The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently guide you through the intricate web of achievements and trophies hidden within the depths of Life is Strange: Before the Storm. Each storyline twist and puzzle presents a new challenge for us eager adventurers to conquer.

Here’s a breakdown of Frank Stone’s 32 trophies and accomplishments, concealed as 16, and we aim to assist in uncovering them all. (This version maintains the same meaning but uses different phrasing.)

Many of these tasks are tied to the story, but it’s essential to mention that completing all the trophies and achievements for The Casting of Frank Stone requires more than one playthrough. This is because there are achievements for both every character surviving and every character dying. Additionally, some characters have multiple ways they can meet their end or survive.

Let’s start right away, here’s a look at the casting of Frank Stone trophy and his accomplishmentsment, along with the trophy and awards, and what he has achieved so far.

Motif: played a familiar theme on the piano

In the second chapter, when you assume control as Madi, make it a priority to investigate the upstairs area right away. The melody that echoes through the dark woods can be found in a bedroom, near a piano. To earn the “Motif” trophy/achievement, you’ll need to play this piano.

To play the required sequence of notes, it’s D flat, C, D flat, and B flat. Performing these notes will unlock a hidden door as well. Descend through this secret passageway into another room, where you’ll find a character named Rellik patiently awaiting your arrival.

8 Bit Hero: Got the high score on the arcade machine

In the third chapter, as you control Chris, guide him towards a store for some milk shopping. While there, make your way to the arcade machine and aim to set a new high score.

Power of Two: maximised Jaime and Chris’ relationship

To achieve this trophy, you’ll find it a lengthy process since it involves showing kindness whenever possible among your characters, regardless of who is being controlled. At one stage, you’ll need to escape, but ensuring everyone survives. When you reunite as Chris later on, opt not to attack Jaime during the QTE action (just miss the prompt), and instead choose to embrace him.

Tinkerer: repaired all generators

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

Unmissable: just play the story mode and fix everything. There are three generators in total.

Plunderer’s Instinct: collected all trinkets

“In some situations, you can find a clue about the box, the trinkets, you’s area-related clues and their locations will be in the area, as it suggests, “the plunderer’s instinct” or the enigmatically titled “X/A,” is nearby, occurs in this particular location. This implies that something is nearby. The clue that something is nearby is a sign of the areas. This is the clue that they’9s eyes are concerned, implying, they are the time, first-winding forso far so farquo’ Each———ingoes’ the Excaltingly long-term and the first—–ishers.

That belongs in a museum: collected all artifacts

Here are thirty artifacts, these range cater to be found in each workpieces themselves, and these are collectible papers for their own progress via the CuttingRoom zones, andyou can check yourprogressviaCuttingRoom options:

Entity Displeased: everyone survived

To make sure everyone survives, use our separate guide for this trophy.

Merciless Killer: Madison, Jaime, Chris, Sam, and Linda were killed

Here’s a “Entity Approved” is a key element”:

  • Chapter 5: as Jaime, try to help Chris when Frank Stone shows up
  • Ensure Madison keeps the pendant: she cannot survive the story if she wears this
  • Sam has multiple failure opportunities, and can be absorbed by Frank Stone near the end, as well
  • As Linda in chapter 14, fail the skill check and Frank will kill her
  • After sending Chris back to 1980, near the end make sure you do not save her as Sam with the camera

The Campfire: completed the story

Story related, cannot be missed.

Plangonologist: collected all the Relliks

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

A more conversational way to phrase it could be: “This guide points out the exact spot where the three Magi visited during the night before the crucifixion.”

The Champion: collected all The Champion artifacts

Will unlock on the way to the That belongs in a museum trophy/achievement.

The Storyteller: collected all the storyteller artifacts

Will unlock on the way to the That belongs in a museum trophy/achievement.

Murder Mill: collected all the Murder Mill artifacts

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

Will unlock on the way to the That belongs in a museum trophy/achievement.

Skills? Check!: succeeded 5 skill checks in a row

When you’re fixing a generator, make sure you never fail.

It’s all in the reflexes: succeeded 10 great skill checks

After completing “Skills? Done!”, you have the option to replay certain sections by repeating chapters. To achieve a “great” checkmark, try to get the tiny slice of color on the wheel.

All seeing: unlocked every branch in the cutting room floor

To earn the achievement for “The Casting of Frank Stone,” you must explore all 224 possible outcomes in the game. This involves not just killing or saving every character, but also experiencing every combination of choices available along the way.

Spoiler warning: the final 16 achievements and trophies for The Casting of Frank Stone are story related, or spoilers, so read on at your peril!

Saviour: Sam stopped Frank Stone

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

In the opening scene, you should aim for Frank Stone. Consider the walkway as your route, and make sure you pass all the skill tests, and that’s how you’ll gain access to something new.

Easy money: Jaime accepted the bribe from Sam

In Chapter Two, stand firm and decline to depart from the mill, and Sam will offer you a bribe. Agree to it to unveil this achievement. (Achievement refers to a reward or trophy in video games)

Fellow traveler: Madi picked up the hitchhiker

At the start of chapter two, as Madi, pull over to pick up the hitchhiker: Linda.

Five finger discount: Jaime stole money from Bonnie


Lumpkin and Livin’: learned that Tom stopped drinking due to Sam’s kindness

1. In the beginning, as Sam prepares to uncover the grate and venture into the mill’s underbelly, show kindness to Tom and ask him to summon reinforcements while passing on a message. Flash forward to 1980, when returning home to scrutinize news articles (following Chris’ invitation to Robert and his companions), there lies a cassette tape on a close-by table. Retrieve it and insert it into the player situated on another table across the room. You will then listen directly from Tom about how Sam’s kindness helped him overcome alcohol addiction.

Open Sesame: Solved the Gate Puzzle

Story related, cannot be missed.

Stan of Cleaves: Stan was cut into pieces in the horologium

To obtain this prize or milestone, you must transport Chris to a specific time period that occurs in the year 2024. Following this action, there will be a scene showing the room crumbling around you, and Stan will encounter a Quick Time Event (QTE). If you fail this QTE, Stan will suffer severe injuries.

Back to the…Past: Chris was successfully sent back to 1980

The Casting of Frank Stone: trophy and achievements guide

During the scene where Chris enters 2024, you must send her back to her time for this achievement.

Tsap… eht ot Kcab: Chris was sent to 1980, though something went wrong

Based on our current understanding, it’s recommended that Chris should be retained for the year 2024. It is crucial to prevent her from obtaining the pendant during this period. In the final scene, she should pass through the projector screen instead.

Bad dog: Found Merlin’s collar

In chapter 9, upon exiting the steam-filled room, you’ll discover Linda’s collar tucked away in a corner, near some deactivated lights, and a small section of netting fence.

Escape Artist: freed Jaime from the hook

In chapter 13, playing as Sam, your mission is to locate Jamie who’s trapped in storm drains, and rescue him. Much of this sequence plays out automatically (cut-scene), but you’ll need to defend yourself against Frank using the camera during a tense moment. This confrontation is the most difficult of the series involving Frank and the camera, but it shouldn’t be overly challenging for you.

Memento Mori: Jaime’s jaw was removed by Frank Stone

As a gamer, here’s how I might rephrase that:

Nothing personal: shot Augustine


Friendly Fire: Sam shot Madi

To win this trophy, make certain that Madi retains the pendant herself throughout the game, and while playing as Linda, avoid taking Sam’s gun; instead, take his diary. In Chapter 14, when Augustine hypnotizes Madi, Sam is allowed to shoot her, but beware of shooting Frank Stone, as it won’t have the desired effect.

Phagocytosis: Madi was hypnotised and absobed by Frank Stone

According to the “Friendly Fire Trophy” instructions, ensure that Madi receives the pendant first, and subsequently don’t intervene if Frank Stone attempts to seize Madi in Chapter 14.

Camera Shy: warded off the killer with the 8mm camera

Self explanatory, do not fail the camera sections whenever Frank Stone appears.

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2024-09-03 16:21