Tower of God: The Power Dynamics Between Zahard And The Great Families

Tower of God: The Power Dynamics Between Zahard And The Great Families

Key Takeaways

  • King Zahard and the Ten Great Families shape the political landscape of Tower of God through power dynamics.
  • Zahard and his companions formed the Ten Great Families after a Great War and a pact for immortality.
  • Baam’s entry into the Tower disrupts the status quo, causing shifts in power dynamics and alliances.

As a dedicated fan who’s spent countless hours delving into the intricate world of Tower of God, I can confidently say that King Zahard and the Ten Great Families are the very backbone of this captivating series! The political landscape is a tapestry woven with power dynamics that shift as subtly as the wind, all while maintaining an air of intrigue.

The Tower of God is a fully functional society, teeming with characters holding various roles and positions. It consists of multiple levels, each governed by its ruling figure – the High Rankers who have been granted a fiefdom. Overseeing all activities within the Tower is Zahard and his Empire. The names of Zahard and The Ten Great Families frequently appear together, reflecting their significant interconnected relationship.

In addition to King Zahard, key figures from the great families hold significant power within the storyline. Notably, there are variations in their authority and sway over others. Consequently, the dynamic between Zahard and these powerful families significantly shapes the political climate of the series, impacting the lives of those residing in the Tower.

Zahard And The Twelve Great Warriors

The First Set Of Irregulars

The history of the Tower remains largely a mystery, except for the unexpected appearance of Zahard and the Twelve Great Warriors in its lower sections. Unlike Headon’s invited participants, these individuals are the earliest documented Irregulars, though their high-ranking status now disqualifies them from that categorization. Accompanied by Grace Mirchea Luslec, Quadrado, and Amizu, they ascended the Tower, reaching the 134th Floor and acquiring immense power throughout their journey.

During that period, there was no ranking system in place, making it unclear just how much power each individual possessed, beyond knowing they were weaker than Administrators. At this juncture, Zahard chose to cease his climb up the Tower, seal off the 135th Floor, and proclaim himself as the “King” of the Tower with the backing of the Administrators. This move instigated two of his comrades to challenge him in a Great War; however, they were eventually vanquished by Zahard’s empire and the families of the remaining Ten Loyalists who supported him. Consequently, Arlene Grace and V were erased from historical records, and it became widely accepted that Zahard had only ten loyal companions.

This group of ten individuals, along with Zahard, entered into an agreement with a Guardian for undying existence, and generally speaking, they all received a satisfactory deal. However, it was Hendo Lok Bloodmadder who made the steep sacrifice; he forfeited the lifespan of his descendants to secure eternal life for himself.

The Ten Great Families And Their Power Dynamics

Their Thirst For Power

After the Great War, Zahard’s ten comrades gained prestigious positions in the Tower, and they swiftly started having children and establishing lineages. These lineages became an integral part of the Tower’s governing class and were collectively referred to as the Ten Noble Families due to their immense power and sway. Since Zahard himself couldn’t reproduce, women from the Ten Noble Families and across the Tower would compete for the position of Zahard’s Royal Consort. The winner would receive Zahard’s blood, granting her immense power and influence.

The Lo Po Bia Clan is highly valued by Zahard because they are consistently willing to aid his empire, regardless of their personal goals. As a result, the leader of the Lo Po Bia Clan was assigned the mission to eliminate the Po Bidau Family, as they had betrayed Zahard. Unlike other Great Families, who align with Zahard, they are not obligated to support his empire and only do so when it suits them.

Baam’s Introduction To The Story Changed The Political Landscape Of The Tower

The Wildcard Of The Story

Tower of God: The Power Dynamics Between Zahard And The Great Families

Ever since Baam stepped into the Tower, Po Bidau Gustang has been eagerly working towards instigating change and stirring up trouble. This led him to steal Zahard’s Bracelet from the Secret Floor, effectively declaring war on the ruler of the Tower. It remains uncertain what his true objective is, but he isn’t alone in having designs for the Irregular who appears to possess immense potential. Following the Battle of the Nest, Lo Po Bia Traumerie and King Zahard have taken it upon themselves to enlist Baam in their struggle against the Bidau Family, as it was prophesied that he could attain a power level equal to a family head with sufficient training.

In this upcoming recruitment process, the Lo Po Bia Family is expected to surpass the Arie Family as the dominant and influential family within the Tower, since they will essentially have twice the leadership with two family heads. Yet, it’s essential to remember that prior to this shift in power, the Ten Great Families had taken advantage of the fierce rivalry among Zahard’s princesses to weaken other families by eliminating their strongest daughters in the name of competition, using it as a pretext for conflict.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-06 22:33