The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones

As a lifelong fan of George R.R. Martin’s intricate and captivating world of Westeros, I have been enthralled by the rich tapestry of prophecies, legends, and ancient knowledge that intertwines the lives of the characters in “A Song of Ice and Fire.” Having had the privilege to delve deep into this universe through both “Game of Thrones” and the upcoming series “House of the Dragon,” I have come to appreciate the depth and complexity of these prophetic elements that shape the destiny of our beloved heroes.

Prophetic dreams and visions are means through which the future can be foreseen, acting as advance alerts for imminent shocks. HBO’s “Game of Thrones” may have underestimated the significance of the Prince Who Was Promised in George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” but the prequel, “House of the Dragon,” emphasizes this concept. Rhaenyra unleashes her dragons based on Aegon’s dream.

As a longtime fan of George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, I can’t help but be captivated by the profound impact prophecies and visions have on the intricate web of characters and their decisions. These mystical elements raise the stakes in the storyline, adding a layer of tension that keeps us hooked.

8 The Ghost Of High Heart

Speaks About The Red Wedding

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones

  • Cut From The Show

The enigmatic being known as the Ghost of High Heart is considered a Woods Witch by some, but not by Jenny of Oldstones. She perceived this small, pale, red-eyed companion, who joined her at the royal court in King’s Landing upon her marriage to Duncan Targaryen, as a Child of the Forest instead. Tragically, Jenny met her end at Summerhall, yet this elusive woman miraculously survived the flames and reemerged at High Heart in the Riverlands.

The Ghost of High Heart prophesied that the Prince That Was Promised would be Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen’s blood. This prompted their father, Jaehaerys, to arrange their marriage. Aerys (later the Mad King) and Rhaella’s daughter, Daenerys, play an important role in the Great War. In A Storm of Swords, the Brotherhood Without Banners and Arya Stark visit the Ghost High Heart, and she speaks of the deaths of Renly Baratheon, Balon Greyjoy, and the Red Wedding, among other things.

7 Mirri Maz Duur

Tells Daenerys She Can’t Have Children

  • Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 10: “Fire and Blood”

In “Game of Thrones” – Season 1, Mirri Maz Duur, the Lhazareen priestess, significantly altered the course of Daenerys’ life. When Daenerys encountered Mirri for the first time, it was during a Dothraki raid on her village, an event marked by enslavement and desecration of women. Qotho, one of Drogo’s bloodriders, accused Mirri of being a witch, but Daenerys sought out her expertise to perform the Bloodmagic ritual and save Drogo’s life.

After Drogo fell into a coma, an unfortunate event occurred during a ritual, resulting in the loss of Daenerys’ unborn child. Desperate for answers, Daenerys turned to Maz Duur and asked when her beloved husband would recover. In response, Maz shared a prophecy.

“When the sun sets in the east and rises in the west, when the seas evaporate and mountains sway in the wind as if they were leaves…”

As a devoted fan, I’d rephrase it this way: In the epic tale of “Game of Thrones,” Maz Duur’s ominous words left me with a heavy heart, as she made it clear to me that Drogo would no longer be his true self. And later on in Season 7, Daenerys shared her deepest fears with Jon Snow, revealing that Maz Duur had once led her to believe she’d never bring forth children into this world again.

6 The House Of The Undying

Daenerys Experiences Visions

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 10: “Valar Morghulis”

I followed the haunting cries of my dragons to the House of the Undying, braving the elements and the unknown. Upon entering the throne room, I was met with a chilling sight: snowfall pouring in through the broken roof, and there, untouched by the chaos, stood the Iron Throne. As fate would have it, I claimed that throne from Cersei’s grasp. And when my enemies threatened me and my kingdom, I unleashed the power of my dragons upon King’s Landing, reducing it to ashes. I, Daenerys Stormborn, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, became the Queen of Ashes.

In her dream, Daenerys was drawn to the Iron Throne, yet bothered by the shrieks of her dragons. She unexpectedly ended up in Drogo’s tent beyond the wall, where she boldly exited the vision. Subsequently, she wound up inside the House of the Undying, discovering her chained dragons on a pedestal. The warlock Pyat Pree then appeared and bound her. However, Daenerys managed to escape by commanding, “Dracarys,” and eventually, her dragons released flames after a few attempts.

5 Maggy The Frog

Maggy Tells Cersei Her Future

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones Season 5, Episode 1: “The Wars to Come”

In simpler terms, when Cersei was young, she and her unwilling companion ventured into a witch’s hut where lived Maggy the Fortune-Teller. Anxious to learn about her future, Cersei asked for readings and Maggy requested a sample of her blood. She was granted permission to ask just three questions. Maggy revealed that Cersei would not marry Prince Rhaegar but instead, King Robert. They wouldn’t have any children together. However, Cersei would bear three children on her own, while the king would father twenty.

For a while, you’ll wear the crown as Queen. But eventually, another will come along – younger, more captivating – who will dethrone you and take away what you cherish.

After the rebellion, Cersei marries King Robert. However, they don’t have any children together who are legitimate heirs. Instead, Cersei gives birth to three children for her brother Jaime in secret. The prophecies of Maggy make Cersei anxious and she grows suspicious of younger, attractive women like Sansa, Margaery, and Daenerys. In the novels, Maggy predicts that Cersei’s little brother, Tyrion, will be the cause of her death. This is why Cersei harbors a deep-rooted hatred for him.

4 Bran’s Visions

Sees the Past, Present And Future

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6: “Blood of My Blood”

Bran sees a collage of important past, present, and future happenings in Westeros while being pulled through the snow by Meera Reed.

After the demise of the Three-Eyed Raven, Bran assumes the role of the world’s collective memory. He takes in various pivotal moments from the past: The Mad King’s plot to use wildfire, his downfall, Catelyn Stark’s beheading, a dragon flying over King’s Landing, Daenerys hatching her dragons, a White Walker created from Craster’s newborn, Ned’s execution, the Mad King seated on the Iron Throne, the massacre at Hardhome, the Mad King’s “Burn them all” command followed by wildfire explosions, Jaime killing the Mad King, Ned’s encounter outside the Tower of Joy, Roose Bolton betraying Robb, Jaime ascending the Iron Throne, and more instances of wildfire destruction.

3 Arya And Melisandre

The Priestess Of R’hllor Tells Arya She Will Shut Many Eyes

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 6: “The Climb”

While Arya was part of the Brotherhood Without Banners in the Riverlands, she came across Melisandre, a priestess devoted to R’hllor. Melisandre had made her way to the Brotherhood’s secret location, carrying Gendry, Robert’s last living son, as a sacrifice to be presented to the Lord of Light.

Melisandre gazes into Arya’s eyes and perceives various shades of brown, blue, and green eyes that the young girl is destined to close permanently. “We’ll cross paths again,” the priestess predicts, then departs with Gendry, Robert’s bastard son.

2 The Prince That Was Promised

The Prophecy Says The Promised Prince Will Bring The Dawn

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 2: “Stormborn”

Melisandrue believed Stannis to be the chosen one, while House of the Dragon’s King Viserys I Targaryen thought it was his eldest daughter, Rhaenyra.

Based on the prophecy, this royal figure, regardless of gender (as the Old Valyrian term for “prince” is inclusive), is predicted to vanquish the darkness. This individual is said to be born “surrounded by salt and smoke,” and will bear the enchanted sword named Lightbringer to confront the darkness. Melisandre, who previously erred with Stannis, went to Daenerys at Dragonstone to disclose this prophecy and request her assistance in summoning Jon Snow. She didn’t reveal the identity of the prince but believed that Daenerys and Jon held significant roles in the upcoming Great War.

1 The Song Of Ice And Fire

King Viserys Simplifies Aegon’s Dream

The Most Important Prophecies In Game Of Thrones
  • House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 1: “The Heirs of the Dragon”

Aegon the Conquered was convinced that the future Savior, referred to as the Prince That Was Promised, would descend from his own lineage. In a vision, he saw ominous darkness threatening the North, signaling the impending end of life as they knew it. He strongly believed that during these troubled times, a Targaryen should rule over Westeros. Aegon named this prophecy the “Song of Ice and Fire,” and it fueled his determination to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.

Just as Daenys predicted the fall of Valyria, Aegon envisioned the end of the human world. This ominous sign began with an unprecedented winter approaching from the northern realms. Darkness loomed on those cold winds, bringing destruction to all living beings. When this cataclysmic winter arrives, Rhaenyra, every inhabitant of Westeros must unite against it. For the survival of mankind, a Targaryen must rule the Iron Throne.

Aegon had the last of the Valyrian pyromancers hide his song on the Valyrian dagger, and the prophecy was passed on from ruler to ruler. Viserys passed it down to his daughter, Rhaenyra, and she relayed it to her heir, Jacaerys.

The “House of the Dragon” provides insight into the significant prophecy at the heart of Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” although it fails to clarify what exactly the Song refers to. In the “Game of Thrones” series, Arya Stark was responsible for ending the Night King’s reign, but both Jon and Daenerys Targaryen played essential roles in rallying the living forces against their common enemy, the dead.

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2024-07-26 09:34