The Best Valorant Agents For Console Players

The Best Valorant Agents For Console Players

As a seasoned Valorant player with countless hours under my belt (and countless more arguing about the best agents), I wholeheartedly endorse Reyna as the ideal duelist for console gamers. Her self-sufficiency and aggressive playstyle make her a formidable force, especially in lower ranks where teamwork might not always be a given.

Valorant remains engaging for gamers thanks to its exciting blend of tactical first-person shooter action and an array of unique characters, each offering distinct abilities in combat. Although numerous players have become proficient with the game’s character roster on PC, the console version has attracted a fresh influx of learners. Aside from adjusting to the game’s controls on a console, the real hurdle for console gamers lies in determining which agents and weapons work optimally for the platform.

Playing a game based on its PC version might not yield optimal results when using a controller, since the gameplay mechanics, such as movement, aiming, and precision, can change substantially. Consequently, characters that excel on the PC may not fare as well on console platforms, and vice versa. However, there are certain characters whose skills translate exceptionally well to consoles, making them top choices for players in this new gaming environment.

5 Brimstone

A Simple Yet Effective Agent

Role Controller
Basic Abilities Incendiary, Stim Beacon
Signature Ability Sky Smoke
Ultimate Ability Orbital Strike

Brimstone was among the initial 10 characters introduced during Valorant’s closed beta testing, and he continues to be a top-tier controller agent at present. His skills are relatively straightforward compared to others in the game, which makes him an excellent pick for console players new to the controller role.

Brimstone offers three smokescreens, a Molotov cocktail, a Stim Beacon boosting allies’ mobility, and an ultimate that showers fire from above. His console-friendly abilities make him an excellent choice for teams seeking a controller agent. Despite his straightforward kit, it’s far from weak; indeed, his ultimate is often considered one of the strongest in the game, while his Molotov and smokes can effortlessly dominate any bomb site.


The Most Overlooked Initiator

Role Initiator
Basic Abilities FRAG/ment, FLASH/drive
Signature Ability ZERO/point
Ultimate Ability NULL/cmd

Many people believe that KAY/O, in the game Valorant, is often underestimated as the best initiator agent. It’s not hard to understand why this might be the case. While his kit is relatively easy to grasp initially, truly mastering it requires a significant amount of effort.

KAY/O is an excellent choice for console gamers due to two primary factors. First, his abilities are straightforward and easy for novices to learn promptly. Second, he provides a significant room for growth as players advance, ensuring that he remains effective across all skill levels.

3 Killjoy

Everyone’s Favorite High-Tech Sentinel

Role Sentinel
Basic Abilities Alarmbot, Nanoswarm
Signature Ability Turret
Ultimate Ability Lockdown

Killjoy is easily one of, if not, the best sentinel agents in Valorant. When it comes to defending bombsites, her kit is unparalleled. Her abilities are highly versatile, allowing them to be used in so many different ways. With her turret, Nanoswarm grenades, and Alarmbot, she can single-handedly hold down bombsites, preventing attackers from even being able to step a foot inside. But her ultimate, Lockdown, is her most powerful ability. It detains enemies within a massive radius, making it perfect for both retaking or securing bomb sites.

Killjoy excels for console gamers as her gameplay style relies more on strategic planning, utilization of tools, and careful positioning rather than lightning-fast reflexes and extraordinary aim. Since her gadgets handle most tasks, she turns out to be an extremely efficient and dependable option for those who prefer using a controller.

2 Reyna

The Most Popular Agent In The Game

Role Duelist
Basic Abilities Leer
Signature Ability Devour, Dismiss
Ultimate Ability Empress

In the world of Valorant, Reyna is undeniably the most frequently utilized duelist, and there’s a solid explanation behind this. Her abilities grant her an impressive level of self-reliance, allowing players to rack up kills without overly relying on their teammates. Reyna’s gameplay style revolves around aggression, giving her flash the power to reveal enemy positions without the risk of instant elimination, while her Devour and Dismiss skills facilitate swift escapes following a kill. When skillfully wielded by an experienced player who knows when and where to charge ahead, it can be challenging for opponents to retaliate effectively after Reyna secures a kill.

For console players trying to climb the ranked ladder, Reyna is arguably the perfect duelist. Her self-sufficiency is particularly valuable for lower ranks, where support players might not always provide the necessary support a duelist needs to win the round. If the player’s aim and confidence are on point, Reyna can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

1 Viper

The Most Lethal Controller In Valorant

Role Controller
Basic Abilities Snake Bite, Poison Cloud
Signature Ability Toxic Screen
Ultimate Ability Viper’s Pit

In the world of Valorant, Viper’s progression has been truly impressive. Initially, she was arguably the weakest character due to her abilities affecting both enemies and allies indiscriminately, leading many to view her as a hindrance with a low usage rate. However, following substantial updates, she has transformed into one of the game’s most potent agents. Her skills primarily revolve around poisoning adversaries by inflicting the Vulnerable and Decay status effects on them. With her Snake Bite, Smoke Cloud, and Toxic Screen, she excels at securing bomb sites during defense and swiftly clearing them out during offense without much effort.

Her ultimate, Viper’s Pit, is a game-changer, covering a large area with a chemical cloud that near-sights enemies and decays their health to a mere 1 HP if they stay inside. This ability can guarantee a round win if used correctly.

Viper is an excellent choice for console players as she shines through strategic positioning, accurate timing, and efficient use of resources. This makes her a highly valuable character for those playing with a controller, as she can significantly influence game outcomes, even on days when aim feels off. Given her strengths, it’s not surprising that many view her as the top controller agent in Valorant.

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2024-08-27 01:55