Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

As a seasoned survival game enthusiast with over a decade of experience under my belt, I cannot stress enough the importance of being prepared for any situation that might arise in the harsh and unforgiving world of the wilderness. Having played countless hours of games like DayZ, Rust, and Ark: Survival Evolved, I have learned firsthand the dangers that lurk around every corner, waiting to claim the unprepared player’s life.

In the survival game 7 Days To Die, you’ll find yourself in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. every week, hordes of enraged enemies will attack, forcing you to scavenge for resources and fortify your shelter before the next onslaught. With vast areas to discover, adversaries to vanquish, and objectives to accomplish, making a decision on where to start can be daunting when you initially log in.

In the game ‘7 Days to Die’, each passing minute matters significantly, so it’s crucial for players to strive for optimal efficiency. Surviving amidst zombie attacks is challenging, even on the easiest difficulty level where these undead creatures are swift and powerful. These simple strategies provided in this list can aid players in making it through the initial days alive.

7 The Spear Is Better Than The Club

Keep Zombies At Bay

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

Initially, newcomers are urged to create a wooden club as their primary weapon. Many novice players assume that it’s the ideal choice for initial stages, but this isn’t always the case. Although the club can be potent, it requires being near the enemy to strike effectively. On the other hand, using a spear allows players to keep a bit of distance while defeating zombies.

After some training, the player will learn to jab enemies with a spear while keeping a safe distance. Being struck by an enemy may cause the player to become momentarily incapacitated. If the player gets hit, stunned, and pursued by several zombies, their odds of surviving are quite low.

6 Look For Hidden Loot

Lots Of Extra Valuable Just Waiting To Be Found

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

In the game “7 Days To Die,” scavenging for resources is abundant as you explore various points of interest (POIs). Players can rummage through cabinets, coolers, and other items they encounter, but it’s common to find hidden loot that some players might overlook within these POIs.

Exploring hidden spots like ledges, the back of paintings, and beneath loose floorboards is often rewarding. You might come across various things, ranging from a simple backpack to concealed safes. Surprisingly valuable possessions are frequently discovered in such secluded places.

5 Head Home Early

Avoid Nighttime Zombies

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

If a player sticks with the standard configuration, zombies become faster and more menacing from 10 pm to 4 am. Given the increased danger, it’s wiser to retreat to your safe haven rather than attempting to scavenge for longer.

1. Venturing out in the dark can be a frightening ordeal, especially when a player is burdened excessively with loot. Since the treasure isn’t going to vanish, there’s no need to hastily explore that additional building for items, as it may lead to getting stranded in an isolated area swarming with zombies on the run.

4 Always Carry Bandages

Bleeding Out Is Not Ideal

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

1. Any hit can cause harm to the player by causing bleed damage. It’s important to note that dogs often lead to such injuries. The bleeding out can be fatal if not treated properly. Therefore, it’s wise to carry some bandages when adventuring to minimize the risk of death due to excessive bleeding.

As a gamer, I would recommend using medicated bandages whenever possible to help me heal faster and more effectively in the game. However, if I don’t have any medicated bandages on hand, a regular bandage will still do the job in a pinch. Bandages are essential tools for any player, as they can help us get out of tricky situations and keep us playing smoothly, so it’s always a good idea to keep some in my inventory for emergencies.

3 Set Up A Base Close To The Trader

Complete Missions Quicker

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

1. Starting your missions early can help you advance quickly, collect rewards, and even earn some extra currency called Dukes. In the initial stages, it might be beneficial to construct your base near a trader. If a player is located close to a trader, they will have the opportunity to finish more missions in a single day, allowing them to earn more Dukes by selling their surplus items.

1. Keep in mind that trading posts shut down during the night. Therefore, avoiding spending the night at a trader’s location is advisable. However, it’s beneficial to position yourself close by, say within a couple of hundred feet, as this will facilitate quicker completion of missions.

2 Stick To The Forest

The Easiest Biome To Call Home

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

In every biome, hazards abound. However, certain biomes pose greater risks than others. Amongst them, the forest region is the most hospitable for survival. With an abundance of trees, numerous rock and mineral deposits to mine, and relatively tamed points of interest for players to discover, this biome presents a less daunting challenge.

In the game, you can commence the early stages anywhere, but here’s why the Forest stands out as an exceptional choice for settlement: its climate makes it a comfortable place to reside. Compared to other regions, the weather in most biomes can be harsh, necessitating players to acquire or find specialized gear designed for surviving extreme cold or heat.

1 Nerd Pole To Make Things Easier

Always Carry A Handful Of Building Cubes

Tips For Surviving The First Few Days In 7 Days To Die

In this game, a fundamental component often used for construction is the common building block, which resembles a cube. These blocks are economical to create and can be easily collected once they’ve been set down. It’s beneficial for players to maintain several of these cubes in their inventory at all times.

In various scenarios, these cubes can be useful. For instance, if some zombies are nearby, you can easily drop two cubes by jumping in place. This will allow you to attack from above, keeping you safe. Remember to fix up the blocks frequently to stop the zombies from destroying them.

These cubes have another function called “nerd pole-climbing.” Frequently, valuable items are found on rooftops, eliminating the need to clear out buildings’ interiors first. Instead, players can simply jump and position these cubes beneath them, enabling a direct ascent to the building’s summit.

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2024-07-29 22:24