The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom review

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom review

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of Zelda adventures under my belt, I can confidently say that Echoes of Wisdom has truly echoed the magic of this beloved franchise. The game’s unique twist on controlling both Link and Zelda was an unexpected yet welcome change. It was like stepping into a mirror, but instead of seeing myself, I got to play as Zelda!

Moving forward from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, stepping back into the realm of top-down adventures seems like a logical choice. With the overwhelming triumph of the most recent third-person installment, why not explore a new direction? Why not develop a game centered around dungeons, and what could be more innovative than allowing players to control Zelda alongside Link? Echoes of Wisdom promises to be a unique addition to The Legend of Zelda series, without a doubt.

In the midst of a looming danger threatening my kingdom, I find myself in a puzzling predicament – imprisoned as Princess Zelda of Hyrule. My trusted companion, Link, is nowhere to be found, while ominous rifts scatter across our once peaceful land. It seems that even those who should have remained loyal have turned against us.

When it comes to echoing items, there are several factors to consider. Nintendo has carefully chosen the objects that can be collected and then echoed, so it’s not as simple as being able to copy everything within reach. However, this doesn’t stop some unusual items from appearing, like a glowing chunk of meat that you can echo to distract enemies. This is just a taste of what you’ll encounter later on.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom review

In addition, it’s important to remember that every action has its price in this game. For instance, turning beds into stairs may seem like a fun feature at first, but initially, you’ll only be able to create a few because each one requires one ‘echo’, and you can only make three at the beginning. As you progress through The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, this rule often changes, although it is one of the few points that some players might find criticizable. Throughout the game, there are numerous side-tasks to complete which can increase your ‘echo’ power. However, each time you upgrade your abilities, it could either decrease the cost for previously found items that can be echoed or give you the ability to echo more things. Over time, these systems interact with one another, but by the end of the game, there might be a slight feeling of disappointment at the number of echoes you can summon.

But what the echoes represent is the more interesting thing to me. In Tears of the Kingdom, you’re given the tools to play with everything, and make anything from it. Here, it’s more like Nintendo has provided the blueprints in order to solve the plethora of puzzles inside the game. I won’t give any spoilers or solutions here, but to be completely honest, the amount of times I solved something utterly convinced it wasn’t the intended solution, is something I lost count of.

In essence, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom offers a distinctly crafted adventure with an emphasis on story and character development, while also maintaining the traditional Zelda-style dungeons. It’s filled with numerous characters and side-quests to explore, but the main objective is traversing Hyrule to heal the land. There remains one puzzle that I can’t claim to have fully grasped, though seeing the credits has given me a sense of accomplishment.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom review

The world is beautiful, too. Whether you like the art-style or not (and I do), it’s designed superbly. There are small effects that make Hyrule feel alive scattered throughout the overworld, and the caves and dungeons you will explore. Outside, in the main overworld, there’s a frame-pacing issue that slightly sours how gorgeous it all looks, but once you get used to it, it’s not so bad. It’s pretty much non-existent inside dungeons, too. The audio is on point, though I will confess that toward the closing moments, I did tire a little of the mute-style protagonist, and felt a little dialogue wouldn’t have gone amiss.

This version of Hyrule is remarkably flexible, allowing you to traverse in surprising ways such as walking on trees like a floor. It’s a peculiar yet delightful experience. I won’t delve into specifics for obvious reasons, but there are numerous echoes you can discover and mimic, each accompanied by intriguing oddities. There were moments when I would smack my forehead in wonderment as I figured out how to navigate or overcome obstacles, which speaks volumes about the ingenious design of this gameworld.

Echoes of Wisdom can range from engaging and rewarding, to giving you Rupees, which may not feel particularly meaningful. However, it’s important to note that the game is larger than anticipated, though shorter than Breath of the Wild (Tears of the Kingdom), but it has a lot more depth overall compared to A Link to the Past.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom review

During my gaming experience, there were instances when I yearned to have hands-on control over combat situations. Fortunately, Nintendo introduced a feature that allows temporary transformation into Link. This ability is useful in critical situations or dungeons where magic can be quickly restored. However, it’s important to note that this transformation is upgradeable and ties into the game’s narrative, reflecting how Zelda’s combat develops over time. Most of the time, though, you’ll be summoning enemies based on echoes, which don’t alter their actions. As a result, you might find yourself maneuvering around the battlefield, patiently waiting for fights to end. Pressing the left trigger helps target specific enemies, making things slightly quicker.

Tri’s abilities go beyond just creating echoes. You can also manipulate objects remotely, and make Zelda mimic their movements. This feature is particularly useful in side-scrolling sections, and it aids in solving intricate puzzles. Moreover, you can tease enemies by summoning spike echoes, while laughing “stop hitting yourself” as Tri keeps them close, bashing them until they’re defeated. The title ‘Echoes of Wisdom’ turns out to be quite amusing, with its witty dialogues and the things that can be echoed, making it even more enjoyable.

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2024-09-25 15:16