The Best Western RPGs With Female Protagonists, Ranked


  • Gaming offers players the chance to create unique lives and stories far removed from reality.
  • Western RPGs now present exciting narratives with female protagonists, providing diverse gameplay experiences.
  • Games like Expeditions: Rome offer opportunities to customize characters and make impactful story decisions.

One delightful aspect of gaming lies in the freedom it offers: based on a player’s current feelings and selected device, they can transform themselves into any character they desire, and construct an entirely different life, as distant from their real one as they fancy. The world of gaming has evolved significantly over time, making the decision to enter a new realm sometimes challenging due to its vastness.

In recent years, it was striking how few Western role-playing games (WRPGs) showcased female protagonists. Fortunately, that’s no longer the case as we now have a wealth of engaging stories, some even unsettling in the horror genre, led by strong female characters. While the precise definition of a WRPG can fluctuate based on who you ask, there are undoubtedly many top-notch games with women at the forefront, thanks to their compelling narratives and complex gameplay dynamics.

Additionally, this collection features Role-Playing Games (RPGs) that offer the option for players to choose between a male or female main character for greater diversity.

5. Expeditions: Rome

An Orphaned Legatus On The Run

  • Initially Launched: January 2022
  • Main Character: Legatus
  • Genre: Tactical RPG

In the third installment of the Expeditions series, titled “Expeditions: Rome,” the gameplay is divided into main story arcs, referred to as acts. The two primary battle strategies include turn-based skirmishes and close-quarter legionary battles, with the turn-based fights focusing on intricate narrative missions.

The protagonist steps into the shoes of a legatus, navigating life and death situations during the twilight years of the Democratic Roman Republic. Tragically, her father has been slain, compelling her to flee Rome under any circumstance. The decisions the player takes while crafting their character significantly impact how the narrative unfolds. To illustrate, opting for a Pathos-influenced character will make them highly persuasive through emotional appeals. Conversely, an Ethos-driven character embodies strong morals and influence due to their unwavering integrity. Lastly, a Logos-based character consistently uses rational reasoning in their choices.

4. Fallout 4

She’s The Sole Survivor Seeking Vengeance

Among the towering figures in RPG gaming, the powerful action game known as “Fallout 4” allows players to pick either a male or female character. This game takes place in the year 2287, which is a decade following the incidents depicted in “Fallout 3”. The player-controlled character in this game goes by the name of The Sole Survivor.

Introducing a female Sole Survivor character brings an extra layer of depth to the game, since six potential love interests for the player are among the companions later in the game. The Sole Survivor is a Vault Dweller living through the nuclear apocalypse, and her primary objective throughout Fallout 4 is to recover her kidnapped son Shaun. To make the experience even more thrilling and difficult, players can opt for her to turn into a ruthless villain who acts without hesitation to betray, kill, and steal.

3. Mass Effect 2

Bad Ass Female Anti-Hero

In the vein of its highly successful predecessor, Mass Effect 2 does not fall short, boasting enhanced third-person combat features and a deeper narrative. Set in the 22nd century, this game is primarily set within the Milky Way, where most planets are under the rule of the Citadel Council.

As a devoted fan, I find myself once again captivated by the return of Commander Shepard as the main character. What sets her apart is that she defies the typical hero archetype. Shepard is tough, cunning, and an undeniably cool commander, and in controlling such a character, players can effortlessly tap into her ‘less virtuous’ side without any pangs of conscience.

2. Immortals: Fenyx Rising

A Reluctant Mythical Goddess

  • Initially Launched: December 2020
  • Main Character: Fenyx
  • Genre: Action-Adventure

Immortals: Fenyx Rising” offers a breathtaking, immersive journey for both experienced and novice players. Even just the stunning graphics and visuals are captivating enough to draw you in. What truly sets this game apart is its rich, intricate mythology filled with various legendary creatures from around the world.

In an exciting twist, Fenyx isn’t your typical hero; she’s more like an underdog character. Initially, Fenyx encounters a dreadful tempest that leaves her stranded on the Golden Isles after wrecking her ship. Unaware of it at first, Fenyx is no ordinary citizen and her role in this story is far from ordinary – she’s destined to bring down Zeus himself!

1. Horizon Zero Dawn

A Heroine At Heart

  • Initially Launched: February 2017
  • Main Character: Aloy
  • Genre: Adventure

In “Horizon Zero Dawn,” the storyline revolves solely around Aloy, a female combatant who carries a troubled and enigmatic history initially. This game is an essential pick for gamers seeking an entirely engrossing gaming journey. Interestingly, players have the freedom to select the difficulty level for controls and missions according to their personal tastes.

In this thrilling game duo, Horizon Zero Dawn and its follow-up, Horizon Forbidden West, it’s me, Aloy, who takes center stage. Born an outsider among the tribes and often met with scorn, I rise to become a beacon of hope for our world. Little do many know, I am not just any ordinary protagonist; I was crafted as GIA, a machine creation, and I bear the same likeness as a 21st-century roboticist named Dr. Elisabet Sobeck.

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2025-02-07 08:05