The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics

Key Takeaways

  • Wolverine excels in combat, outrunning bullets and remaining fast compared to other Marvel heroes
  • He is resistant to psychic control, making him a formidable opponent against mutants with telekinetic powers
  • Survival feats include living without a heart and recovering from a nuclear explosion down to his adamantium skeleton

As a seasoned comic book enthusiast who’s spent countless hours poring over the pages of Marvel Universe lore, I can confidently say that Wolverine is one of the most resilient characters ever conceived. His tales of survival are nothing short of extraordinary, and they have become the stuff of legends among fans like myself.

2021 has been an exciting year for Wolverine enthusiasts, with the debut of “Deadpool and Wolverine” providing fans with long-awaited elements of their favorite character. Fans were treated to Hugh Jackman wearing the iconic yellow suit, along with a unique depiction of what a comic-book accurate Wolverine might have appeared like, through digital means that made Jackman appear five feet tall.

However, there are plenty of iconic moments of Wolverine’s from Marvel Comics history that haven’t been seen on the big screen yet. Some of the character’s most impressive feats have earned him a spot as one of the most powerful and beloved Marvel characters of all time. These eight moments from Wolverine’s comic book history are among the most incredible.

8 Wolverine Is A Beast In Combat

Logan Can Hold His Own In A Fight

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Wolverine (vol. 2) (1994) issue #90

1994 saw a significant clash between Wolverine and Sabretooth – two characters deeply entrenched in Marvel Comics lore. What made this fight particularly memorable was that it wasn’t about saving the world, but rather a deeply personal struggle where Wolverine, or Logan as he is known, was determined to prevent Victor Creed from breaking free from his cell at the Xavier Institute.

At first, Logan struggles to avoid killing Sabretooth, but eventually becomes so enraged that he launches a ferocious attack on his longtime adversary. The confrontation reaches its peak when Wolverine plunges his claws into Victor’s jaw. This fight is particularly intense, even for Wolverine, and underscores the brutal nature of the character when pushed to the limit.

7 Logan Outruns Bullets

Like Real Wolverines, He’s A Fast Killer

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Wolverine (vol. 2) (1993) issue #68

Despite the abundance of swift characters within the Marvel universe, Wolverine should be recognized for his impressive speed among the heroic ranks. An illustration of this can be found in issue #68 of Wolverine‘s second solo comic series, where Logan clashes with Epsilon Red during an assassination mission that placed him at odds with his X-Men comrades.

As law enforcement attempts to capture Logan, the steel-coated superheroine performs an astonishing maneuver by swiftly cutting through their weapons as they are firing at her. This quick thinking disarms opponents, but considering that bullets usually travel at around 3,000 kilometers per hour, it demonstrates just how fast Logan is, even when compared to other heroes in the Marvel universe.

6 Psychic Control Doesn’t Affect Him

A Useful Defense Against Certain Mutants

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • X-Men: Original Sin (2008) issue #1

As a member of the X-Men, Wolverine has frequently faced off against mutants with telekinetic powers. But contrary to appearances, he is actually more resistant to these psychic forces, as demonstrated in the X-Men: Original Sin series. This storyline delves into Wolverine’s initial joining of the X-Men, where Professor X put together a secondary team to rescue the original group from impending danger.

In a surprising turn of events, my run-in with ex-teammates Cyclops and Emma Frost takes an unexpected twist. Instead of succumbing to Emma’s mental commands as usual, I find myself standing firm, crediting it to the thick psychic armor I’ve developed over the years due to countless encounters. As confirmed in other comic tales, Professor X himself fortified my mind with psi-shields, enhancing my resistance against psychic assaults and manipulation.

5 He Survived A Fight With The Hulk

Not Many Can Even Take A Punch From Banner

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk (2005) issue #1

The Wolverine vs. the Hulk is one of the most iconic fights in Marvel Comics, and was even referenced in Deadpool & Wolverine. While it may seem like an easy win for the Hulk, Logan hasn’t exactly given him an easy fight in any of their on-the-page confrontations. The most surprising moment of Logan’s comes from a 2005 comic miniseries by Damon Lindelof.

In the opening scenes of the miniseries, I stumbled upon Wolverine in the frigid Himalayas, severely wounded after a brutal fight with the Hulk left him without a torso and legs. Miraculously, not only did Logan manage to survive this gruesome injury, but he demonstrated his remarkable strength by scaling the mountains using nothing but his razor-sharp claws in the bitter cold.

4 Finding Mystique Is No Challenge

These Star-Crossed Lovers Always Find Their Way Back To Each Other

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Wolverine (vol. 3) (2008) issue #62

In the comics, the dynamic between Logan (Wolverine) and Mystique has been intriguingly complex, frequently straddling the boundary between enemies and lovers. During Wolverine’s third solo comic series, fans witnessed their interactions intensify significantly as Logan was ordered by Cyclops to track down and eliminate Mystique for her treachery against the X-Men. Confident, Logan set a deadline of nine hours to find her.

Eight and a half hours onward, Logan locates Mystique in Iran, taking her off guard with an ambush. Despite managing to evade his capture initially, he eventually finds her two days later in Baghdad after tracing her scent. It’s unfortunate they didn’t find alternative means to resolve their disputes instead of engaging in a continuous game of hide-and-seek that Logan seems to consistently win.

3 Wolverine Beat A Demon

One X-Men Enemy Showed Logan Could Defeat The Supernatural

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Uncanny X-Men (1975) issue #96

Throughout their lengthy comic book career, the X-Men have encountered numerous powerful enemies, often battling malevolent mutants. But it was in issue #96 of the initial series that they squared off against Kierrok, a demon accidentally freed from an ancient urn which Cyclops’ optic blast had shattered. The team joined forces to combat this demon, but it was Wolverine who truly excelled during this battle.

To begin with, the demon appears to be effortlessly vanquished by Wolverine, following his enraged attack on the creature. However, the demon miraculously recovers and is ultimately defeated by Storm instead. In another comic book series dated 1995, Wolverine confronts Kierrok’s demon horde again, reducing them to pieces in a fit of wrath, along with their leader.

2 He’s Lived Without A Heart

It’s Not Easy To Kill Wolverine, As Hard As Some Have Tried

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Logan (2008) issue #3

Throughout the comic books, Wolverine has miraculously endured extraordinary challenges, yet none are as unbelievable as him continuing after his heart was removed. In issue #3 of Logan, Wolverine encounters Ethan Warren, a skeletal adversary in Japan. Their battle concludes with Warren extracting Logan’s heart and consuming it to regain his human form.

Remarkably, Logan manages to endure a lethal strike, continuing the battle to take Warren aback. Not even a burst of energy could vanquish Wolverine, and in time, Logan forced Warren to retreat. It’s not uncommon for Logan’s heart to be extracted during combat, as this also occurred when it was taken out by Horde, an extraterrestrial mutant. This doesn’t seem to affect the invincibility of the Wolverine.

1 Logan Survived A Nuclear Explosion

His Healing Factor Is Simply Too Overpowered

The Most Impressive Things Wolverine Has Done In Marvel Comics
  • Wolverine (vol. 3) (2006) issue #43

Despite appearing virtually invulnerable due to his ability to regenerate from even having his heart removed, Wolverine continues to leave comic book fans in awe with unexpected twists. A contentious instance of this occurred during the Civil War storyline, where Logan clashes with Nitro following the villain’s massacre of over 600 individuals. During their confrontation, Nitro detonates a nuclear blast that appears to claim Logan’s life.

Wolverine’s entire body is reduced to his adamantium frame in just a few pages, which is quite remarkable given the circumstances. Despite several attempts by the comics to explain this away through retconning, the fact remains that it’s a truly impressive recovery for the character, even though he supposedly struck a deal with the Angel of Death.

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2024-09-06 15:34