The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Key Takeaways

  • Hraezlyr: The Norse dragon in
    God of War 2018
    starred in an epic battle, standing as one of the biggest creatures encountered by Kratos.
  • Garm: A giant wolf turned friendly thanks to Atreus in
    God of War: Ragnarok
    , challenging Kratos with its strength and realm-traveling abilities.
  • Kraken: The ferocious aquatic monster in
    God of War 2
    pushed Kratos to use the environment to battle and destroy it, showcasing its immense size.

As a long-time gamer, I can confidently say that the battles against these colossal bosses in God of War have left me truly awestruck. The sheer size and scale of these mythical creatures is something that few games manage to achieve, let alone sustain throughout an entire game.

The God of War series has earned much admiration for various aspects, such as its groundbreaking combat system revolutionizing the hack & slash genre and its captivating narrative centering around revenge and atonement. However, it’s undeniable that the series’ grandiose boss battles have been a major factor driving its popularity.

Through the span of eight thrilling battles, Kratos has successfully conquered numerous colossal adversaries. These adversaries range from legendary monsters to deities themselves, and each confrontation is an awe-inspiring event that consistently tests the boundaries of Sony’s hardware capabilities. It’s worth noting that there are many formidable bosses in God of War, but the following 10 represent the largest adversaries yet encountered by Kratos.

10 Hraezlyr

A Menacing Norse Dragon Who Attacks By Surprise

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Initially, it appeared as though the 2018 version of God of War aimed to tone down the grandeur of its boss battles and present Kratos and Atreus’ adventure as more low-key. However, this softer approach was abruptly abandoned when they were ambushed by Hraezlyr.

Displaying incredible power and immense scale, this dragon had no trouble shattering a mountain’s foundation with minimal effort. Consequently, Hraezlyr became a prominent figure in one of the most thrilling and unforgettable boss battles within the realm of God of War, not forgetting that it was among the largest beasts Kratos confronted during his initial Norse journey.

9 Garm

A Giant Wolf Who Is Turned Into A Friendly Puppy

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

In God of War: Ragnarok, Kratos and Atreus encountered a formidable foe named Garm, a colossal, soulless wolf. This beast was one of their deadliest challenges due to his immense size, strength, and the terrifying ability to traverse between dimensions through rips in reality.

In the heat of my battle against Garm, I was taken aback by his colossal size; his formidable powers only amplified the challenge he posed as a former Greek deity. Yet, amidst the chaos, my son, Atreus, devised a plan that saw Fenrir’s soul transferred into the giant wolf. This miraculous transformation turned the fearsome beast into a gentle pup, forging an unexpected alliance between us and Fenrir – now one of Atreus’ most trusted allies.

8 Kraken

A Beast So Big That It Needs To Be Killed With A Bridge

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

In Greek mythology, the Kraken is an iconic beast that was bound to show up in a God of War game, and true enough, it made its debut in the second installment. This terrifying sea creature ambushed Kratos, coming close to crushing him with its massive tentacles.

Following his escape from the Kraken’s clutches, Kratos squares off against this monstrous creature. Remarkably, he scaled its massive tentacles and severed them individually. The battle culminated in him triggering the bridge mechanism she stood upon, a climactic moment that underscores just how truly colossal the Kraken turned out to be.

7 Charybdis

One Of The Largest Aquatic Monsters In The Series

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Kratos has battled giant sea monsters such as the Kraken, the Hydra, and Scylla in the past, but one often overlooked example is Charybdis from God of War: Ascension. This creature shares similarities with its kin, being a colossal entity made up of teeth, tentacles, and immense power.

Throughout Kratos’ journey on Deios Island, the beast known as Charybdis repeatedly attacks him at various points. Eventually, it is disclosed that this fearsome creature is none other than Alecto, one of the three Furies and the primary adversary from the game Ascension. This startling revelation transforms Charybdis into the ultimate boss fight of the game, culminating in an epic battle made possible by the cutting-edge technology of the PlayStation 3.

6 Colossus Of Rhodes

A Real-Life Giant Statue That Came To Life

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

In the opening stages of God of War 2, Kratos faces relentless assaults during the initial level from a gigantic, golden statue of Helios named the Colossus of Rhodes. Brought to life by Zeus, this colossal figure was a formidable adversary for the God of War. Multiple battles ensued as Kratos navigated through the statue’s massive limbs and seemingly indestructible golden hide, relying on his surroundings for assistance in overcoming this powerful foe.

As a gamer, I found myself standing before the mighty Colossus of Rhodes. Only after harnessing the power of the Sword of Olympus could I deal any damage to this titan. The sheer resilience and strength it possessed became all too clear. Yet, simply chipping away at its exterior wasn’t enough; the interior was as vast as a building, offering an intricate mini-level within.

5 Hydra King

The Franchise’s Original Large-Scale Boss

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

In the past, before the Colossus of Rhodes, there stood the Hydra King from God of War, marking the first formidable opponent players encountered within this series. This fearsome aquatic monster launched attacks against Kratos’ ship and repeatedly sought to assault the Ghost of Sparta in a brutal manner.

Due to an enormous quantity of heads and colossal size, the Hydra King wreaked havoc on the ship. Each head was big, but the primary one stood out as extraordinarily massive – quite a sight even for the PlayStation 2. Eventually, Kratos succeeded in slaying the Hydra King by pinning it to the ship’s main mast, thereby establishing an iconic scene that set the stage for the rest of the series.

4 Aegaeon The Hecatonchires

His Hand On Its Own Is Already A Huge Monster

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Initially, Aegaeon, the initial boss in God of War: Ascension, appears quite large, yet unremarkable when placed alongside other creatures of comparable size. However, as Kratos ventures through the Prison of the Damned, it becomes clear that the monster he’s been battling was merely a limb belonging to an even more colossal being.

In a form of retribution, the three Furies transformed Aegaeon, the Hecatonchires, into a living jail cell. Then, Megaera, employing her parasites, manipulated and altered him, leading to this colossal adversary. The confrontation between Kratos and this titan is among the most startling and grandiose battles in the series’ history, as Kratos appears minuscule compared to his towering opponent.

3 Poseidon And The Hippocampi

Starting Off God Of War 3 By Killing A God And His Gigantic Steed

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Among all the massive, multi-faceted bosses that Kratos initially encounters during his journey, none are as colossal as Poseidon and his sea horses, or Hippocampi. This is because he confronts them at the beginning of God of War 3, which marks the much-anticipated third installment in the series and the first game developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3.

In the heart of Kratos’ third journey, I found myself thrust into an awe-inspiring clash with the Almighty God of the Seas. This battle wasn’t just against a single deity, but also included his colossal watery form and assistants – mighty Hippocampi, legendary creatures adorned with tentacles and claws. To make matters more challenging, our duel unfolded on the back of Gaia, the ancient Earth Goddess herself. The sheer magnitude of this fight surpasses any scale encountered in previous installments, leaving me breathless and eager for more!

2 Ares

The God Of War Was An Intimidating And Destructive Giant

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

In my fervor as a dedicated fan, I journeyed through the epic saga known as “God of War,” fueled by a single, relentless purpose: To mete out retribution upon Ares. It was through the potent force of Pandora’s Box that I found myself towering over the battlefield, ready to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the very God of War himself. Yet, even then, it took wielding the Blade of the Gods for me to have a hope of standing my ground against him.

In a scale that’s almost unfathomable, Ares is so colossal that he could effortlessly level entire cities with a single attack. His battle with Kratos vividly illustrates the sheer devastation and magnitude of his earthbound form. Interestingly, God of War 2 presents another perspective of this intense confrontation, when Kratos time-travels with Atropos. This instance beautifully captures just how immense Ares and Kratos were during their final showdown.

1 Cronos

A Level In One Game Became A Massive Boss In Another

The Largest Bosses In The God Of War Series

Back in the day, I was totally blown away by none other than Cronos, the big boss of the Titans, in the original God of War. He was the colossal figure supporting Pandora’s Temple on his back as a form of punishment. Talk about technological wonders for its time! It was clear that this game really tested the limits of the PlayStation 2 to the max.

In God of War 3, everything shifted dramatically as players engaged in an unforgettable, awe-inspiring battle against Cronos – a confrontation that undoubtedly stands out as the most monumental and breathtaking encounter in the entire series. Kratos appears minuscule next to the titan, particularly when Cronos attempts to squash him between his mighty fingers. This size disparity unexpectedly worked to Kratos’ advantage, enabling him to ascend the titan’s colossal frame and inflict damage on its various limbs. The tactic involved tearing off Cronos’ fingernails with brutal force. This battle is nothing short of spectacular, and no other boss in the series has yet come close to matching Cronos’ overpowering size.

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2024-09-19 19:04