The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys


  • Relentlessly ruthless, Butcher has no boundaries, from faking deaths to planning genocide to using a baby as a weapon.
  • Unflinchingly dark, Butcher’s actions shock with cruel deception, betrayal, and even a willingness to murder innocent superheroes.
  • Butcher’s descent into villainy is marked by shocking violence, including killing in front of children and mocking the helpless.

As someone who has spent my entire life surrounded by violence and chaos, I’ve seen and experienced things that most people can only imagine. But Billy Butcher, the man at the center of The Boys, takes ruthless to a whole new level.

In an enthralling mix of dark allure and uncontrollable fury, New Zealander Karl Urban breathes life into “The Boys'” Billy Butcher. This captivating character on television is known as “Monsieur Charcuter,” a relentless figure who stops at nothing to achieve his objective: Eliminating every superhuman that exists.

It’s not so unexpected for someone with such a bleak purpose statement to have committed horrific acts, as Butcher has done. By now, his actions have solidified his role as an anti-hero with a dark side. The disturbing developments in the fourth season of the show have pushed Butcher from a morally gray character towards becoming a budding supervillain.

10 Cutting Off Sameer’s Leg

“Now, See? That Is Classic Butcher.”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 4, Episode 5: “Beware the Jabberwock, My Son”

As a huge fan, I must warn you that Butcher’s disturbing tendencies didn’t take a break with the arrival of “The Boys” season 4. In episode 7 titled “Beware the Jabberwock, My Son,” Billy took things to a new low: he deceitfully ended Sameer Shah’s life by amputating his leg.

I’ve worked as a forensic psychologist for over two decades, and I’ve seen my fair share of complex and disturbing characters. But few compare to Karl Urban’s antihero, The Butcher. His actions are not only morally reprehensible but also dangerously self-destructive.

9 Blowing Up A Baby

“Now…What Was That Plan Again?”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 1, Episode 8: “You Found Me”

In the final episode of Season 1, it was uncovered that Butcher aimed to destroy Homelander’s love interest, Madelyn Stillwell, right before him. However, Butcher’s scheme took an unexpected turn when Antony Starr’s character intervened, leaving Stillwell with a melted face as punishment for hiding his son from him.

Teddy, Stillwell’s young infant, found himself unwittingly ensnared in the chaotic explosions. Yet Butcher seemed unfazed by this turn of events. With a malevolent grin gracing his lips, the Boys’ chief aimed to detonate himself as a defiant gesture against his sworn enemy. Regardless of the likely consequence – the death of an innocent child – he reveled in the thought.

8 Abandoning His Little Brother

“Don’t You Listen To Him.”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 3, Episode 7: “Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed”

Lenny Butcher, played by Karl Urban in “The Boys,” acted as a peacemaker towards Butcher’s violent and enraged inner self before Hughie Campbell entered the picture. His soothing influence was unique in calming Billy’s murderous instincts. Thus, his subsequent betrayal added to the shock and disgust of the situation.

Instead of joining the Royal Marines, Butcher deserted his younger brother, exposing him to the cruelty of their abusive father. In a painful twist, during their last meeting, Butcher harshly repeated the hurtful phrases of their father, deepening Lenny’s suffering. Believing that Butcher had abandoned him, Lenny took his own life shortly after.

7 Planning A Genocide

“Who Was It Who Said They All Gotta Go?”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 4, Episode 5: “Beware the Jabberwock, My Son”

I’ve spent my entire life studying the complexities of human morality and behavior. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors that some individuals are capable of inflicting upon others, I find it both chilling and tragic when an supposedly upstanding figure like Butcher slips into the darkness. It’s one thing to maim or torture an enemy as a means of getting what you want, but quite another to contemplate genocide – the deliberate extermination of an entire group of people. The fact that Butcher is willing to consider this option speaks volumes about his moral compass, or rather, the absence of one.

“Joe Kessler, a product of Butcher’s brain tumor fueled by Compound V, represents the evil side of Butcher’s character and serves as evidence of Billy’s intent to carry out genocide. Yet, visions of his deceased wife Becca suggest that Butcher isn’t fully committed to this horrific mission. However, his contemplation of such actions underscores his ominous descent into villainy.”

6 Rejecting Ryan Butcher

“Well, Maybe I Don’t Want To Look At You After What You Done To My Becca.”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 3, Episode 3: “Barbary Coast”

As a gamer, I can’t help but find it ironic that the man behind so many heinous acts of violence, Harry Butcher, has one of his most questionable moments in Season 3. Instead of welcoming Ryan Butcher with open arms, I, Harry, tried to push him away from me. Why, you ask? To shield the innocent boy from my relentless pursuit of vengeance against Homelander. In a cruel twist, I blamed Ryan for the death of his beloved mother, using harsh words and actions to sever any ties between us. It’s a strange feeling, looking back, knowing that in trying to protect someone else, I caused them even more pain.

In comparison to ordinary callousness, Butcher’s actions towards Ryan were exceptionally cruel. Despite any good intentions that led him to separate himself from Ryan, Butcher’s behavior in this instance was beyond reprehensible.

5 Using A Supe Baby As A Weapon

“That Was Diabolical!”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 1, Episode 5: “Good for the Soul”

If Butcher, from The Boys, has not shown a moral bottom that we know of in his quest to eliminate his foes, it seems even infants aren’t off-limits; an unsettling fact demonstrated when Butcher employs a superpowered infant as a weapon to break free from captivity during an encounter with hospital guards.

With an uncaring attitude towards the guards pointing automatic weapons at an innocent infant, Butcher employs the child as a shield using his new gadget. Once the guards are within range, the baby unleashes its laser vision, turning them into bloody pieces in the blink of an eye. Uncontent with his actions, Butcher threatens the baby, warning him to stay out of harm’s way or else he will return and cause harm.

4 Killing Victoria Neuman

“You’re All F****** Welcome.”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 4, Episode 8: “Season 4 Finale”

As a gamer, I can’t help but be left in awe after witnessing the exhilarating climax of The Boys’ fourth season. I’ve watched Butcher struggle with his darker emotions for so long, but now he’s fully given in, and it’s both terrifying and thrilling to behold. With newfound powers fueled by his Compound V-infused tumor, a ruthless Billy snatches the virus from Victoria Neuman in a gruesome turn of events that left me reeling.

Discovering Neuman’s elimination was surprising enough, but the gruesome manner in which she met her end added to the shock. Things took a darker turn when Butcher killed her during an alleged truce. To heap more misery upon this grim situation, he mercilessly took Victoria’s life in front of her young daughter, revealing a ruthlessness that is usually characteristic of unyielding antagonists.

3 Shooting Starlight

“Starlight, Don’t You Just Light Up A Room, Eh?”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 1, Episode 7: “The Self-Preservation Society”

Despite the deep affection Butcher has for Hughie Campbell among the Boys, this does not stop him from trying to shoot Starlight, the love interest of “little Hughie,” in front of him. Following Jack Quaid’s character being exposed as the real killer of Translucent, Annie attempts to apprehend him. However, Butcher reacts by shooting the unaware superhero with a powerful .50 caliber sniper rifle.

Although Annie’s extraordinary toughness shielded her from lasting harm, it’s extremely uncertain that Butcher kept this in mind before shooting.

2 Mocking A Support Group

“Where’s Your F****** Rage?!”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 1, Episode 6: “The Innocents”

As someone who has witnessed the aftermath of superpowered individuals’ actions firsthand, I can tell you that it takes a special kind of heartlessness to mock or insult those who have been gravely injured as a result. I’ve seen the scars, both physical and emotional, borne by the survivors of collateral damage. And if you think I’m being dramatic, just ask Billy Butcher.

Butcher cruelly mocks and belittles the distressed crowd as they share their heartfelt stories, ending with a disdainful label of “a pitiful band of Superman fans” that leaves little room for moral justification.

1 Blackmailing Vogelbaum

“Your Whole F****** Family Dies Today.”

The Worst Things Butcher Has Done In The Boys
  • Season 2, Episode 7: “Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker”

I’ve always been wary of crossing Billy Butcher. The thought of refusing his demands is not an option for those who value their loved ones’ safety. Unfortunately, Jonah Vogelbaum learned this the hard way when he refused to testify against Vought as Billy desired. Consequently, Billy retaliated with one of his most sinister and chilling actions.

Butcher makes a chilling threat towards Vogelbaum and his family, going so far as to imply harm against his daughter who’s just nearby. If cooperation isn’t forthcoming, Butcher warns of dire consequences. The ominous scene concludes with Butcher taking a sip of tea in an unsettlingly menacing manner, leaving viewers with a lingering sense of unease.

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2024-07-26 15:34