The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human


  • Once Human
    is a survival game with eerie horror elements and challenging adversaries, offering impressive depth for a free-to-play title.
  • Taming creatures requires unlocking memetics and crafting specific items, with different tactics needed for rabbits, deer, boars, goats, bears, crocodiles, and wolves.
  • Approach each creature carefully – rabbits must be snuck up on, deer targeted when alone, boars singled out, goats stalked, bears tanked, crocodiles found near water, and wolves dealt with as a pack.

As an experienced adventurer who’s spent countless hours traipsing through the wilderness of Once Human, I can confidently say that taming these beasts is no easy feat. But fear not, dear fellow traveler, for I have gathered some valuable insights on how to tame the three most common creatures you’ll encounter – goats, bears, crocodiles, and wolves.

Although it has a chilling storyline, Once Human essentially revolves around survival. The game’s world teems with fearsome foes, each exhibiting peculiar powers, set against spine-tingling background sounds. Remarkably for a free-to-play game, it delivers substantial depth, notably in its detailed crafting system.

Creature Domestication was introduced into the game Once Human about five weeks after its debut through an update. To embark on your journey of taming creatures, you must first unlock the taming abilities and then create both Tranquilizer Darts and an Animal Trough. Once a creature has been subdued, construct a pen, insert a trough within it, and subsequently summon the creature into the pen. It’s important to note that some animals prove more difficult to tame than others.

7 Rabbits

Sneak Up On Them

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Everywhere
  • Taming Tip: Sneak up on them

Rabbits are abundant across the world in the game ‘Once Human’. One might wonder why such a common animal ended up on this list. The reason is that rabbits are very timid creatures. To domesticate a rabbit in the game, the player must approach one carefully, but doing so can be tricky.

Instead of standing up straight, get down on one knee (crouch) as you move towards the rabbit with the intention of taming it. If it becomes scared and flees, don’t fret – remain crouched until it stops running. Keep trying again, and eventually, you should be able to creep closer without alarming it. Once tamed and confined within a pen, the rabbit can be used for farming its meat, which can then be cooked as food.

6 Deer

They Tend To Run Away

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Every zone up to and including Chalk Peak
  • Taming Tip: Look for the deer at the edge of a herd

Deer are frequently spotted in the world of “Once Human”. They inhabit a wide range of areas, from the initial region right up to Chalk Peak. Yet, as soon as the player ventures into the desert territories, you won’t find any deer whatsoever.

As a stealthy gamer, I’ve learned that deer are easily startled, so creeping up on them quietly is key when attempting to tame them. A clever strategy is to locate a deer that has strayed from the herd, making it a less risky target. This way, the rest of the herd remains unbothered and won’t scatter in panic. If the herd proves too elusive, another approach could be using a bow to thin the herd first before attempting to tame individual deer.

5 Boar

Come In Groups

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Every zone up to and including Chalk Peak
  • Taming Tip: Look for a boar that has wandered from its friends

Boars can be found throughout areas up to Chalk Peak, but they do not exist beyond this point. Typically, they appear in packs of three, and encountering three powerful boars can pose a significant threat. Therefore, attempting to domesticate these creatures can be quite difficult.

A more effective strategy might be to locate a boar that seems to have separated from its herd, and then approach it from an angle opposite its companions. It’s important to note that while the boar may become aggressive during the taming process, handling one boar is generally less challenging than managing a group of them.

4 Goats

Must Be Stalked

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Red Sands and all zones afterward
  • Taming Tip: Try to find a smaller group

Goats exhibit various forms and dimensions. You’ll encounter rams, ewes, and kids among them. These creatures are native to arid landscapes, stretching far into deserts like the Red Sands, serving as the abundant local fauna in this survival-themed game, assuming the role of deer elsewhere.

1. Goats are easily startled and tend to travel in larger groups. This can make them difficult to domesticate because if one goat gets scared and flees, the others will likely follow suit. A useful strategy is to seek out a smaller group of goats or an individual goat that has strayed from the herd. Attempting to tame that one goat may help keep the rest of the herd composed.

3 Bears

Can Be Dangerous

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Every zone up to and including Chalk Peak
  • Taming Tip: Look for a lower-level bear

Bears are mostly found in the Chalk Peak zone, and the best place in this zone to find them is inside the hidden cave at the top of the peak. Bears can do a fair amount of melee damage, so expect to have to tank some incoming DPS while taming one.

In the game ‘Once Human’, bears can appear either singularly or in groups. The most straightforward method for domesticating a bear is by locating a lone spawn of a lower-level bear. If you’re at the maximum player level with decent equipment, taming any level of bear in this survival shooter should be manageable.

2 Crocodiles

Found Near Water

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Every zone up to and including Chalk Peak
  • Taming Tip: Find one that is in the water

Locating crocodiles within the realm of “Once Human” can prove challenging due to their elusive nature. They usually appear solo near water bodies, and their short, flat structure often camouflages them amidst long vegetation, making them hard to spot. A strategic approach would be to venture towards the Chalk Peak zone and trace the banks of any of the numerous rivers found in this area until you eventually catch sight of one.

In the game Once Human, you should prepare for taking a considerable amount of damage while attempting to tame a crocodile, given their highly aggressive nature. It’s advantageous if you come across one that appears to be resting in a river, as they seem less hostile when in this state, potentially making the taming process easier.

1 Wolves

Hunt In Packs

The Hardest Animals To Tame In Once Human
  • Where To Find: Chalk Peak and all the zones afterward
  • Taming Tip: Tank the pack

In the vast expanse of the lands beyond Chalk Peak, you’re bound to encounter wolves. These creatures typically show up in groups of three and they can be quite hostile. So, instead of hunting for them, it’s more like they’re the ones tracking you! A brief journey through the wilderness could easily set a pack of wolves on your tail.

When wolves hunt as a group, it’s challenging to separate an individual from the rest for training purposes ahead of time. Consequently, in the game scenario, the player has two options: either face and tame the entire pack if they wish to train them all, or eliminate all but one wolf before initiating the taming process.

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2024-08-18 11:03