The True Ending Of Marineford That Never Revealed

This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Marineford Arc.


  • Ace and Whitebeard both died in the Marineford war.
  • Shanks ended the war by showing up suddenly and challenging those who wanted to continue fighting.
  • Oda’s original plan didn’t involve Shanks; his involvement was a last-minute decision that greatly affected the story.

In the grand saga of “One Piece,” the Marineford arc stands out as a crucial and unforgettable chapter. It’s no exaggeration to say that this arc is still the most suspenseful one ever penned by Oda. This arc, with its strong case for being the finest in the entire series, makes it truly unique. The Marineford arc was filled with unexpected plot developments and revolved primarily around a single character – Portgas D. Ace, the pirate who was betrayed by Blackbeard and ultimately handed over to the navy.

The conflict started following Blackbeard’s agreement with the authorities, who received Ace from him. In exchange, he was granted the title of Shichibukai. Meanwhile, the Navy acknowledged that eliminating Ace was essential due to his lineage as the son of the former Pirate King, whose legacy they sought to eliminate completely. As a result, an intense war ensued between the Marines and the Shichibukai against the Whitebeard Pirates and their naval allies within the Navy Headquarters.

How The Marineford War Concluded

  • The Arc Saw Both Ace And Whitebeard Dying
  • Shanks Ended The War

The Marineford Saga brought together 100,000 Marines alongside the Shichibukai, aiming to capture Portgas D. Ace, the son of the Pirate King. This colossal battle was warranted for significant reasons. The mighty Whitebeard, a renowned pirate, led an assault on Marineford with 43 ships in support. Meanwhile, Luffy, who belonged to a separate faction, sailed a pirate ship to the Marine Headquarters from Impel Down. This epic tale of rescue is widely regarded as one of the most spectacular in anime and manga history, living up to every anticipation. The battle of Marineford showcased the true might of the Admirals and the legendary members of the Whitebeard Pirates. In the end, Ace’s execution was prevented, thanks to Luffy’s selfless act of saving his brother and escaping with him aboard a ship.

I’m here to put an end to this war. — Shanks

On the verge of Luffy’s peril, Ace selflessly shielded him with his own body, sacrificing his life. Regrettably, Ace passed away, but the objective of the conflict was achieved. Yet, the Marines persisted in their brutal attacks, aiming to annihilate the pirates immediately. When Blackbeard arrived, Whitebeard also met his demise. Two significant lives were lost on that day, and the carnage would’ve continued had it not been for the timely intervention of a certain individual.

Towards the conclusion of the war, it was Red-Haired Shanks who arrived with his entire team, effectively halting further conflict. Taking matters into his own hands, Shanks confronted those eager for battle, leading to a permanent resolution. This moment signified the culmination of the remarkable Marineford saga, an arc that is widely regarded as a masterwork and one that will undoubtedly continue to captivate fans long after its conclusion.

Oda’s Original Plan Didn’t Involve The Yonko Shanks

Shanks’s Involvement Was A Last Minute Addition

It’s clear that Shanks significantly enhanced the storyline with his appearance at the end. Including him was undeniably a wise move by the author, and it left fans excited too. However, this wasn’t a decision made from the start by the author. In fact, originally, Eiichiro Oda didn’t plan to include Shanks in Marineford from the beginning. Instead, his plans were quite different, with many aspects of Marineford being decided at the last minute.

Your father, your real father, is the late Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. — Sengoku

Initially, Oda didn’t plan for Ace to be the son of the Pirate King, and this concept came to him unexpectedly, causing him to consult his editor about it. The editor’s response prompted Oda to move forward with this decision in the storyline. Similarly, Shanks wasn’t meant to take part in the Marineford conflict; however, at some point, Oda chose to include Shanks in the war’s resolution.

From my perspective, it’s clear that both decisions turned out splendidly, even though Oda didn’t spend much time pondering over them, unlike his usual meticulous planning. This incidentally underscores the fact that an author doesn’t have to map out every detail of a story in advance to be deemed exceptional, as some fans might assume.

Without a doubt, such a monumental choice left an indelible mark on the narrative. Initially, Oda had envisioned a drastically distinct conclusion to the war, and I can’t help but ponder what Marineford would have looked like if Shanks hadn’t been there to alter its course.

The True Ending Of The Marineford Arc Without Shanks

The War Would’ve Been Very Different

The exact outcome of the Marineford arc in One Piece is difficult to foresee with certainty as Oda never revealed his specific plans for it, but fans can piece together a convincing theory. Regardless of how things might have unfolded, Luffy would have lived through Marineford and Ace would have perished – a fact confirmed by Oda himself. Additionally, Whitebeard’s demise played a crucial role in the climax of the Paramount War, as it allowed Blackbeard to gain prominence without his presence.

If the outcome had been roughly the same, it seems logical that Shanks’s part could have been played by another character in a distinct manner. A more sensible progression for Oda might have involved Whitebeard putting on a show before stepping down, followed by his defiance against the entire Navy after Ace’s demise. In this scenario, Akainu would have been defeated following their brief encounter with the Yonko, while the other Marines would have engaged in battle with him. Eventually, Whitebeard would sacrifice himself to allow his crew to flee, and Marco, Jinbe, and others likely would have taken an unconscious Luffy with them.

After the team had moved to a secure location, Blackbeard likely would have appeared, swiped the Devil Fruit, and since the Navy had suffered excessive damage by that time, they probably wouldn’t have chased him any longer due to the extent of their injuries.

Blackbeard likely embarked on an epic journey to the New World with immense strength, while Whitebeard undoubtedly perished as a hero, defending his crew and other pirates at Marineford alone. Shanks’ presence added depth to the storyline, but it didn’t significantly alter the overall course of events in the grand scheme.

Fans can access ‘One Piece’ for reading through Viz Media. Officially and at no cost, you can read this series on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps. The next chapter of ‘One Piece’, titled ‘One Piece 1143’, is scheduled to be released on March 23, 2025.

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2025-03-20 23:35