Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

As a seasoned player hailing from the mystical lands of the Arena, I can confidently say that mastering the art of jungling in Smite 2 is akin to navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of ancient ruins – challenging yet rewarding!

Titan Forge Games often refer to “Smite 2” as the authentic successor to the widely acclaimed MOBA, “Smite.” It’s poised to continue the franchise’s development by leaps and bounds, with a fresh engine driving the gameplay. Players can look forward to enjoying familiar game modes alongside their favorite deities in the eagerly awaited sequel.

As a passionate player, I can’t help but share my excitement about the thrilling game mode known as Conquest in Smite 2. In this epic battle, each player must select a role that shapes their duties and significantly impacts the team’s success. Among these roles, the Jungle position stands out as one of the most complex and crucial to master. Mastering the art of filling the Jungle role in Smite 2 could be the key to unlocking numerous victories for you.

What Is Jungling in Smite 2?

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

As the roles within Smite 2 grow more structured, it’s crucial now more than ever to grasp your personal objectives towards achieving team victory. A key role in a Conquest match is that of the Jungler, who serves as a versatile player and endeavors to sway each lane in their team’s advantage. This entails staying informed about the broader battlefield situation, keeping tabs on opposing gods, and striving for control over the diverse buff camps to bolster your team.

A player in the jungle doesn’t stick to one specific path, but tends to move according to a strategy focused on gathering buffs and setting up 2v1 or 3v2 combat situations that favor them. When used correctly, a jungler can greatly impact the development of each teammate’s lane, leading to a more unified push against the enemy phoenixes and ultimately, towards winning the game by taking down the titan.

How To Jungle In Smite 2

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

In the game Smite 2, Jungling is a more complex position that players can opt for, making it more suitable for experienced players. If you’re still learning the ropes, it would be wiser to select a lane-focused role such as Solo, Duo, or Mid. Pay attention to your teammate in the Jungle during the match to get a feel for how the game progresses. However, if you wish to take on the Jungle role, here are some tasks you should aim to accomplish:

Defend and Support Teammates and Their Lanes

When a teammate needs help, it’s usually the Jungle player who responds quickly. This is because other players on the team are focused on their individual lanes, so helping one leaves the other lane exposed and potentially vulnerable. The Jungle player can utilize the underbrush for concealment or even surprise attacks from behind, aiming to outmaneuver enemies and eliminate them, thus creating an advantage for their own team.

Gank Enemy Gods

In multiplayer games such as Smite, you’ll frequently encounter the term “ganking.” This refers to unexpectedly attacking an opponent to establish a numerical advantage, like a 2vs1 or 3vs2 scenario. While it’s often associated with team support, ganking can be both proactive and reactive. A strategically timed gank can present chances for enemy towers to be damaged, gradually moving your team towards the final objective.

Clear Buff Camps

A vital job is continuously defeating the buff camps scattered across the map. It’s essential to monitor those on your side of the battlefield, but seizing some from the enemy’s side can also give you an edge. These buffs will empower you and your team, allowing you to leverage their benefits in fights against opposing gods, the Gold Fury, and the Fire Giant. The Gold Fury and the Fire Giant, if killed, grant lasting advantages to the killing team, with the Gold Fury growing stronger every time it’s defeated.

As you successfully vanquish the buffer camps, they’ll progressively grow stronger and more challenging. This escalation results in more substantial rewards when you manage to conquer them.

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

Mastering the Jungle role in popular MOBA games can be tough, as failure of your team might lead to scrutiny. Since your main responsibility is to stay buffed and support your teammates effectively, it’s crucial to disregard any harsh criticism while learning the role, as practice makes perfect. Before you jump into a jungle role, consider starting with a lane role first, so you can observe how the Jungler on your team performs. Here are some helpful tips:

Be Aggressive From The Start

1. Buff camps grow more powerful each time they reappear, so it’s advantageous to take them down promptly. Start your attack immediately for a less chaotic beginning in the game, as there will be fewer unpredictable events and confrontations between your team and the opposing side. Prepare well, strengthen yourself as much as possible, and try to seize opportunities that come your way during the initial clashes between the teams.

Communicate and Respond

In the game Smite 2, much like its predecessor, cooperation is crucial for triumph. Many of the major bosses, particularly the Gold Fury and Fire Giant, are usually too formidable for a single player to defeat. Therefore, effective communication among team members is vital. Additionally, understanding your teammates’ positions in relation to opposing gods will allow you to develop a consistent strategy and prepare for potential ambushes from the enemy team.

By saying “enemy absent” instead of “enemy missing”, you can inform your team that an opposing god has vacated a particular area on the map. This could lead to possible encounters in other lanes, such as the middle or left ones. Similarly, alerts like “teammate in peril” or “teammate needs aid” will signal when one of your allies is struggling or calling for backup. In those cases, it’s crucial to remain mobile and offer assistance whenever a teammate requests help or support.

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

Target Speed Buffs

As a nimble Jungler in this game, maintaining that swiftness-boosting trinket (the yellow ones) throughout our battle is a lifesaver, allowing me to dash between lanes quicker than you can say “game on.” And let me tell you, the more the match advances, the more crucial those speed buffs become as the respawned camps grow tougher. So, keeping up with that speed advantage will make all the difference in our victory!

Make Camp Steals

On your side of the battlefield, there are numerous camps protected by legendary creatures ready for action. However, it doesn’t guarantee that the opposition won’t try to seize control of them. In your role as a Jungler, your objective is primarily to maintain dominance over all the camps scattered across the map. So, don’t shy away from attempting one of the enemy-controlled camps for better strategic positioning.

Capturing the enemy’s camps prevents them from benefiting from the bonuses those camps provide. This eliminates their potential edge against you and your allies. Essentially, it’s more advantageous for us to control these bonuses rather than letting the enemies have them.

Ward, Ward, Ward

This doesn’t just apply to Junglers, but Warding will go a long way to ensuring you’re not on the wrong end of an ambush. Wards are consumable items, like health and mana potions, that you can purchase throughout a match and place as a means of detecting enemy movements. Given how open the map is and how many entry points there are, you’ll want to place one at an intersection that will allow you to detect enemies coming from more than one path.

Wards only last for 60 seconds, to ensure you stock up and use them liberally. With these items active, you’ll have greater vision on the field and be able to respond to enemy ganking before it becomes a significant issue.

Which Gods Should You Choose For Jungling?

Tips For Playing The Jungle Role in Smite 2

In the game Smite 2, which has a smaller number of gods from its launch, you have the advantage of testing out many deities until you find one that matches your preferred playstyle. The key piece of advice for selecting the right god is to experiment and adapt through trial and error. In Smite 2, there’s a stronger focus on character builds, and players are given more freedom to customize gods who were originally designed for specific roles to take on other team responsibilities. For instance, tanks like Bacchus might not strictly adhere to their traditional tank role in Smite 2, and the same flexibility applies to the rest of the roster. The distinctions between Guardian, Mage, Hunter, Assassin, and Warrior classes are less clear-cut in Smite 2, making it easier for players to explore various playstyles.

To clarify, there are certain deities who excel in roles with greater complexity, such as the Jungler. If you’re serious about mastering this role and making it your forte, consider champions like Mordred, Loki, or Susano. These characters, being melee-focused with an edge in speed, are ideal for swiftly clearing camps since they can’t deal damage outside their camp range. Launching a surprise attack becomes more impactful when you can seamlessly combine abilities and overpower opponents by dashing into them with rapid, powerful melee attacks.

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2024-09-02 13:44