The Boys: Best “The Seven” Lineups

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups


  • The Seven is the most prestigious superhero team in
    The Boys
    universe, sought after by all supes.
  • Different lineups with member betrayal and death have highlighted The Seven’s history.
  • The latest team in Season 4 ends on a high note, winning and gaining power over superpowered individuals.

As someone who has closely followed The Boys since its inception, I cannot help but reflect on the various iterations of The Seven and the unique experiences each team brought to the table. Among them all, my personal favorite is the lineup from Season 4.

In the world of “The Boys,” this superhero team is considered the most elite and prestigious. Joining it is seen as the greatest achievement for any superpowered individual. The team, created by Vought International, represents the pinnacle of a professional hero’s career – an aspiration that lasts until the harsh realities of being part of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes begin to reveal themselves.

As a dedicated gamer and avid fan of “The Seven,” I’ve witnessed countless rosters undergo transformations within this alternate universe’s Justice League-inspired team. Betrayal and tragic demises have been all too common, shaping the dynamic of this intriguing group. Below are my personal top five preferred lineups, ranked from what I believe was least effective to most impactful:

5 Before The Story Started

The Founding Members

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups
  • The Lineup: Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, Mister Marathon, The Deep, Translucent, Lamplighter, A-Train
  • Newest Members: A-Train

As a devoted fan, I’d describe it this way: I’m part of the lucky crowd who knows The Seven’s original lineup quite well, with a few exceptions. Among them is Homelander, the strongest member with laser vision and superhuman strength. Next, there’s Queen Maeve, reminiscent of the mighty Amazonian warriors. Black Noir is our silent assassin, always ready to strike without a sound. The Deep rules the Seven Seas as their lord. Translucent, an elusive character, can make himself invisible at will. Lastly, Lamplighter brings the heat with his pyrokinetic abilities, while Mister Marathon is our team’s speedster, leaving everyone in his dust. However, this least-known lineup remains a mystery to many fans, known only through brief mentions or external reading material.

In The Boys’ universe, while this was the initial lineup, it wasn’t the only one that existed prior to Season 1. A character named A-Train took over Mister Marathon’s role at an undisclosed time before the show began. The implication being that in this world of superheroes, anyone with speed-related abilities who makes it into The Seven must constantly maintain their top form or risk losing their position. For instance, A-Train almost lost his place to Shockwave during Season 1.

As a long-time fan of this particular show, I have to admit that there are certain teams that don’t get as much attention or buzz as others due to their absence from the main timeline. Having grown up watching and loving every detail of the show, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for some teams that didn’t quite make it into the limelight.

4 Season 3

A Hectic Season For Supes

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups
  • The Lineup: Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep, Starlight, Supersonic
  • Newest Members: The Deep, Supersonic

In this iteration of the show, the team with the least strength and stability consists of Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep, Starlight, and Supersonic, who is a new member and an old flame of Starlight’s. This particular team experienced more internal conflicts than any other version throughout the series.

A-Train, who had returned to the team after a heart issue kept him from using his speed, was hesitant to do so due to his weak heart. Conversely, The Deep, expelled earlier in the series for his actions against Starlight, was surprisingly reinstated by Homelander as a form of revenge against her. In the Soldier Boy narrative, Homelander brutally ended Black Noir’s life when he failed to disclose information regarding their shared background.

Queen Maeve chose to defy Homelander, engaging in battle with him and then daringly confronting Soldier Boy atop the Seven Towers. Soldier Boy retaliated with a devastating blast that stripped Queen Maeve of her powers, compelling her to stage her own demise. Additionally, the newcomer Supersonic met an untimely end at Homelander’s hands before he could display his abilities.

Among all the variations of The Seven, this one experienced the greatest number of shifts and setbacks, resulting in the highest member turnover by the finale. Furthermore, it demonstrated the least degree of unity within its ranks.

3 Season 2

A Vibrant New Member

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups
  • The Lineup: Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, A-Train, Stormfront, Starlight
  • Newest Members: Stormfront

In the second season, The Seven kept most of their original lineup, introducing the exciting new member Stormfront. At the beginning of this new phase, although they were short two teammates, The Seven maintained a powerful standing, significantly more robust than The Boys’ precarious situation as wanted fugitives on the run.

In the past campaign, The Deep was expelled from The Seven, resulting in the loss of their least powerful member. They then welcomed a new recruit, significantly stronger than The Deep, named Stormfront. Stormfront’s prowess extended beyond enduring Homelander’s chest lasers and flying with the ability to summon lightning at will. Her strengths went beyond her powers; she brought media attention and recognition to the team. With Stormfront on board, The Seven proudly boasted three female members: herself, Starlight, and Queen Maeve.

In Season 2, A-Train’s heart issues worsened significantly, causing him to be expelled from the team. He was reinstated by the end of the season but remained in poor health. Additionally, the shocking revelation of Stormfront’s Nazi connections added uncertainty to the group’s integrity. As a result, The Seven exhibited both strengths and weaknesses during this period.

2 Season 1

The Most Well-Known Team

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups
  • The Lineup: Homelander, Black Noir, Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep, Translucent, Starlight
  • Newest Members: Starlight

In simple terms, this is the well-known lineup of The Seven team, frequently showcased in promotional materials for “The Boys” series, and the one initially presented to viewers through Starlight’s perspective in the first episode. With her ability to generate strength and light, Starlight became a member of this formidable group, consisting of Homelander (known for his immense power), Queen Maeve (brave and resilient), Black Noir (effectively handling situations), A-Train (early stages of heart problems but still capable of using super speed), Translucent (nearly invulnerable), and The Deep. During the early seasons of “The Boys,” this team encountered fewer obstacles compared to other versions due to minimal interference from Billy Butcher and his associates.

I went through a tough time when Translucent met an unfortunate end and The Deep got kicked out due to misconduct. These setbacks were significant blows to our team. But despite these hiccups, our version of The Seven turned out to be one of the strongest in the game series. We’re currently sitting pretty at the top with the least disruption from external threats. This lineup is also the most action-packed, giving us an edge over others who haven’t fully emerged as a threat yet.

1 Season 4

The Latest Team

The Boys: Best "The Seven" Lineups
  • The Lineup: Homelander, Black Noir II, A-Train, Sister Sage, Firecracker
  • Newest Members: Black Noir II, Sister Sage, Firecracker

In the aftermath of Season 3’s chaotic happenings, as previously discussed, this squad found themselves inheriting a challenging situation. Sadly, the original Black Noir had perished, there were rumors of Queen Maeve’s demise, and Starlight had joined forces with The Boys instead. Nonetheless, as Season 4 unfurled, so did the determination and resilience of this team.

A powerful graduate from Godolkin University, who has the ability to fly, discreetly took Black Noir’s place within The Seven. Following a new heart transplant at the end of Season 3, A-Train regained his full strength and speed, becoming the fastest and strongest he had been since the beginning of the series. The addition of new team members significantly enhanced The Seven’s capabilities. Sister Sage’s impressive intellect facilitated strategic planning throughout the season, enabling us to seize power. Meanwhile, Firecracker’s link to Starlight and her talent for unearthing past secrets helped demoralize our primary adversaries.

As someone who has closely followed The Boys series since its inception, I can confidently say that the lineup of The Seven during Season 4 was undoubtedly the strongest and most formidable one yet. Having witnessed their evolution throughout the seasons, I’ve seen them face numerous challenges and setbacks, but none have left them in a position as powerful as this final lineup.

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2024-07-21 12:05