The Shocking Truth Behind One Piece’s Devil Fruits Revealed!

This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • The Forest God created Devil Fruits in the Second World around 900 years ago.
  • Devil Fruits were born from the hopes and dreams of people, driven by desires.
  • The first Devil Fruit likely stemmed from spirits residing in mystical trees due to love and care.

The creation of Devil Fruits is a very intriguing point of discussion among fans of One Piece that Oda has yet to answer fully. Of course, he’s most definitely provided bits and pieces in the story, and fans know a lot more about the creation of the Devil Fruits now than they did before the two-year timeskip.

In the Final Saga, fans found out a ton of information about how the Devil Fruits were created in the first place, and even a massive hint on who created them in the first place. There is a lot to dissect here, especially knowing how carefully Oda has been hiding the idea of Devil Fruit creation, however, he’s left behind enough hints in the story itself for the fans to make an educated guess on who created the Devil Fruits and how. Fans simply need to go over Oda’s explanations a bit more and it all becomes clear.

The Forest God Created The Devil Fruits

  • The Harley Indicates Devil Fruit Creation
  • The Forest God Made Devil Fruits Real

If there is one thing that fans know is clear in the story right now, it is the fact that the timeframe for the creation of the Devil Fruits has now been clearly revealed in the story. At one point, fans weren’t entirely sure as to who created the Devil Fruits and when. Now, the latter part has clearly been answered. For one, Devil Fruits weren’t created in the current era, and that is quite clear to see. Devil Fruits have existed in the One Piece world for ages upon ages, and the mystery quite clearly isn’t new at all as such, the current world, that is, the Third World, isn’t the one where Devil Fruits were birthed.

Those with abilities exist in different dimensions, with powers dreamed up by those who came long before them! — Vegapunk

However, fans also know that Devil Fruits weren’t always present in the One Piece world. This is confirmed based on the Harley, which makes no mention of ability users in the First World, and clearly shows the existence of Nika as a miracle, with it also having been the one and only mythical entity to be present in this timeline. The Devil Fruits were clearly born during the Second World and the world myth of Harley makes it quite clear. Here is what the Harley states:

First World

Flames engulfed the land, and humans succumbed to their desires, touching the forbidden Sun. The enslaved prayed, and the Sun God appeared. The Earth God was enraged, and together with the serpent of infernal flames, shrouded the world in death and darkness. They would never meet again.

Second World

Breath stirred within the void, and the Forest God sent forth demons. The Sun did nothing but spread the fires of war. The people of the half-moon dreamed, the people of the full-moon dreamed. Humans slew the Sun and became Gods, and the Sea God raged. They Would never meet again.

Third World

In chaos, there is void. The troubled shadow remembers the promised day, and hears the voice of the fractured moon. The Sun God dances and laughs, leading the world to its end. The sun will return once more, and a new dawn will arrive. Surely, this time, they will meet again.

The portion that the fans need to turn their eyes to is the Second World. This is where the Devil Fruits were created, and it is clear from the fact that the Forest God is said to have sent forth demons. Clearly, this line represents the birth of demons, or devils of the world, which means that Devil Fruits were created around 900 or so years ago. This is even more set in stone when considering the fact that it was specifically stated that the Forest God led to the creation of the Devil Fruits. Forests are linked to trees, and trees are linked to fruits, which means that in this particular forest, special fruits grew for the very first time about 900 years ago.

Why A Scientist Like Vegapunk Created Devil Fruits

The Devil Fruits Are Born From Hope Of The People

Coming over to the process of the creation of Devil Fruits, fans do not know everything just yet. A lot of it is still a mystery, but clearly, through the character of Vegapunk, Oda revealed a ton of information pertaining to the Devil Fruits and their creation. In the current world, fans know that the smartest person is Vegapunk, and he possesses a mind that is 500 years ahead of humanity. Vegapunk came up with the idea that all devil fruits are born into the world with hope and desire.

The world 900 years ago was far more advanced! — Vegapunk

Vegapunk posits that eating a Devil Fruit creates a unique evolutionary path and is based on individual desires. Crucially, he suggests that those who consume these fruits reside in dimensions imagined by an earlier entity.

The Devil Fruits were created, or rather, dreamed up, by someone who came before the current users. This confirms two things. The first one is that Devil Fruits are not being created right now, even if human dreams never end. The second is that Devil Fruits were created in the Second World by using the dreams and desires of people.

The Forests Led To The Birth Of The Fruits

In the Egghead Arc, Vegapunk also revealed a very unique truth about souls in the One Piece world. Vegapunk stated that a West Blue scholar, long ago, confirmed that when a human dies, their body loses 21 grams of weight. This weight can be considered to be the weight of the soul. In other words, these souls are spirits, and based on that idea, one can see why entities like Klabautermann exist in the world of One Piece, as spirits truly are real.

Even more than that, one needs to take a look at mystical trees from Skypiea. The Shandians specifically believed that the spirits of the deceased follow the sound of the golden bell and take residence inside the white trees of the forest. This forest is sacred to the people of Shandia.

Putting two and two together, it is highly likely that the first Devil Fruit of the One Piece world was created by the wishes of people, which, due to feelings of love and care, allowed certain spirits to reside within trees and bear fruit. This process must’ve happened on accident first, however, upon being witnessed by the scientists of the advanced society of the Ancient Kingdom, it is likely that the dreams and desires were used on purpose to birth certain abilities into the world and thus came the Devil Fruits. In other words, Devil Fruits stem from desires that turn into spirits following the sound of a certain music, just as was foreshadowed in the Skypiea arc. This leads the tree to produce a fruit with the said desire coming to life, hence the phrase “The Forest God sent forth demons.” Collectively, Devil Fruits were created by the desires of people, and brought to life by scientists like Vegapunk using the scared forests.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus apps. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1143, is set to be March 23, 2025.

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2025-03-16 00:33