Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Old Wizard’s Eye

Throne and Liberty: How to Beat Old Wizard's Eye

As someone who’s spent countless hours battling monstrous beasts and ancient evils in the realm of Throne and Liberty, I can confidently say that mastering the art of combat against the Old Wizard’s Eye is no small feat.

The climactic tasks in Throne and Liberty, such as Taedal’s Tower and the Gate of Infinity, can be quite demanding, and the 14th-floor boss, the Old Wizard’s Eye, is a colossal, terrifying eyeball that can obliterate players who underestimate its power.

To prevent this from happening, we have devised a solid walkthrough that contains critical information on mechanics, boss abilities, and best strategies to beat down this formidable foe and progress further on Taedal’s Tower Out of Sight Secret Dungeon. But first things first, let’s take a look at the boss fight primary mechanics.

Taedal’s Tower 14th Floor Boss In Throne And Liberty

In the game Throne and Liberty, known as Taedal’s Tower among friends and family, there is a formidable creature called The Old Wizard’s Eye (Beholder). This Huge Eye monster has a unique ability to fire laser beams and can kill you instantly with its gaze. Prior to engaging with it, players should be mindful of two distinct gameplay mechanics:

  • Jumping and Blocking: will be the primary two mechanics during the fight. Some attacks need to be blocked perfectly to avoid receiving damage, while others require the player to time their jumps at the correct moment to avoid receiving damage and keep fighting until the Eye is dead.
  • Dodging the Death Gaze: this boss has a lethal Wrath Attack, cannot be blocked/parried, and needs to be dodged since its a one-hit-KO move. It will literally erase players from existence in a single move. It happens quite fast, so this is a battle of reflexes and endurance mostly.
  • Getting away from AoE pools: These will be the major threat during the middle of the fight, especially when players are distracted. Throne and Liberty battles are unlike traditional static MMORPG combat, so keep moving and avoid dying.

It’s advisable to stock up on top-tier Restorative Crystals, which you can acquire from the Guild Store, as they might find it useful to have additional healing resources during combat.

Each Dodge/Block Active ability comes with its own cool-down period, which means repeatedly using it isn’t an option. Mastering the timing for perfect blocks is crucial in reducing damage, especially when battling foes like the Old Wizard’s Eye. It’s essential to be very cautious to avoid a failed parry, as this could lead to a devastating outcome.

The manager exhibits some rather frustrating assaults and a pace that could outmatch certain Souls-like adversaries. Players may find themselves landing only a few strategic strikes between each barrage of attacks, with the remainder of the battle primarily focusing on positioning oneself away from Area of Effect, evading the Death Gaze, and leaping when the boss smashes the floor. Now, let’s explore the capabilities of this unsightly adversary in combat.

Old Wizard’s Eye Moveset In Throne And Liberty

  • Primary Attack Blast: The boss will be constantly attacking with its basic shots as if players were fighting against a Staff/Wand user. The Old Wizard’s Eye shots barrages of magic energy that cannot be dodged, so players will be receiving damage constantly during the fight.
  • Dark Energy Blast: The Old Wizard’s Eye will launch a series of circle-shaped dark energy balls that will crash against the floor and produce an AoE damaging effect. The initial blast has to be dodged, and cannot be blocked.
  • Corruption AoE: The lingering effect from the Dark Energy Blast, causes a percentage of the maximum HP per second in damage. Standing over it means a certain death, so players should avoid fighting over it at any cost. Like most lingering AoE effects, it has an affixed duration, so circling around the boss can do the trick to avoid the area and make time until it becomes available again.
  • Death Laser: A direct Fury Attack that the boss will be using repeatedly during the fight. Blocking it perfectly is the only way to avoid receiving considerable damage, and since the boss is going to be spamming this ability throughout the fight, those who cannot block it will have it hard trying to beat this challenge.
  • Body Slam: A Wrath Attack, that cannot be blocked or dodged. The boss repeatedly slams its body against the floor, causing a shockwave that covers the entire arena. Players need to jump at the right moment to avoid receiving damage. It can be tricky at first, but after a few attempts, players will get the hang of it.
  • Death Gaze: After receiving 25 % of its total HP as damage, the boss will launch its Wrath Attack. Needless to say, avoid this at any cost: The Old Wizard’s Eye will scream and start glowing, and everything standing before it in a 180º area will instantly die when it launches the attack. Players need to position themselves behind the boss to prevent receiving lethal damage.

In a game, Food Buffs play a crucial role during Boss Fights:

Best Strategy For The Old Wizard’s Eye In Throne And Liberty

For Melee Players

Circulate around the boss continuously, preferably in a clockwise direction to avoid the sweeping Dark Energy Blast. When the boss begins targeting with its Death Laser, stand firm and block it at the right moment, not only to defend yourself but also to counterattack, dealing damage and stunning the boss.

Using these combat skills effectively, particularly Sword/Shield and Greatsword players, will find significant advantage with the guardian known as Brutal Warrior Valkarg. This formidable ally can amplify up to 4000% of the damage inflicted on it, then retaliate by redistributing this accumulated damage back onto the enemy during a flawless parry.

For Daggers users, the skill is perfect for dodging Death Gaze and Dark Energy Blast and its annoying AoE. Consider bringing it as a complement to the parry/dodge skill.

Turn it on to inflict harm equivalent to what the Eye has dealt, ensuring an effortless victory. However, beware of its lethal Death Gaze and Body Slam assaults. These powerful attacks will serve as the final moves if the boss senses it’s been overly damaged.

In the game Throne and Liberty, some block abilities might not be as efficient as others when it comes to reducing damage. Therefore, players should keep this in mind during gameplay. Having a well-developed block ability is crucial for success, and choosing an incorrect move could make the fight more challenging. Additionally, ensure that your block skill is adequately leveled up, as some players may overlook improving them with Skill Growth Books, which can be detrimental to their gameplay experience.

For Ranged Players

In this battle, archers with Longbows and Crossbows should avoid standing still and instead, launch charge attacks. Similarly, Staff and Wand users are advised to use quick-cast spells and maintain a counterclockwise movement pattern to dodge area-of-effect (AoE) attacks. When the boss unleashes its “Death Laser,” be ready to swiftly dodge at the right moment.

For more delicate characters, it’s crucial to consider using Lady Knight Kamarshea as your Guardian. This character will bestow a shield equivalent to half of their maximum mana pool, and an impressive 40% reduction in cooldown time. Continue firing spells/skills while moving, and when necessary, leap into the air to dodge the Body Slam attack, thus maintaining your game plan intact.

If players stray too far from the Old Wizard’s Eye, it will initiate its Body Slam attack in rapid succession, trying to catch them off guard. This can be fatal, as it follows up with a Death Laser blast to obliterate them. To avoid this, it’s best to engage in combat at a moderate distance and dart around the Wizard to prevent getting ensnared by its attacks.

In this battle, the team member has to take the less favorable position when the boss unleashes its Fury Attack, and timing is crucial to avoid defeat. For the Longbow skill, a similar predicament occurs, potentially putting the player too close for comfort and inflicting significant damage if used incorrectly.

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2024-10-11 13:06