Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust


  • Efficient resource management is crucial in The Crust to avoid getting stuck without progress.
  • Optimize solar panel placement for easy upgrades and to save building space on the moon.
  • Standardize wiring and minimize power poles to save resources and reduce power drain.

As a seasoned player of The Crust, I can’t stress enough the importance of optimizing your moon base construction strategy. Over the years, I’ve learned the hard way that every power connection, every excavation, and every structure placement matters when it comes to maintaining an efficient and thriving colony.

As a devoted enthusiast, I’d like to share my excitement about “The Crust,” a captivating real-time strategy game that unfolds in the lunar landscape. Unlike its combat-centric counterparts, this gem focuses on intricate resource gathering and industrial-style gameplay reminiscent of games such as “Factorio.” The action takes place both above ground on the moon’s surface and below it, delving into a subterranean map.

Successfully managing resources and strategizing effectively are essential abilities that every player of “The Crust” should aim to excel in, as these skills will significantly enhance their gaming experience within this strategy game. An ill-planned base layout could lead a player into a stalemate, with no means of advancement. Consequently, designing the colony thoughtfully is vital for progress.

7 Plan The Power Footprint

Consider Leaving Space For Upgrades

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Surface building space is limited.
  • Plan the most efficient footprint for solar panels.

On The Crust game, you might find the play area on the surface map vast, but it’s astonishing how fast this space gets occupied. Therefore, avoiding unnecessary use of space and recycling it during infrastructure updates is crucial. This is particularly important when dealing with solar panels, used for power generation, as they should be optimally placed to maximize efficiency.

It’s beneficial to arrange smaller solar panels on the moon with some spare room in between when setting them up because larger solar panels require more space. This arrangement allows for easy replacement of the smaller panels with recycling, while the larger ones can be installed in their place without needing additional space. Essentially, this strategy provides a smooth transition when upgrading the solar panel system.

6 Standardize Batteries

Use The Same Wiring Strategy

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Adding additional batteries is common.
  • Use a standardized way of connecting them to save effort.

As I embark on a new adventure in the game “The Crust,” it’s easy to just connect essential infrastructure like battery banks haphazardly at the start. But as my game progresses and I need more capacity, I might find myself backtracking to redo all the wiring. It would be smarter to lay things out efficiently from the get-go, even if it takes a bit longer upfront.

Following a consistent method for arranging battery banks makes good financial sense. For instance, power enters a battery bank through the one on the rightmost side, while it’s drawn out from the left-hand end of the bank. The batteries within the bank are connected in series, starting from the right and moving to the left. This way, each battery bank is wired identically, making it straightforward to expand by merely switching a single wire.

5 Optimize All Wiring

To Minimize Power Leakage

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Wiring causes a minor power drain.
  • Shorter wiring drains less power.

Based on my years of working with electrical systems, I can confidently say that taking the time to ensure efficient wiring makes all the difference. I’ve seen countless situations where a simple reorganization of connections could have saved hours of troubleshooting and potential safety hazards. It’s essential to eliminate redundant or overlapping connections, as they can lead to confusion when making repairs or upgrades down the line. Streamlining your wiring now will pay off in the long run by making your life easier and preventing unnecessary headaches later on.

In every wire and electrical connection within a science fiction moon base, there’s a power consumption due to resistance. By intelligently arranging these power connections, it may be feasible to reduce power usage significantly, potentially saving several percentage points.

4 Centralize Around The Elevator

To Efficiently Switch Map Modes

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Pressing TAB centers on the map when shifting.
  • Build key facilities close to the elevator to streamline gameplay.

In the game ‘The Crust’, a player can swiftly transition between surface and underground maps by hitting the TAB key. This action triggers a map change, focusing on the elevator infrastructure. Consequently, the region surrounding the elevator becomes valuable territory for structures the player frequently interacts with, such as factories that handle moon mining materials regularly.

Structures like batteries and power plants, which do not require constant attention, can be situated near the borders of the game area, while vital, interactive structures should be placed in the center.

3 Minimize Power Poles

Don’t Use More Than Needed

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Each power pole drains some electricity.
  • Only use just enough power poles to link up all structures.

In the game ‘The Crust’, every power pole constructed by the player requires some resources and contributes to the strain on the electrical grid. Consequently, it’s wise to keep the number of power poles to the absolute minimum for optimal efficiency.

To optimize their strategy effectively, players should consider planning ahead for strategic placement of poles at certain locations. These poles can be erected initially but left untapped until a later stage in the game, offering potential benefits at opportune moments. This approach also maximizes the usage of building space within the game’s subterranean map.

2 Excavate Gradually

To Optimize Subterranean Space

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • Create a growing area of empty floor space around the elevator.
  • Do excavate out towards resource nodes though.

In The Crust, starting off by clearing a space near the elevator rather than diving straight into excavating a large cave with all 5 mining drones might be more advantageous. This approach allows for the strategic placement of crucial buildings first.

In this area, you can accommodate a drone adjustment system, a cement molding facility, and a few metal refiners. After obtaining an ore detection scanner, the player can evaluate the optimal directions for further mining expansion.

1 Plan The Subterranean Map In Advance

To Save Excavating Unnecessary Areas

Tips For Designing A Base Layout In The Crust
  • A complicated map means drones have to go further.
  • Consider setting up traffic lanes.

Limited map area in the underground layout becomes scarce as the game advances, especially when players start establishing their colonies. Initially, it might not seem like an issue, but as the game progresses, this space tends to disappear quite quickly.

As a passionate explorer, I always find it beneficial to sketch out a fundamental design for my underground blueprint before diving into construction. The positioning of resource nodes may not always be predictable due to their random spawn locations, but visualizing the layout can help me optimize the use of available space effectively.

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2024-08-12 14:34