The First Descendant: How To Beat Hanged Man

The First Descendant: How To Beat Hanged Man

As a seasoned player of The First Descendant, I must say that tackling the formidable Hanged Man requires more than just raw skill and quick reflexes; it demands careful preparation and strategic thinking. Here are some tips I’ve gathered over countless hours of gameplay to help you emerge victorious against this elusive Void Intercept boss.

In the game The First Descendant, you’ll encounter several Void Intercept bosses. Among them, the Hanged Man is the last colossal enemy you must defeat to access the challenging Hard mode. Known for its formidable strength, the Hanged Man possesses intricate mechanics that, if not managed cautiously, can quickly eliminate your entire team.

In The First Descendant game, this particular battle against the Hanged Man cannot be won single-handedly. Instead, you must collaborate with others, whether they are your friends or fellow players, to succeed. Merely assembling a team isn’t sufficient; a well-thought-out strategy is essential for victory. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to conquer the Hanged Man in The First Descendant.

How to Beat Hanged Man in The First Descendant

The First Descendant: How To Beat Hanged Man

In the game “The First Descendant”, the battle against The Hanged Man void interceptor serves as the final boss encounter for Story Mode. This colossal enemy boasts a distinctive design and mechanics, making it particularly challenging to defeat. Although it is tethered to one location, thus appearing vulnerable, its vast array of electric attacks can quickly fell you and your team with only a few strikes.

Hanged Man Resistances

The Hanged Man colossus specializes in electric-based attacks, which can be quite similar to what you face against the Stunning Beauty boss battle. To make sure that you survive these electric onslaughts, you’ll need at least 3,100 electric resistance stats. Like every other electric monster in The First Descendant, the Hanged Man is very weak to Toxin attacks, so using weapons with Toxin modifiers can help you clear this stage quicker.

Hanged Man Weak Points

You can inflict additional damage on the Hanged Man colossus by focusing your attacks on specific vulnerable areas of its body. Here’s a complete rundown of all these weak spots and their locations:

  • Sensor (Destructible) – Located on its Tail
  • Core Cover (Destructible) – Located on its Head
  • Rear Cover (Destructible) – Located on its Back
  • Core (Removable) – Located on its Chest
  • Shoulder (Removable) – Located on its Shoulders

Based on your vantage point, aiming for the Sensor and then the Rear Cover offers the most effective approach to expose vulnerable areas on the Hanged Man colossus. The Core Cover is particularly challenging to hit due to its unusual placement at the rear end of the boss’s head.

Hanged Man Attacks, Explained

Different from other Void Intercept bosses, the Hanged Man isn’t known for its array of attack patterns. Instead, it has just a handful of moves, but beware, these moves pack quite a punch! If you’re not careful, they could easily take you out in one hit. Here’s a comprehensive guide on each attack and how to avoid them effectively:

  • Regular Missiles: The Hanged Man fires missiles from his shoulders at the closest player. These missiles can break structures, so it’s best to dodge them as quickly as possible. You can also avoid getting hit by grappling out of range or positioning yourself at the rear end of the boss.
  • Regular Blasters: Another regular attack from the Hanged Man, where it aims at you with the blasters in its hands, and shoots multiple shots. These shots can be dodged by rolling or double jumping. These attacks don’t deal huge damage but can be annoying to deal with.
  • Electric Storm: This is a wide-area AoE attack from the Hanged Man. Within the duration of this attack, lightning will continuously strike down on your and your team members’ locations, dealing substantial damage. In most cases, you’ll get knocked down after 2-3 lighting strikes. You can dodge this by moving out of the blue circle before the lighting hits.
  • Electric Orbs: This is another AoE from the Hanged Man, that can be very dangerous if left unattended. During this, the boss launches multiple blue electric orbs that lock onto you, making it difficult to dodge. Moreover, these also leave an electric charge at the location of the collision. You can only dodge them by grappling out just before they hit you. Being airborne or close to the boss will make it very hard to dodge this attack.
  • Laser Blast: The Hanged Man launches this attack during its Rage Mode. You’ll be able to see it coming as the boss will charge up its mouth battery for a few seconds before it launches this huge laser attack in a cone-shaped area. This can be very hard to dodge unless you’re behind the boss’s shoulders before the charge ends. This attack will knock you out in one shot unless you have a ton of HP and resistance.

Hanged Man Rage Mode

In every Void Intercept battle, the Rage Mode of the Hanged Man boss fight is the toughest one to handle. As the battle progresses, the boss’s rage meter gradually fills up. Once it reaches full capacity, the boss will unleash an inevitable one-shot KO attack that can instantly defeat your entire team. The sole way to dodge this catastrophe is by retrieving the cube hidden beneath the boss.

As long as the cube isn’t present, the anger meter of the boss will gradually decrease because it goes into a fury state when one team member holds the cube. During this rage mode, you can only attack the boss at its mouth, known as the charger. Once the anger meter runs out, it’s essential to replace the cube to stop the enraged condition of the Hanged Man.

Hanged Man Loot in The First Descendant

The First Descendant: How To Beat Hanged Man

In the game The First Descendant, the imposing figure of The Hanged Man is known to dispense some top-tier loot. This valuable loot can be utilized in crafting powerful characters such as Ultimate Bunny and Enzo. Defeating this formidable boss will not only reward you with a plethora of high-grade weapons but also legendary-quality modules. Here’s a rundown of all the Amorphous Patterns that can be reassembled upon conquering this boss:

Material Pattern Reward And Drop Chances
Amorphous Material Pattern: 050
  • Energy Activator Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Gley Spiral Catalyst Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Enzo Enhanced Cells Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Nazeistra’s Devotion Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • The Final Masterpiece Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 051
  • Clairvoyance Polymer Syncytium Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Enzo Stabilizer Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Albion Cavalry Gun Polymer Syncytium Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • Greg’s Reversed Fate Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 052
  • Ultimate Bunny Code (3% drop chance)
  • Smithereens Nano Tube Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Crystallization Catalyst Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Wave of Light Nano Tube Blueprint (38% drop chance)
  • The Final Masterpiece Synthetic Fiber Blueprint (38% drop chance)
Amorphous Material Pattern: 053
  • Energy Activator Blueprint (3% drop chance)
  • Enduring Legacy Nano Tube Blueprint (6% drop chance)
  • Piercing Light Synthetic Fiber Blueprint (15% drop chance)
  • Enzo Code (38% drop chance)
  • Gley Enhanced Cells Blueprint (38% drop chance)

Tips To Beat Hanged Man

The First Descendant: How To Beat Hanged Man

To conquer the Void Intercept battle against the Hanged Man, merely learning how to dodge his fury mode and electric attacks isn’t sufficient. It’s crucial to make several strategic preparations ahead of time to avoid being knocked out repeatedly. Here are some suggestions for defeating the Hanged Man:

Best Descendants

Here are the top Descendants to use against the Hanged Man in The First Descendant:

  • Lepic (also Ultimate Lepic): The Void Intercept battle against the Hanged Man calls for a ton of firepower, and there’s no other Descendant who’s a better fit for this job than Lepic. He can dish out tons of DPS while keeping a safe distance from all the boss’s attacks.
  • Freyna: She can easily kill Kingfisher mobs which the Hanged Man spawns, and also deals Toxin attacks, which also deal extra damage. She’s one of the best fits for this specific Void Intercept Battle.

To enhance your survival against the boss for Descendant Modules, it’s crucial to install both the Electric Antibody and Maximized Electric Resist modules. Additionally, equipping Toxin Mastery modules can significantly increase your Toxin Attack, resulting in additional damage.

Best Weapons

When equipping weapons for this battle, you should use ‘Crush’ type weapons, such as Machine Guns and Launchers with a Toxin ATK modifier. You can also add Toxin Enhancement and Toxin Priority modules to your weapons to increase the Toxin ATK and overall damage.

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2024-08-31 23:06