The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley

Key Takeaways

  • Shane is the most challenging bachelor due to his struggles with alcohol.
  • Sam is the easiest bachelor to date with accessible loved gifts like Pizza.
  • Elliott is difficult to date because of his reclusive nature and romantic approach.

As a seasoned Stardew Valley player, I must say that each bachelor comes with their unique set of challenges, and it seems the players have quite the task when it comes to wooing these gentlemen.

In comparison to the hurdles that actual dating may present, the dating scene in Stardew Valley is endearingly simple and unsophisticated. Yet, within the confines of Pelican Town, initiating a romantic relationship with certain bachelors can be trickier than it is with others. To illustrate this, the following ranking lists all dateable men in Stardew Valley from easiest to date to the most challenging.

Before diving into the details, let me share this handy chart outlining the main traits of each bachelor in Stardew Valley – both their strengths and weaknesses:

Bachelor Best Trait Worst Trait
Sebastian Is caring and loving Can be reserved and detached
Sam Is adventurous and risk-taking Can be ignorant and selfish
Alex Is energetic and motivated Can be blunt and arrogant
Elliott Is romantic and empathetic Can be sensitive and insecure
Harvey Is levelheaded and emotionally stable Can be dull and boring
Shane Is loyal and friendly Can lie and be lazy

Tier List Criteria

Although most similar rankings consider the gift-giving aspects of Stardew Valley and the NPCs’ schedules, the following list is based on the player’s overall dating experience. This includes (but is not limited to) the bachelors’ personalities, possible toxic traits, and Heart Events.

For individuals curious about which bachelors present the most challenging dating scenarios, given their initial interactions, here’s a brief summary: Shane and Sam are the least demanding as their affections can be easily accessed. However, Elliott and Sebastian prove to be the trickiest due to limited early encounters in the game.

6 Sam

The Challenge: He Can Be Immature

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Pizza, Tigerseye, Maple Bar, Cactus Fruit

Although Sam exhibits some childish actions occasionally, he’s generally a pleasant individual to date. Compared to other bachelors, Sam is one of the few who presents a consistent personality from the start and doesn’t undergo significant changes during the game. What’s more, he manages to avoid becoming dull or repetitive.

One of the best aspects when dating Sam is his affinity for popular items like Pizza and Joja Cola. It’s simple to kindle a relationship with him as these are easily accessible gifts in Pelican Town.

5 Sebastian

The Challenge: He’s A Reserved Loner

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Frog Egg, Frozen Tear, Obsidian, Pumpkin Pie, Sashimi, Void Egg

In the charming town of Pelican, Sebastian, the most cherished potential spouse, is generally amiable for dating. However, gamers might find it tricky to make him reveal more about himself during the early stages of courtship, as Sebastian tends to keep his feelings guarded. Given that he frequently retreats into solitude within his own quarters, he’s not always the most accessible town resident.

Although gifts from this particular character might not be as readily available as those from Harvey, players can generally acquire most of them for free by delving into the initial levels of The Mines. What’s more, his captivating demeanor encourages players to genuinely desire understanding him – a feat few other bachelors manage.

4 Elliott

The Challenge: He Is Hard To Find

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Crab Cakes, Duck Feathers, Lobsters, Pomegranates, Squid Inks, Tom Kha Soup

Elliott is quite an enigmatic love interest because of his solitary disposition. He resides in an ancient cabin near the seashore, and initially, players have limited chances to engage with him when starting the game.

Elliott’s tender and creative character should be taken into account too. However, his overly passionate approach to relationships might not suit everyone. His problematic attachment style can become apparent following a breakup, as seen in his heartfelt letter expressing deep sorrow, claiming that the other person has shattered all his dreams and aspirations.

3 Alex

The Challenge: He Can Be A Freeloader

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Complete Breakfast, Salmon Dinner, “Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick”

Alex’s affinity for Complete Breakfast, Salmon Dinner, and the “Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick” book is a contributing factor to his being viewed unfavorably in Pelican Town. Some players find it hard to give up these items, as they can be worth something, but Alex’s problematic nature extends beyond just this.

Engaging with Alex in a romantic sense can prove complex on a personal level, given his initially off-putting demeanor and self-centered attitude, which aligns with the stereotype of the “jock.” However, as the player, I found that allowing him multiple opportunities is essential for him to disclose aspects of his backstory, making him slightly more relatable. Regrettably, it appears that most players don’t afford him these chances to reveal his softer side.

2 Harvey

The Challenge: His Stability Makes Him Dull

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Coffee, Pickles, Super Meal, Truffle Oil, Wine

Harvey is certainly one of the more well-liked bachelors in Stardew Valley, yet courting him isn’t necessarily simple. His even-tempered character can pose challenges for players aiming for a fiery romance; remember, he’s simply a kind man who enjoys spending quality time with the townsfolk.

Another challenge in dating Harvey is his peculiar dislikes. He isn’t fond of universally appreciated treats like cookies, cakes, pies, and pancakes. This unusual preference, paired with his mostly predictable and “normie” reactions to life events, can make him a surprisingly difficult bachelor to connect with.

1 Shane

The Challenge: He’s An Alcoholic

The Most Difficult Bachelors To Date In Stardew Valley
  • Loved Gifts: Beer, Pizza, Hot Pepper, Pepper Poppers

Shane in Stardew Valley is known as the hardest bachelor to court, mainly because of his problematic behaviors. He might come across as friendly and laid-back, but his alcohol dependency makes the journey towards romance quite complex. Players are required to show remarkable patience, observing his deterioration while choosing to disregard warning signs and persist in trying to build a relationship with him.

Without his personal hardships, Shane might well be an effortless choice for a suitor. He’s usually found at the saloon, which makes giving him a beer, one of his favorites, quite straightforward. Yet, despite this, Shane is often overlooked by many players who find it challenging to establish friendship with him, let alone contemplate marriage.

Getting eight hearts with Shane unlocks Blue Chickens.

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2024-09-02 11:33