The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked

In the grand tapestry of the Star Wars universe, I must say that each one of these Sith Lords, with their unique abilities and contributions to the dark side, leaves an indelible mark. But if you were to ask me who truly stands out among them, I’d have to go with Darth Revan.

In the epic saga of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), there’s an extensive roster of potent Jedi. However, the Sith, a formidable force, are equally impressive. During the game’s narrative, the Sith Empire, which rose to power under the leadership of the once-Jedi-now-Sith Lord Darth Malak, plays a pivotal role in the Sith’s conquest and dominance.

In the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, the term “Sith” is commonly used to refer to a powerful and expansive empire. This empire includes not only foot soldiers but also Sith masters and rulers. However, among these many Sith, there are some who stand out due to their immense power, cleverness, and leadership skills – traits that embody the Sith code.

5 Uthar Wynn

The Sith Headmaster

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked

  • Rank: Sith Master/Lord
  • Lightsaber Type: Double Bladed
  • Master: Jorak Uln
  • Species: Humanoid

In the game ‘KOTOR’, Uthar Wynn held the position as the Sith overlord managing the Sith Academy on Korriban. Although he may not have been the strongest Sith, his authority was undeniable among the multitude of Sith masters and dark-side practitioners within the academy.

1. Uthar Wynn, a significant character on Korriban, guided Revan through various trials to become a Sith. The final challenge led Revan on a dangerous journey to uncover one of the star maps. Uthar Wynn, both intelligent and powerful, tried to manipulate Revan against his apprentice, Yuthura Ban, after sensing a potential uprising. If players make specific decisions, Revan will ultimately overcome both dark side users. If players opt for the dark side, Uthar Wynn will swear loyalty to Revan.

4 Jorak Uln

The Mad Recluse

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked
  • Rank: Sith Master/Lord
  • Lightsaber Type: Double Bladed
  • Master: Exar Kun
  • Species: Humanoid

Amongst the Sith mentioned here, Jorak Uln is the least recognized. He was a potent user of the dark side and had once held the position as headmaster at the Sith academy on Korriban. However, he was exiled by his apprentice, Uthar Wynn, and sought refuge in the tomb of the treacherous Sith lord Tulak Hord.

Upon arriving at the tomb, players encounter an unexpected ambush by Uln, a ruthless Force-user. Later, they endure torture at the hands of the Sith until they’re near death. Known for his brutality and strength, Jorak Uln has fought and defeated numerous adversaries, including Revan. The Sith’s mastery over Force drain and skill with a double-edged lightsaber make him formidable in battle. Although treacherous, the Sith lord is ultimately slain by Revan.

3 Darth Bandon

The Shadow Hand Of A Dark Lord

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked
  • Rank: Shadow Hand
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master: Darth Malak
  • Species: Humanoid

Originally a Jedi Knight and Darth Malak’s first apprentice, Darth Bandon held a prominent position within Malak’s Sith empire as his right-hand figure. Known for his formidable combat abilities, Bandon demonstrated his mastery of the dark side during his skirmishes with Revan, employing Force lightning and various other dark side maneuvers, including an extraordinary defense against Force attacks.

On Manaan, it was Revan who brought about the end of Darth Bandon and two other Dark Jedi. The Sith Lord’s final blow claimed the life of Darth Bandon, and with his defeat, he discarded an armor piece, highly regarded as one of the best armors in the game.

2 Darth Malak

The Lesser Dark Lord

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked
  • Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master (s): Darth Revan, Zhar Lestin
  • Species: Humanoid

In the popular video games known as KOTOR, Darth Malak serves as the primary antagonist, leading Revan’s Sith empire following his former master’s capture by the Jedi. Known for his brutal and impressive prowess, Darth Malak has clashed with powerful Jedi like Bastila Shan on numerous occasions, even holding his own against one of Star Wars‘s most potent non-canon characters, Revan himself.

Darth Malak also trained prominent dark-side users such as Darth Bandon, as well as ordering the destruction of entire planets such as Taris – a ruthless user of the dark side; Malak is a powerful Sith lord and one of KOTOR’sbest villains, second only to Revan.

1 Darth Revan

The True Dark Lord Of The Sith

The Best Sith In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ranked
  • Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master (s): Arren Kae, Kreia, Zhar Lestin, Dorak
  • Species: Humanoid

In the game of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, players have the option to decide the destiny of Revan. If they choose a path towards darkness, they can embody Darth Revan themselves. Known as one of the most powerful Sith lords, Darth Revan is an adept user of the dark side who has vanquished many formidable Jedi and Sith opponents in his quest for control over the galaxy. Prior to becoming a Sith, Revan was a valiant fighter in the Mandalorian wars, leading the Republic to victory and defeating Mandalore the Ultimate in battle.

In various Star Wars lore, Revan stands out as a Sith Lord who significantly impacted other powerful Sith figures like Darth Bane (who established the Rule of Two) and Darth Kreia from “Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords.” What sets Revan apart in Knights of the Old Republic isn’t just his power, but the profound effect he had on others.

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2024-08-31 08:33