The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked


  • Building strong Descendants in The First Descendant takes time, resources, and luck.
  • The key activities are mobbing and bossing, with Descendants rated based on their performance in both.
  • Bunny is the top Descendant due to unmatched mobbing potential, easy availability, and versatility in all activities.

As a seasoned player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that Gley is one of the most challenging Ultimate Descendants to acquire, but oh boy, is she worth it! This specialist, who shuns shields and rewards high-risk play, offers a unique experience that sets her apart from other Descendants.

In “The First Descendant,” it’s challenging to accumulate new characters, and developing them requires considerable effort and assets. It may take several dozen hours to fully level up a Descendant, and this process can take even longer if you share my misfortune with luck!

Most characters seem fitting for their roles, and it’s understandable if you’re tempted to want them all. However, it’s important to note that they aren’t identical in quality. If you need a hint as to which ones stand out, let me present the top picks from The First Descendant.

Observant gamers have noticed striking resemblances between certain elements in “The First Descendant” and “Destiny 2”, and the creators have promised to address these similarities.

In The First Descendant, you’ll find that the majority of your time is devoted to two main activities: Mobbing and Bossing. I have evaluated and ranked each Descendant based on their proficiency in these two tasks taken together.

Additionally, I’ve considered the special talents possessed by some relatives when it comes to creating content for specific areas of interest.

10 Freyna

Dominator of Venom

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Toxic
Ultimate Variant Unavailable, but should arrive in Season 1
Acquisition Difficulty Easy

Freyna is my favorite Descendant, so it pains me that she’s chilling at the bottom of the list.

As a seasoned adventurer with countless battles under my belt, I’ve learned the importance of versatile combat strategies. One tactic that has proven particularly effective for me is relying on Damage over Time (DoT) effects. With my character, I can unleash toxins that systematically decimate groups of enemies, gradually whittling down their health bars until they’re vanquished. The beauty of this approach lies in its consistency and adaptability – it allows me to conquer foes without relying too heavily on any one weapon or ability, making my character more resilient and agile in the heat of battle.

Her ability to deal damage against bosses is commendable, and she’s capable of tearing apart enemies with the right investment in her Venomous Baptism skill. Additionally, she’s quite durable due to her robust base stats and Defense Mechanism skill.

So what’s the problem?

Freyna is versatile, able to function anywhere, yet often overshadowed by others, giving her the label of a generalist with average skills. Her ability to deal continuous damage is an engaging feature, however, it tends to move at a pace that renders it less effective in most common scenarios.

I’ve poured an excessive amount of Catalysts into enhancing Freyna’s Damage Over Time abilities, yet she struggles to match the pace of a common Bunny in combat.

Currently, Freyna stands alone among the Descendants with the ability to shatter Toxin Void Shards, placing her at number 10 on the list. While there are many other Descendants less powerful than her, Freyna struggles to stand out or find a unique role in their midst.

9 Sharen

The Assassin in the Shadows

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Electric
Ultimate Variant None
Acquisition Difficulty Easy

Sharen stands out as an exceptional heir, filling a role that others cannot match. Without a doubt, she is the ideal candidate for Vulgus Strategic Outposts, and several resources remain inaccessible without her presence.

Outposts may offer extra rewards when you successfully disable all reactors without being detected. It’s rarely achievable except by characters like Sharen who possess Active Camouflage. This skill is particularly useful in critical situations for saving teammates and also boosts damage output.

Collosi of every level fear Sharen equipped a well-built Afterglow Sniper Rifle. Sharen can dish out ridiculous burst damage and comfortably compete with other Descendants in tough battles.

Unfortunately, Sharen struggles when it comes to handling groups of enemies. Her basic stats aren’t particularly strong, and she’s quite fragile unless you invest time in her. Mobbing is a significant aspect of The First Descendant, and Sharen’s below-average performance negatively impacts her standing on the rankings. However, her utility should not be overlooked, and it’s always exciting to spot Sharen sneaking around Outposts for those lucrative rewards.

8 Luna

The Mad Artist

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Non-Attribute
Ultimate Variant None
Acquisition Difficulty Medium

Luna became the initial family member to sign up after the game’s release, and she boasts a potent but somewhat limiting skillset.

Luna’s talents confine her to a straightforward rhythm-based game, requiring timing your shots with the beat to keep up the buffs. However, missing the beat results in losing some advantages.

The music mechanic feels clumsy, but it’s not without merit.

Luna has the power to enhance her team’s abilities, and an experienced player chooses the right skill to suit the team. She offers Skill Power through her Exciting Act and reduces cooldown times with her Cheerful Act. Additionally, she can replenish the team’s Mana Points (MP), a crucial advantage for teams with high energy consumption, like the Descendants.

As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that a skilled Luna player is truly captivating to watch. She adds immense value to any team, no matter the game or activity at hand.

Luna’s functioning is good, but for a more authentic rhythm game experience, I recommend sticking to those instead.

7 Enzo

The Greatest Quartermaster

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Non-Attribute
Ultimate Variant None
Acquisition Difficulty Easy

While Enzo might receive slightly inflated ratings from me, I firmly believe he is a crucial Character that every player ought to construct in their game.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’ve had the chance to encounter numerous characters from various games, and Enzo is one of them. While he excels in mobbing, it seems that most Descendants surpass him on this list. Don’t get me wrong; Enzo is competent, but his ability to clear groups isn’t particularly renowned. He’s still usable, but for those seeking a character with group-clearing potential, there may be better options available.

Enzo excels in Collosi conflicts and is among the top-tier characters for leadership roles within the game. His exceptional Support skill offers a variety of enhancements such as boosting Attack and Critical Rate. Moreover, he plays a significant role in managing your team’s ammunition supply, which is often a concern during Interceptions.

To top it all off, Enzo is an invaluable character when it comes to opening Encrypted Vaults. His unique skill simplifies the process, and some crucial items can be challenging to obtain without him.

Even if you don’t want Enzo for his stellar boss damage, you need him for resource farming.

6 Valby

The Shape of Water

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Non-Attribute
Ultimate Variant Available
Acquisition Difficulty Easy

1) “Valby stands out as a remarkable Descendant and is particularly simple to obtain among all Ultimates. If you’re looking for a satisfying Display of Power (DoT), then Valby is definitely the ideal Descendant for you.”

Valby’s Cleansing Ability spreads a persistent solution over the ground, eliminating trash mobs instantly upon their appearance. Remarkably resilient, she thrives in every challenging mode without issue.

Her abilities weaken bosses during combat, which significantly increases her effectiveness in Colossus fights. Since the debuff affects your adversary, the entire team gains an advantage, amplifying the power of your damage-dealing units.

Valby’s toolkit is incredibly adaptable, allowing you to utilize it anywhere. Therefore, don’t hesitate to allocate your valuable Energy Activators and Catalysts towards this versatile resource.

5 Yujin

The Gruff Medic

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Non-Attribute
Ultimate Variant None
Acquisition Difficulty Medium

Despite the medical attire, Yujin proves to be quite skilled at eliminating mobs when equipped with the right modules.

The Allergy Amplifier is an exceptional Extraordinary Function that alters Yujin’s Regenerative Solution. Typically, this function promotes healing, but the Amplifier twists it to unleash massive Area of Effect (AoE) damage instead. With strategic aiming, you can quickly eliminate groups of opponents, and this is an unexpected feature for a healing module.

Yujin might struggle to inflict significant damage on Collosi, but his primary role isn’t about dealing damage. Rather, he excels at maintaining the team’s survival. Additionally, he can boost the Firearm Attack and Skill Power of his allies.

As a passionate gamer, I don’t come across many Yujin players in my gaming journey, and it might be due to the perception that the healer class isn’t as enticing as a damage dealer. However, let me emphasize that the underrated utility of Yujin should never be underestimated. The more difficult the content becomes, the more indispensable Yujin proves to be in ensuring our team’s success.

4 Viessa

The Cold-Blooded Hunter

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Chill
Ultimate Variant Available
Acquisition Difficulty Medium if not picked as starter

Previously, we discussed Freyna, whom I described as someone with many skills but not an expert in any particular one. If you envision a Descendant who excels at everything they attempt, then you’ve got Viessa.

Viessa possesses exceptional ability to halt both mobs and bosses, making her unique among Descendants. Moreover, she is the sole one capable of shattering Chill Void Shards.

Viessa can be constructed in several methods, yet her Cold-Bloodedness Transcendent Module and the Blizzard ability make it possible to swiftly eliminate large enemy groups immediately.

Viessa possesses a skill that amplifies her running pace. While she may struggle to match Bunny’s swiftness, this added speed comes in handy, and it also imposes the Ice Shackle debilitation on adversaries.

Viessa stands out in the game with exceptionally strong Crowd Control abilities. Her ice powers slow down enemies considerably, giving you ample time to overpower even the toughest adversaries. Additionally, she is among the three starting Descendants, allowing you to command the mighty Ice Queen from the very beginning of your adventure.

3 Lepic

The Final Grenadier

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Fire
Ultimate Variant Available
Acquisition Difficulty Medium

Lepic is a grenade specialist, and his kit is just as lethal as it is fun to use.

Lepic’s strongest skill is his capacity to inflict massive damage on bosses. With an appropriate setup, he can launch explosive missiles that deal some of the highest single-target damage found within the game.

Everyone loves to see a Lepic in Collosi battles, but he doubles as a respectable mob clearer if you build him for it. His Traction Grenade draws enemies into a neat bundle where you and your team can promptly remove them.

Lepic possesses a straightforward toolset, yet it’s robust and adaptable for all types of content within “The First Descendant”. His Ultimate form is quite accessible and definitely a recommended choice if you’re seeking an exceptional damage-dealing character.

2 Gley

Hope Seeker

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Non-Attribute
Ultimate Variant Available
Acquisition Difficulty Hard

Gley is arguably the toughest Ultimate Descendant to obtain, locked behind obnoxious odds and an insufferable grind. She takes the number two spot on this list because she’s absolutely worth the pain.

Gley is a specialist Descendant who doesn’t use Shields and rewards high-risk play.

As a gamer, I’ve discovered that Gley can be customized in various ways. I’ve found success by emphasizing her Massacre unique weapon, but I’ve also seen impressive results when enhancing my standard firearms with her Increased Sensory ability. This latter aspect offers some outrageously powerful combinations, and if you equip her correctly, she can unleash an endless storm of rockets!

You can invest in Gley’s Siphon to make a ridiculous mobbing build with tremendous range. There are better mobbing Descendants, but she’s perfectly viable if that’s what you want.

Gley calls for a deft touch to handle, and her equipment isn’t as intuitive as other characters in the series. Her gameplay is delightfully complex, but once you invest time in learning her abilities, Gley excels exceptionally well, placing her at the top echelon in nearly every aspect of the game.

1 Bunny

The Speedster

The First Descendant Best Characters Ranked
Attribute Electric
Ultimate Variant Available
Acquisition Difficulty Very Easy

It comes as no surprise that Bunny claims the number one position, given her exceptional status among all Descendants.

Bunny possesses an exceptional ability to overwhelm opponents, leaving no contenders to challenge her, and can effortlessly defeat large groups of enemies with a small amount of preparation.

Her game strategy is straightforward: Dash swiftly and employ her Electric Blast repeatedly to subdue enemies. Since this power has a constant availability of 100%, Bunny finds it effortless to use it effectively.

Despite not being particularly skilled at it, Bunny manages quite well against various bosses due to her incredible speed. However, Bunny really shines when facing Colossi, although it’s more of a specialized task for her.

Rabbit boasts an impressive array of features. She’s not only user-friendly but also incredibly potent, making her a valuable asset right from the start of the campaign. Remarkably, the player finds themselves in possession of her powerful weapon, the Thundercage Submachine Gun, at an early stage too.

In every situation, this character proves her versatility and usefulness. Despite the frequent appearance of Bunny in each mission, her presence is justified for a solid cause.

Currently, The First Descendant is just starting out and seems to be influenced by games like Warframe. With Digital Extremes’ game, Warframe, introducing romance elements lately, we can only speculate about what the future may bring for Nexon’s RPG Looter Shooter.

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2024-08-21 16:10