Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima

Key Takeaways

  • Improved AI for followers is crucial to enhance player experience in Skyrim.
  • Dynamic weather can offer challenges and enrich exploration if added to Skyrim Ultima.
  • More diverse races, expanded class systems, and better-mounted combat could help the gameplay even years later.

As a seasoned Skyrim adventurer with countless hours under my belt, I wholeheartedly agree that there’s always room for improvement in this magical realm of Tamriel. One area that stands out is the mounted combat, which, while innovative, could use some polishing to make it more fluid and engaging.

As a devoted fan myself, I’d confidently say that Skyrim stands the test of time as an undeniable classic. Over ten years since its debut, this game remains a popular choice among gamers, demonstrating its enduring appeal despite its somewhat outdated visuals and occasionally restrictive mechanics. It’s a true masterwork, brimming with all the essential ingredients that make it a timeless favorite.

In games as grand as Skyrim, there have been numerous modifications made by a host of skilled individuals. To this day, there seems to be a mod for virtually anything gamers can imagine. One particularly intriguing upcoming modification is Skyrim Ultima – a comprehensive revamp of the game that boasts significantly enhanced graphics and promises changes to combat, user interface, navigation, and a myriad of other aspects. Here are some features we’re excited to witness upon its release.

6 Improved AI Companions

No More Dealing With Stragglers

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Followers’ AI should receive a major overhaul
  • The mod has a chance to make interactions more impactful

In the world of gaming, Skyrim has certainly earned a place of affection and endured various challenges over time. However, one aspect that players have voiced concerns about since its inception is the awkwardness of the Dragonborn’s companions. It’s not as if they’re being obstinate, but it’s fair to say that any player who’s successfully finished the game has experienced the annoyance of waiting for Lydia to catch up.

Given that Skyrim Ultima appears to be revolutionizing nearly every aspect of gameplay, it’d be delightful to witness a significant upgrade in follower AI behavior. It’s not about making them extraordinarily intelligent or excessively powerful; instead, it would be wonderful if they could maintain pace and avoid obstructing access to newly discovered areas by standing on doorways.

5 Dynamic Weather Impact

Discovering The World With A Few Additional Challenges

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Dynamic weather can make world exploration much more fun
  • Elements like fog can make dragons invisible in the distance

In Skyrim, several regions are famed for their harsh, unfriendly climate. Besides giving the world a dismal, gray appearance and spawning frost-infused adversaries, severe weather rarely endangers the Dragonborn. However, by incorporating changing weather conditions into the game, players will encounter challenges while exploring and battling enemies.

If the game “Skyrim Ultima” featured deep snowfall that blankets the landscape and stands multiple inches high, this would present an excellent chance to slow down horse riding or walking significantly. Similarly, heavy rain could impact visibility, rendering faraway dangers like airborne dragons, giants, and trolls nearly unseen. Although some players may have mixed feelings about exploring the world prior to unlocking fast travel, incorporating variable weather conditions could enrich the gaming experience, making it even more engaging.

4 Expanded Race And Class Systems

Hybrid Classes And Additional Traits

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Building on the existing races can add another interesting layer to the game
  • Adding new classes would also help make the experience more complete

Back in the day when Skyrim first hit the shelves, I found the ten races provided for character creation to be quite sufficient. However, as engaging and diverse as they remain, I can’t help but feel that the game could be even richer if it continued to expand upon this foundation.

It’s cool to have 50% Frost resistance as a Nord or +15 Base Unarmed Damage as a Khajiit in the game, but there’s much more potential to delve deeper into each race, and it would be fantastic if Skyrim Ultima could take this approach. The mod could also introduce some new races, even if they’re not officially part of the lore, as this would add an exciting expansion to the already diverse roster.

3 Improved Mounted Combat

Perfecting An Existing Feature

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Mounted combat in Skyrim often feels clunky and awkward
  • Skyrim Ultima can improve this feature and make it more user-friendly

In Skyrim, you can already engage in battles from horseback, but there’s still room for improvement. The introduction of mounted combat was a welcome feature when it was first introduced, but players soon discovered its imperfections. Controlling mounted combat feels clumsy, the attack options are limited, and what really irks players is that they can’t cast spells while riding their horses (unless they use mods), which often leads to frustration.

In a more engaging way, Skyrim Ultima could leverage its market niche by enhancing the current mounted combat modifications and offering a diverse gaming experience. This enhancement would cater to a wide array of player preferences, ensuring maximum enjoyment.

2 Deeper Economic Consequences

Stealing And Other Crimes Affect The Community

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Stealing could have deeper consequences, affecting the people within a city, and even the Dragonborn
  • Merchants could be rendered unable to eat and survive if the Dragonborn steals too much from them

In Skyrim, for the large part, committing crimes doesn’t result in severe penalties beyond annoying guards and getting sent to jail if players can’t afford the fine or choose not to pay it. There’s also an option to fight, though it usually ends quickly and typically results in a defeat.

As a gamer, I can tell you that in my Skyrim Ultima adventure, I’ve noticed a unique opportunity for deeper immersion. By ramping up the consequences of unsavory actions, the game could create a more engaging world. For instance, if I hoard too much iron, it might lead to a shortage of swords among guards and allies, leaving them defenseless in some parts of the game. Overindulging in stealing food or jewelry could put merchants in dire straits, potentially starving them due to an inability to meet their basic needs. This way, every action truly feels like it matters, shaping not just my character’s destiny, but the fate of Skyrim itself.

1 Multiple Endings

Branching Storylines And Various Timelines

Things We Want To See In Skyrim Ultima
  • Branching storylines can breathe new life into the game
  • Skyrim Ultima could include bad endings

It’s clear that Skyrim’s narrative is meticulously crafted, and its side quests are almost always thoroughly developed. Yet, having only one ending for such a vast game feels incongruous. Conquering Alduin in Sovngarde is satisfying and a suitable finale for the Dragonborn’s odyssey; nevertheless, incorporating multiple storylines that could lead to undesirable outcomes might breathe freshness into this game.

As a devoted fan, I’d love to see more diverse conclusions in Skyrim Ultima, such as Alduin triumphing or just slipping away without being vanquished by the Dragonborn. The same applies to side quests and faction storylines; it would be fantastic if they offered a wider range of outcomes than they do currently.

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2024-09-11 04:33