The First Descendant: How To Beat Executioner

The First Descendant: How To Beat Executioner

As a seasoned player of The First Descendant, I can confidently say that taking down the formidable Executioner requires more than just evasion and grappling skills. To truly conquer this adversary, you’ll need to be aggressive and strategic about your choices – both in terms of your Descendants and your weapons.

As a gamer, diving into The First Descendant, I’ve encountered some pretty distinctive foes, but none quite like the Executioner. This level 33 colossus stands out among the Void Intercept Battles, being one of the earliest encounters in both the Easy and Hard modes. Overcoming this boss is crucial for progressing through the game and unlocking top-tier characters such as Ultimate Bunny.

Overcoming the challenge of battling the Executioner in The First Descendant might seem difficult due to its design resembling the Pyromaniac and an array of electrifying attacks. However, with this comprehensive guide on how to defeat the Executioner, you’ll find success much more accessible.

How to Beat Executioner in The First Descendant

The First Descendant: How To Beat Executioner

The Executioner is the third boss encountered in the Void Intercept series following your victory over the Dead Bride in The First Descendant. Unlike other Void Intercept bosses, the Executioner isn’t invulnerable to all weapons; instead, it has a vulnerability towards Burst-type weaponry. Its attack repertoire primarily consists of Electric-based attacks, so having adequate Electric resistance is crucial for your survival.

Executioner Resistances

Previously, it was noted that The Executioner has numerous electric attacks, necessitating a substantial electric resistance. In Normal mode, you should aim for at least 900 Electric Resistance, while in Hard mode, you’ll need a minimum of 7,000 Electric Resistance to tackle this boss effectively. Interestingly, The Executioner is particularly vulnerable to Toxin attacks. Consequently, enhancing your weapons with Toxin ATK modifiers could be very beneficial.

Executioner Weak Points

The Executioner sports a distinct physique, unlike other Void Intercept bosses. This design simplifies aiming at its vulnerable spots. Damaging or eliminating these areas not only increases your damage output but also briefly stuns the boss. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all the weak points of the Executioner:

  • Sensor (Destructible) – Located on its Head
  • Core Cover (Destructible) – Located on its Chest
  • Balancer (Destructible) – Located on its Knees
  • Core (Removable) – Located on its Chest
  • Shoulders (Removable) – Located on its Shoulders

If you’re uncertain about the vulnerable spots on the Void Intercept boss, feel free to activate your character’s built-in Echo Scanner. This will help you identify all the weak points and also check the level of its anger meter.

Executioner Attacks, Explained

Title your guide as “Defeating The Executioner: A Comprehensive Guide to Countering Each Attack

  • Electric Laser: The most common skill of the Executioner is the Electric Laser, aimed at the closest player. This attack doesn’t deal burst damage but constantly delivers electric damage, inflicting a shock debuff. It doesn’t destroy structures, so you can take cover behind them or grapple away to dodge.
  • Electric Orbs: The Executioner fires large electric orbs from the blasters in its hand. These orbs slowly track the player and explode upon proximity. They also don’t destroy structures, but your best bet is to grapple as far away as possible.
  • Electric Slash: The Executioner raises its sword and delivers a front slash, causing heavy electric damage in a cone-shaped area. Although it’s an AoE attack, it deals significant damage, and most Descendants caught in it will be knocked out. This attack destroys most structures as well, so keep your distance.
  • Electric Slam: The Executioner leaps into the air, causing the screen to flash white. You’ll be teleported into the air and fall into a blue zone where the Executioner drops down, dealing massive electric damage. It’s a one-hit KO if you don’t escape the blue zone in time. The best way to dodge is by spamming dashes or grappling out as quickly as possible.

In addition, the Executioner frequently summons groups of creatures known as Kingfishers. It’s crucial to eliminate them promptly to acquire ammunition resupplies and health restoratives.

Executioner Rage Mode

The Executioner becomes furious when its anger meter (a pink bar) reaches maximum. This meter can fill up more rapidly if you’re using weapons with Electric Attack enhancements or if there are creatures known as Hummingbirds lurking behind the Executioner, speeding up the anger build-up process.

In this phase, the Executioner inflicts more damage and is completely invulnerable to any form of attack. You can terminate this state by eliminating the blue tank that appears on the Executioner’s back.

Executioner Loot in The First Descendant

The First Descendant: How To Beat Executioner

If you manage to defeat the Colossus called the Executioner in the game The First Descendant, the boss will reward you with multiple high-grade weapons and legendary modules. These items have levels ranging from 35 to 40. Furthermore, a Reconstruction Device will also become yours, allowing you to access particular Amorphous Patterns when activated.

Here’s a list of all the patterns and what you can obtain from them:

Material PatternRewards And Drop Chances
Amorphous Material Pattern: 016
  • Energy Activator Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Secret Garden Polymer Syncytium Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Wave of Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Albion Cavalry Gun Polymer Syncytium Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • Valby Enhanced Cells (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 017
  • Ultimate Bunny Spiral Catalyst Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Kyle Stabilizer Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Nazeistra’s Devotion Synthetic Fiber Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • Smithereens Blueprint (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 018
  • Perforator Synthetic Fiber Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Viessa Code (6% drop chance)
  • Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • The Final Masterpiece Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • Greg’s Reversed Fate Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 019
  • Energy Activator Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Ajax Code (6% drop chance)
  • Piercing Light Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Blue Beetle Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • Lepic Stabilizer Blueprint (38% drop chance)

Tips To Beat Executioner

The First Descendant: How To Beat Executioner

In order to win this battle, merely avoiding attacks and grappling isn’t enough. You’ll need to take the offensive too, and for that, it’s crucial to have the right allies (Descendants) and weapons. Here are some strategies to conquer The Executioner in “The First Descendant”.

Best Descendants

When thinking about which Descendants to bring to this fight, here are the top picks:

  • Gley: Gley’s survivability and Toxin skills make her a solid pick against the Executioner. Her Thirst ability restores HP, while Berserk mode boosts long-range damage. Skills like Life Siphon deal damage and heal, and Massacre stuns enemies, making her great for sustained DPS and crowd control.
  • Freyna: Freyna excels with Toxin-based skills. Her Contagion Links boost toxic damage based on nearby poisoned enemies, while Decomposed Poison creates toxic zones that spread poison. Venomous Baptism enhances her weapon to deal heavy poison damage, making her highly effective against the Executioner.

In addition to this, it’s advisable to install the Electric Antibody and Maximize Electric Resist modules to protect against the Executioner’s electrical attacks and increase durability. Furthermore, incorporating Toxin Mastery modules will boost the toxic damage from both Gley and Freyna’s abilities, making them more potent in combatting the boss.

Best Weapons

When equipping weapons for this battle, use ‘Burst’ type weapons, such as Assault Rifles and Launchers with a Toxin ATK modifier. You can also add Toxin Enhancement and Toxin Priority modules to your weapons to further boost the Toxin ATK modifier.

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2024-10-01 05:03