The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Key Takeaways

  • Shiny Fossil Pokemon range from excellent to lackluster, with unique color variations that can be hit or miss.
  • Some Fossil Pokemon, like Kabuto and Kabutops, shine with vibrant green shinies, while others, like Shieldon, fall flat.
  • Some Fossil Pokemon, like Arctovish, have unusual but striking shinies, while others, like Archeops, offer subtle color swaps.

As a long-time Pokemon enthusiast and collector, I must say that I am utterly captivated by the dazzling array of shiny forms showcased here. From the pristine snowball charm of Amaura to the icy elegance of Aurorus, each design is a testament to the creativity and attention to detail that goes into crafting these digital creatures.

A fan-favorite subgroup of Pokemon, the Fossil Pokemon have been around since the very beginning of the series. While the recent ancient Paradox Pokemon feel similar to the Fossil group, they are completely separate with no overlap. Unique from most other Pokemon in requiring an item to then turn into a member of the player’s team, the wide variety of different ancient Fossil Pokemon also offers a wide array of different shiny palettes.

Among the multitude of Pokémon available, the quality of shiny Fossil Pokémon spans quite a broad spectrum, ranging from exceptional heights to disappointing depths. On one end, you have those often affected by poor color swaps or minor changes from their original hue, which are not particularly impressive. However, on the other end, there are outstanding and radically different versions of shiny Fossil Pokémon, which truly excel in comparison to their less fortunate counterparts.

25 Carracosta

Deeper Watery Depths

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Among the less memorable Fossil Pokemon, Carracosta’s shiny form fails to enhance its frequently overlooked standing. Belonging to the group of disliked shiny versions that many trainers disregard, this alternative version merely alters the intensity of the original’s hues.

Slightly darkening, the gleaming Carracosta is never a preferred choice for any keen hunter.

24 Tirtouga

Coastal Teal

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

One lesser-known Fossil Pokemon from Generation 5, Tirtouga, commonly swaps its shiny form with Water-types. Typically, the watery hues transform into a striking new shade of blue, making Tirtouga’s somewhat tropical turquoise a perfect fit.

Although it’s certainly not unpleasant, switching to a slightly lighter shade of blue doesn’t stand out quite as much compared to some alternative choices.

23 Archeops

Slight Saturation

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

The other half of the Tirtouga line, Archeops, has numerous issues that extend beyond its mediocre shimmering hues. It is infamous for arguably the poorest ability in the entire Pokemon franchise, and the barely noticeable color swaps for its shiny form seem like an additional disappointment.

By adjusting the saturation slightly and tweaking the hues of its feathers, Archeop appears beautifully vibrant considering all the other aspects that aren’t as prominent.

22 Shieldon

Polished Metal

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Shieldon, originally found in the Sinnoh games and their remakes or reimaginings, is unfortunately less appealing than its counterpart when it comes to its shiny form within this generation.

As a devoted fan, I can barely miss the subtle changes in Shieldon’s appearance – its metal plating and overall form subtly shift shades, with the top turning a more intense blue and the body brightening to a yellower hue. In comparison to other options within the Sinnoh fossils, this shiny is one I’d rather leave untouched in the past.

21 Bastiodon

Steel Blue

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

After Shieldon, Bastiodon shares a similar radiant quality, but with subtle differences to better suit its role as an ancient steel-like beast.

Under specific light conditions, the color pattern on a polished Bastiodon creates a deep, almost black metal sheen on its headplate, while its body maintains a less vibrant yellow compared to Shieldon, which enhances the overall contrast slightly.

20 Lileep

Capturing The Grass Type

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Although Lileep isn’t particularly striking overall, changing its interesting purple to a common green, which aligns with the Grass-type, isn’t necessarily a negative adjustment. However, this change doesn’t make it more visually appealing either.

For the subtly alien, deep-sea aesthetic of Lileep, green is an effective choice, yet it doesn’t quite stand out among other more radiant and unique fossils in terms of shimmer.

19 Cradily

Wild Tone Shift

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Instead of Lileep, Cradily exhibits a striking transformation from its usual green form into vibrant pink, seemingly abandoning the traditional Grass-type motif with its gleaming appearance.

Although we acknowledge the sudden change, the selection of pink, considering Cradily’s unique head features, is undeniably an interesting decision.

18 Aerodactyl

Bright Pink Pterodactyl

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Among the initial five Fossil Pokemon, it was not until Generation 2 that the shimmering version of Aerodactyl, previously a stone-gray pteranodon creature, became pink.

As a passionate fan, I must admit that Shiny Aerodactyl truly stands out from other Rock-type Pokémon. It might not be the ultimate choice among the Kanto fossils, but its vibrant new color scheme certainly piques the interest of both casual players and dedicated shiny hunters like myself.

17 Anorith

From Silver To Gold

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

The change in Anorith’s coloring, now a brown-gold instead of the previous muddy gray, seems to be an adaptation reminiscent of its Rock-typing, which undeniably enhances the somewhat peculiar appearance of this ancient bug.

The shiny palette may be simple, but its effectiveness gives Anorith an edge over it’s Hoenn competitor.

16 Armaldo

From Blue To Red

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Similar to its previous state, the tone shift in Armaldo exhibits a surprising reversal of commonly associated hues. Rather than transitioning from silver to gold, Armaldo exchanges its murky blue for a lighter shade of red.

Both Rock-types and Bug-types benefit from a color change to red, adding an appealing and distinctly unusual hue to their appearance.

15 Archen

Reptilian Dinosaur Green

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

The basic shimmery hue may not be complex, but transitioning it from a sky-blue to a reptile-esque green significantly enhances the dinosaur-like essence of Archen.

Despite Archen’s origin as a proto-bird, its reptilian features such as scales and unusual talons are further enhanced by the sporting of vibrant neon green frills.

14 Omanyte

Royal Purple Helix

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Over the past few years, a particular Pokemon has gained an almost cult-like adoration – the radiantly purple version of Omanyte. Interestingly, this shiny variant seems to exude a somewhat regal aura that matches the mysterious allure often associated with this Pokemon.

The distinctive shift away from the typical blue hues in the Water-type shinies adds an exceptional touch to the unique Fossil, as the purple tones offer a refreshing and delightful alteration.

13 Omastar

Purple Sea Monster

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

In line with Omanyte, Omastar also maintains the regal purple aesthetic, yet refines its unique design further.

As Omastar appears increasingly otherworldly, wild, and distinct from Omanyte, its vibrant purple coloring amplifies this oddity, enhancing the already noticeable evolutionary shift that occurred in the initial stage.

12 Kabuto

An Emerald In The Rough

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

As a devoted fan, I must say that although Kabuto has been somewhat outshone by its counterpart in more contemporary times, when it comes to the dazzling spectacle of shinies, this prehistoric Pokémon truly reigns supreme!

The change here is all about the shell, but swapping Kabuto’s leather brown coloring for a vibrant green is a refreshing shift.

11 Kabutops

From Rock Brown To Lime Green

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Similar to Kabuto, Kabutops also carries on the vibrant, shimmering green transformation quite impressively. The bug-like structure of Kabutops is perfectly complemented by its neon lime green color, which enhances the peculiar characteristics of this ancient, scythe-carrying Pokemon.

The vibrant green Shiny Kabutops bears such a resemblance to Scyther that one might even mistake them, yet its luminous hue adds an extra sheen, making it a captivating sight, truly fit for showcasing.

10 Amaura

A Small Snowball

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Among the four fossil Pokemon found in Kalos, it’s hard to beat the flawless shine of Amaura. The alteration suits its Ice-type nature wonderfully, as this ancient creature transforms its icy blue coloring into pristine white snow.

Changing the cool hues doesn’t revolutionize things, but making Amaura appear more similar to its species type seems quite logical.

9 Aurorus


The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Just as its initial version, Aurorus maintains the same frosty color scheme. However, due to its bigger structure, the icy blue crystals and design on the bottom side of the Pokemon are more noticeable, enhancing the beauty of its shimmering appearance.

Given that it’s highly likely Aurorus will reappear in the upcoming Kalos game, fans who desire a striking prehistoric Pokemon have an exciting search waiting for them.

8 Tyrunt

Royal Baby Blue

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

The baby-blue version of Tyrunt, being part of the Generation 6 fossil set, presents a surprising contrast against the usual rocky brown associated with Fossil Pokémon.

The sudden appearance of a Dragon-type Pokémon within the Fossil group is even more striking due to its brilliant, gleaming blue color, enhancing the awe-inspiring prehistoric vibe of this formidable creature.

7 Arctovish

Desaturated Water Tones

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Among the peculiar Fossil Pokemon residing in the Galar region, Arctovish stands out as the sole group that doesn’t belong to the Rock-type category. This particular Pokemon boasts a unique and eye-catching shiny version.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but notice that Arctovish bears a striking resemblance to the trendy water-type shiny forms, but instead of multiple shades of blue, it adopts a more monochromatic appearance, with captivating purple accents that only add to its peculiar charm.

6 Arctozolt

Freezing Pale Palette

The Best Shiny Fossil Pokemon

Similar to Arctovish, the creature named Arctozolt embodies a similar eccentric scientific vibe, yet it showcases a more vibrant and effective application of colors compared to the peculiar ice relic it resembles.

Increased use of subtly vibrant purple accents emphasizes Arctozolt’s peculiarity, making it noticeably distinct among the informal Fossil group.

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2024-09-29 05:34