Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor Guardians

Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor Guardians

Key Takeaways

  • Floor Guardians are ancient, powerful beings integral to the Tower’s existence.
  • They possess unrivaled mastery over Shinsu, granting gifts and immortality.
  • Headon stands out among Administrators, with unique abilities and motives.

As a seasoned gamer who’s ventured through countless virtual worlds and towers, I can confidently say that the Tower of God Manhwa takes the cake when it comes to intricate world-building and engaging characters. The Administrators, these enigmatic beings, are as old as the Tower itself and hold more power than any High Ranker or King could ever dream of.

The Manhwa known as “Tower of God” is highly acclaimed for its exceptional art direction and narrative, but its world-building is equally impressive. Each level within the Tower presents an entirely distinct universe, complete with rulers, social structure, challenges, and enigmas. Notably, those holding high ranks are frequently assigned to govern the levels as they receive a fiefdom as a token of their elevated status.

However, while the Floor Guardians, often known as Administrators, may appear to be figureheads, it is actually they who have the true authority over each floor and its residents. Given their significant influence within the Tower, enthusiasts of the series should take the time to learn more about these mysterious figures.

The Floor Guardians Are As Old As The Tower Itself

They Are An Integral Force In The Tower

Tower of God: The Significance of the Floor Guardians

For ages, the Administrators have coexisted with the Tower, and not even the enigmatic figure of Zahard has uncovered their origins. Headon, the overseer of the initial level, was the first Administrator that Zahard and the Ten Mighty Warriors encountered upon entering the Tower. These beings are significantly larger than typical humans, and their command over Shinsu is unprecedented within the narrative. They possess absolute authority over the Shinsu on their respective levels, earning them divine status among Tower dwellers, including Zahard, his subjects, and members of the Ten Great Families.

Prior to the emergence of the Zahard Empire, the Administrators held the duty of administering floor tests. However, following this development, Test Administrators (who are Rankers) have taken over that responsibility. Initially, the Administrators were thought to be immortal, but this was disproven when Enryu, the mightiest Ranker in the Tower, killed an Administrator on the 43rd Floor. Although much about the Floor Guardians is still unknown, their impact is significant. Zahard’s ascension to the throne of the Tower required a pact with every Administrator from the 1st floor up to the 134th. The Administrator residing on the 135th Floor is said to be extremely antagonistic; neither Zahard nor the Great Warriors were able to overcome its test or defeat it, leading them to seal it off and halt their ascent in the Tower.

The Guardians’ powers and talents are immense, exceeding what most High Rankers could grasp, making it shocking when Enryu outmatched one of them. However, as per Headon, their main task is to evaluate Irregulars, since these are the sole individuals who can petition Administrators for evaluation. Yet, Rankers can join these evaluations conducted by Administrators if they propose to participate with the Irregular who requested it.

The Floor Guardians Possess Powers Beyond What Most Humans Can Ever Achieve

Their Mastery Of Shinsu Is Near Unparalleled

Even the Po Bidau Family, known for their incredible manipulation of Shinsu, are small fry compared to the ability of Administrators. Individuals cannot manipulate Shinsu on a floor without a contract from an Administrator allowing them to do so. As such, the only floor where everyone can freely manipulate Shinsu is the 43rd one, which has lost its Administrator. Shinsu is the equivalent of life energy for all entities within the Tower, and its mastery can be used to manipulate many laws of existence, including halting the aging process and granting eternal life.

In contrast, humans don’t reach such proficiency on their own and instead enter agreements, or contracts, with Administrators for these extraordinary gifts, one of which is immortality. A contract is essentially a mutual agreement between a human and an Administrator, offering special abilities and rewards. The first to ever do this were Zahard and the Ten Great Warriors, who gained eternal life through their contracts, without giving anything in return. However, Hendo Lok Bloodmadder was granted a distinct contract that reduced the lifespan of his offspring to lengthen his own.

These contracts often create imbalances in power between Regulars and Rankers, with a multitude of them existing. For instance, Zahard’s King of The Tower Contract prevents any original Tower inhabitant from hurting him, while Enkidu’s blessings grant him powers that can overthrow even those stronger than himself. However, Baam was informed by the 2nd Floor Administrator that these contracts are more burdensome than beneficial for him, as he inherently possesses the ability to manipulate Shinsu and does not require approval from any Administrator on a particular floor.

Headon Is The Most Influential Of All The Administrators

He Is A Big Differential

Among all the Floor Supervisors, Headon stands out as the most distinct. Unlike his peers who are restricted to their respective towers, he possesses a special ability: he can traverse other floors within the Tower. Additionally, he is equipped with teleportation powers that allow him to move between the Outer Zone, the Central Zone, and various floors using Shinsu – a power source – to select potential climbers of the Tower, known as Regulars. These Regulars typically debut on the second floor of the tower, having already been approved by Headon’s evaluation. However, unconventional climbers, called Irregulars, must first pass through the initial test administered by Headon before gaining entry to the Tower.

Administrators are typically portrayed as unbiased figures with no personal objectives beyond their assigned tasks, but Headon deviated from this norm the instant Baam entered the Tower. Instead of adhering strictly to his duties, he offers Rachel entry into the Tower and its ascent, on condition that she grants him a specific favor. Although his true intentions remain unknown, it’s clear that he is prepared to manipulate people as pieces in his game and stir up chaos to reach them.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-25 19:34