing enemies to weigh the risk of staying and engaging in an unfavorable firefight or retreating, thus relinquishing territory to the attackers.

5 Tactical Crossbow (Capitao)

Shoot Smoke And Asphyxiating Bolts

  • Difficulty – Medium

Captain’s Tactical Crossbow might not boast advanced technology, but it offers great versatility and power. It comes equipped with a total of four bolts – two smoke and two poisonous gas, allowing players to effortlessly alternate between them.

When explosive bolts strike a surface, they detonate and ignite a fire that expands up to 5 meters in all directions on the ground. This blaze persists for approximately 10 seconds, inflicting 36 points of damage per second to any individuals within it (friends or foes). Essentially, this area becomes inaccessible for a brief period. It’s ideal for dismantling strategic positions since it forces defenders into an offensive stance or retreat. Additionally, it’s effective at securing bomb sites by hindering defenders from approaching the planter during an execution.

Upon collision with a surface, the Smoke Bolts disperse, generating a substantial plume of smoke that surpasses the typical density produced by smoke grenades. This dispersal can be controlled for greater precision. Primarily, its function is to obstruct visual paths, thereby ensuring a safer approach to the bomb location.

4 Eyenox Model III (Jackal)

Track Enemies By Following Their Footprints

  • Difficulty – Medium

In the competitive mode of the game Siege, Jackal is frequently disallowed due to his potent and annoying gadget. Known as the Eyenox, this device is mounted on Jackal’s head, allowing it to detect enemy footprints when activated. Players can analyze these footprints to pinpoint an adversary’s location through a red ping that updates every five seconds. The scanner doesn’t have a time limit for being active, but it can only perform three scans at once, and only one scan can be in use at any given moment.

On the scanner, fresh footprints are represented by colors indicating their freshness. The fresher the footprints, the longer the scanner’s response, producing more echoes or pings.

  • Red – under 20 seconds ago – 5 pings
  • Yellow – between 20 and 45 seconds ago – 4 pings
  • Green – between 45 and 65 seconds ago – 3 pings
  • Light blue – between 65 and 90 seconds ago – 2 pings

The Eyenox scanner performs exceptionally well in collecting information, locating opponents who are on the defensive, sweeping areas clean, and asserting dominance over the game map.

3 EMP Grenade (Thatcher)

Disable Enemy Gadgets, Enable Friendly Gadgets

  • Difficulty – Easy

In Rainbow Six Siege, there aren’t many devices as potent as Thatcher’s EMP Grenades. These are tossable devices that disable all enemy electronics within a 5.2-meter radius for ten seconds. He carries three of them, which allows him to inflict significant damage on the defensive setup.

Electronic Perception (EMP) operators have the ability to neutralize traps, cameras, and surveillance devices, ensuring teammates can enter zones without giving away their location. They also deactivate anti-projectile gadgets like Jager’s ADS and Wamai’s Magnets, preventing plant denial from Maestro’s Evil Eye Cameras and Echo’s Yokai Drones, thus making it easier to execute bomb sites. Most frequently, they disable wall denials that enable hard breachers to break open reinforced walls and hatches.

With the advent of the compact Impact EMP Grenades, other operatives can now mimic a comparable impact but on a more limited scale. However, these Impact EMPs have a narrow range of influence and demand accuracy and knowledge about the location of defender equipment. As a result, Thatcher’s EMPs remain the most convenient method to render defenders’ electrical devices inoperable.

2 Candela (Ying)

Flash! Bang! Wallop!

  • Difficulty – Easy

In the game Siege, there is no noise that sends chills down players’ spines quite like the shriek of a Candela just before it goes off beneath them, plunging them into darkness. A Candela has a fuse of three seconds which can be shortened by holding it, and if held for over three seconds, it detonates as soon as it hits the ground. Players can also stick Candelas to soft surfaces, with the projectiles firing on the opposite side. Normally, Candelas are tossed, bouncing off surfaces and skittering across the floor before exploding.

Candlelas are often perceived as just high-powered stun devices, but their broad coverage area and adjustable fuse duration make them a potent tool for neutralizing strategic points and storming the bomb site. Moreover, Ying’s unique eyewear ensures she won’t be dazzled by her own flashes, enabling her to move forward after deploying her Candelas and eliminate any defenders left blinded by the explosions.

1 Logic Bomb (Dokkaebi)

Ring Defender Phones And Hack Their Cameras

  • Difficulty – Easy

In the number one spot is the skill known as Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb. This incredibly effective tool causes all defender phones to ring incessantly for 12 seconds, thereby disclosing their location through sound. During this period, defenders are unable to use cameras until the effect ends, or they move into a Mute Jammer, or manually silence their devices. To deactivate their phones, defenders must go through a five-second animation, providing attackers with enough time to strategize and attack the defenders’ location.

Using two Logic Bombs, Dokkaebi has the option to deploy one prematurely to eliminate roaming enemies and retain the other for a strategic plant site attack, thus preventing defenders from setting up plant denial devices like Yokai Drones or Evil Eyes. Moreover, Dokkaebi’s unique ability allows her to hack into defender cameras by utilizing a dead defender’s phone, providing her team with crucial intelligence.

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2024-08-15 14:35