Top 10 Dragon Ball Fights That Will Make You Cry!


  • Dragon Ball‘s best battles involve high emotions, stakes, and character development.
  • The series showcases powerful moments with characters like Vegeta, Goku, and Gohan.
  • Akira Toriyama’s franchise continues to captivate fans with intense battles and emotional storylines.

The “Dragon Ball” series, renowned globally, has a legendary status in the shonen genre. The action-packed battles and character transformations featured prominently in “Dragon Ball Z” and “Dragon Ball Super” kept fans hooked, as they enjoyed witnessing their beloved heroes attain unprecedented power levels and teach their adversaries a lesson.

Top-tier shonen battles often feature clashes not just of physical strength, but also of deeply held beliefs and determination. It’s no surprise that “Dragon Ball” excels in this area, making its fights particularly intense. Consequently, the most memorable bouts in the series are marked by strong emotions and significant consequences, as our heroes leave no stone unturned to claim victory.

8. Vegeta & Trunks VS Cell

A Battle Against The Bio-Android Turns Into A Conflict Between Father And Son

  • Takes Place In: Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z

Following significant gains from their training, Vegeta and Trunks chose to express their thoughts firmly to Semi-Perfect Cell. In the ensuing confrontation, Vegeta demonstrated his power, yet paused when Cell guaranteed that his Perfect form would lead to a more engaging battle.

In astonishment, Trunks can hardly believe it when his father permits such an event, clashing with Vegeta and delivering a powerful blow that sends him tumbling into the ocean as he tries to halt Cell. Regrettably, Vegeta is unable to stop him, and Perfect Cell then demonstrates his immense power by humbling Vegeta. This defeat deals a massive blow to Vegeta’s pride, causing him to be eliminated, while Trunks miraculously escapes at the hands of Perfect Cell. He then proclaims an epic tournament that will forever be remembered in the annals of Dragon Ball lore.

7. Goku VS Majin Vegeta

The Saiyan Rivals Duke It Out To Settle Their Differences

  • Takes Place In: Peaceful World Saga in Dragon Ball Z

Following Cell’s downfall, Vegeta established a new life on Earth and had a child with Bulma, an unexpected turn of events for the Saiyan Prince who struggled with the notion of relinquishing his warrior prowess. This internal conflict led him to allow Babidi to control his mind, enabling him to reawaken his ruthless nature once more.

In this scenario, he undertook all these actions primarily to confront Goku, expressing his reasons in a heartfelt speech that touched upon his overconfident nature and how he unexpectedly grew attached to his family despite his Saiyan heritage. This emotional arc significantly enhances Vegeta’s character, and it’s unfortunate that this deeply felt battle was suddenly halted by the arrival of Majin Buu.

6. Goku VS Jiren

After Jiren Tries To Hurt Goku’s Friends, The Saiyan Loses It

  • Takes Place In: Universe Survival Saga in Dragon Ball Super

The Tournament of Power features many grand confrontations, although some spectators might argue that the intensity of these encounters doesn’t quite compare to the most intense fights in Dragon Ball Z. Nevertheless, the dynamic shifted significantly once Goku mastered his Ultra Instinct technique and enraged Jiren, who retaliated by attempting to eliminate Goku’s loved ones as a means of provoking him.

In this scenario, Goku feels very uncomfortable, and his anger erupts as he delivers an epic beating to Jiren. This extraordinary event underscores Goku’s immense strength, but it turns out that his body could no longer sustain the power of Ultra Instinct after a certain point.

5. Majin Vegeta VS Majin Buu

Vegeta Makes Amends For His Indefensible Actions

  • Takes Place In: Buu Saga in Dragon Ball Z

After feeling Majin Buu’s power directly, Vegeta recognizes how self-centered he had been in attempting to battle Goku while in his Majin form. He seizes the opportunity when Buu is off guard and defeats not only Trunks and Gohan, but also asks Piccolo to escort them away. Determined to make the greatest sacrifice, Vegeta prepares to confront Majin Buu head-on.

Understanding that his strength alone wouldn’t be sufficient, Vegeta chooses to release all his energy in a powerful, poignant explosion, as he emotionally says goodbye to his loved ones – his family and friends. This was a selfless act that the old Vegeta might have shied away from, but the love he has for Trunks, Bulma, and Goku drove him to take this extreme measure.

4. The Z Warriors VS Nappa

The Power Of The Saiyans Is Too Much For Earth’s Heroes To Handle

  • Takes Place In: Saiyan Saga in Dragon Ball Z

In the Dragon Ball Z series, The Saiyan Saga represents a pivotal moment where the Z Warriors are left astonished by the sheer power of Nappa. He effortlessly overpowers them without breaking a sweat. Tragically, Yamcha loses his life before Nappa even enters the fight, Chiaotzu self-destructs in an attempt to halt Nappa’s advance, and Piccolo makes the ultimate sacrifice by giving up his life to protect the only Earthling who treated him as an equal rather than a villain.

In this intense struggle filled with emotion, numerous strong combatants fall, leaving the Z Warriors seemingly at their wit’s end. Just when things look bleakest, Goku miraculously arrives in the critical moment and defeats Nappa, avenging the suffering he caused to his companions.

3. Vegeta VS Frieza

Vegeta Is Reduced To Tears After Being Unable To Match Frieza’s Might

  • Takes Place In: Frieza Saga in Dragon Ball Z

Vegeta has harbored intense dislike towards Frieza ever since the despot destroyed his planet. He eagerly waited for the opportunity to exact his revenge. However, when the confrontation unexpectedly came knocking at Vegeta’s door before he could properly prepare, he decided to utilize a Zenkai boost to even the odds in their battle.

Despite miraculously recovering from near-death, Vegeta was still unable to defeat Frieza. The tyrant humiliated him so deeply that tears streamed down his face and he begged Goku for vengeance against Frieza, who had destroyed everything dear to him. In the end, Vegeta was callously eliminated by a Death Beam straight to the heart.

2. Gohan VS Cell

Android 16’s Death And The Plight Of His Friends Causes Gohan To Overflow With Unbridled Rage

  • Takes Place In: Cell Games Saga in Dragon Ball Z

Gohan, by nature, is a peace-loving individual. However, battling wasn’t inherent to him. To protect the world from Cell, he had to set aside his gentle disposition. This crucial point was emphasized by Android 16 before Cell fatally crushed him.

Witnessing such a ruthless demise ignites something inside Gohan, prompting him to tap into his full potential and metamorphose into an Ascended Super Saiyan. The sight of his tears cascading just before he delivers a fatal blow to the Cell Juniors, leaving their parent incapacitated with a powerful gut punch, provides a profound sense of release. However, the reappearance of Super Perfect Cell complicates matters. Yet, drawing upon his father’s inspiration, Gohan digs deep and summons an epic Kamehameha wave that annihilates every cell in this antagonist’s body, ensuring their destruction for all time.

1. Goku VS Frieza

The Death Of His Closest Friend Opens The Floodgates For Goku’s Anger

  • Takes Place In: Frieza Saga in Dragon Ball Z

Following the unsuccessful detonation of Goku’s Spirit Bomb, the Z Warriors are left stunned and appalled as an enraged and wounded Frieza systematically eliminates them one after another. Krillin’s demise stands out as particularly gruesome, prompting Goku to acknowledge that his friend has met a permanent end, as he can no longer be resurrected using the Dragon Balls anymore.

This triggers an explosion of anger within him, leading to his metamorphosis into a Super Saiyan. Utilizing this newly acquired strength, he subdues Frieza and brings him under control. Despite extending kindness to his adversary, Frieza scorns his benevolence and in return receives a powerful energy burst that vanquishes him permanently.

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2025-03-08 12:27