Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

Key Takeaways

  • Zahard Empire rules Tower of God, with intricate hierarchy & political complexity among Zahard Family, 10 Great Families & Princesses.
  • Factions like FUG & Wolhaiksong are enemies of Zahard Empire, challenging its authority & stability, threatening the established order.
  • Zahard is deified as ruler, but Tower’s core rules ensure fairness & balance, restraining even his immense power within the Empire.

As someone who has spent countless hours delving into the intricate world of the Tower of God, I must say that the Zahard Empire and its various factions are nothing short of captivating. The way these organizations, from FUG to Wolhaiksong, challenge and shape the Tower’s political landscape is both thrilling and thought-provoking.

In the expansive realm of “Tower of God,” there’s a complex tapestry of political machinations, dominant powers, and lofty aspirations. At the heart of it lies the Zahard Empire, a virtually unyielding powerhouse that governs most of the Tower’s levels.

The empire, established by King Zahard and the initial 10 Great Warriors who ventured into the Tower, maintains a tight control over its territories, exerting power through a complex system of noble families, Rankers, and leaders. However, beneath this grand facade lies a vibrant tapestry of history, power struggles, and fragmented alliances that significantly influence the world depicted in the popular series, Tower of God.

Warning: The following content may reveal crucial plot details from the Tower of God comic and animated series, focusing on the Zahard Empire and its significant characters. Proceed with caution if you wish to avoid potential spoilers.

The Foundation and Reach of the Zahard EmpireTower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

The Zahard Empire came into being when Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors, who are now the leaders of the 10 Great Families, initially stepped into the Tower and started subjugating its levels.

By undergoing stringent tests, they managed to gain the Tower’s acknowledgment and rule, subsequently extending their dominion up to the 134th level. Zahard decided to halt his climb at that point, securing his control by shattering the key of the Tower, effectively barring anyone from accessing the 135th floor (a level believed by many to be the last one).

Could you tell me something? In what role do I stand among you all? I was the first to conquer the Tower, a skilled warrior in battles at sea, and a pioneer of a civilization based on mutual understanding within the Tower’s community. However, you might be more familiar with me by another title. The title… “King”.


Generally speaking, it’s believed that Zahard carried out these actions as a means of asserting power and preserving his empire, preventing others from exceeding him or uncovering the Tower’s top secrets. However, what truly motivated him remains unknown at present.

The Ruling Class: Zahard Family, the 10 Great Families, and the Princesses

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

At the pinnacle of the Zahard Empire stand the Zahard Royal Family and the 10 Great Families, who emerged victorious from the Great War, earning their positions as the empire’s strongest clans. These families serve as the Empire’s structural foundation, housing Rankers and significant figures who exert their authority over extensive Tower territories.

The Princesses of Zahard

In the Tower’s hierarchy, the Princesses of Zahard are highly esteemed and powerful figures, unlike other royals who are usually biological offspring of King Zahard. Instead, they are selected for their extraordinary talents and potential. Being chosen as a Princess is a prestigious honor, but it comes with stringent requirements such as demonstrating immense power, ingenuity, and charm. However, the key prerequisite is whether the candidate can endure and harness King Zahard’s power, which they receive through a unique process.

After being selected, a Princess goes through a transformation that significantly boosts their fighting skills, making them not only stronger but also more resilient than many of the high-ranking members from the Ten Great Families. For instance, Androssi Zahard, one of the notable Princesses in the series, is known for her immense power, as demonstrated by Bam who had to employ his Shinsu just to keep pace with her during combat.

The role of a Princess is not merely symbolic though; they serve as enforcers of Zahard’s will, acting as both guardians of his Empire and symbols of its supreme authority. They are viewed by the citizens as “the ultimate species,” worshipped for their beauty and strength. However, the responsibility of being a Princess comes with severe restrictions. Zahard has the ability to control his Princesses, and none are free to act entirely on their own will. Additionally, the competition to become a Princess is brutal, with numerous candidates vying for the coveted position, each hoping to gain Zahard’s favor and the power it bestows.

  • Anak Zahard stands as an exception—a “shame” of the Zahard Family due to her illegitimate birth.

The 10 Great Families: Pillars of the Empire

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

The Ten Great Families, who first ascended the Tower alongside Zahard during the Great War, play an equally crucial role in the hierarchy of the Zahard Empire. These families are esteemed as the aristocracy of the Tower, and each head enjoys a status close to immortality due to agreements with the Tower’s Guardians during their climb. Over time, they have accumulated immense political power, second only to that of the Zahard Family.

The leaders of the Ten Distinguished Clans – Arie Hon, Khun Eduan, and Ha Yurin being examples – are individuals who strike fear and respect in many. They hold an almost invulnerable position due to their immortality and extraordinary might, making them appear nearly invincible. The legacy of these families is often carried down through generations, with the offspring frequently endowed with remarkable abilities and power. Residents from these lineages, particularly direct descendants, are often more gifted than average Tower inhabitants. Yet, despite their aristocratic status, life within the Distinguished Clans is marked by intense competition.

The Political Structure of the Zahard Empire

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

Initially in the series, Zahard, the supreme ruler of the Empire, was depicted as being “out of action” and not actively managing external affairs. Instead, the intricate workings of the Tower were maintained during his absence by a number of powerful entities, each with their unique roles ensuring the upkeep of the Empire’s order.

The Three Lords: Custodians of the Empire

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

In the Tower, apart from Zahard, the top political position is held by a trio known as the Three Lords. They stand in for the king and switch leadership roles every millennium. As we follow the story in ‘Tower of God’, Molic One P. GR currently holds this powerful position.

Each Lord brings their own unique approach to governance:

  • Molic One P. GR: A conservative ruler focused on the Tower’s stability, Molic is seen as a protector of tradition and order.
  • Joochun: A progressive Lord with a reputation for supporting the continued climb of the Tower. Known for his love of alcohol, he is rumored to share ties with Urek Mazino.
  • Flux: Known as the Magician, Flux is an artificial being created by Macseth. His true form is hidden, and only illusions of him appear in the Tower.

The Rulers: Guardians of Individual Floors

Tower of God: The Zahard Empire, Explained

In the Zahard Empire, each floor is supervised by a Leader, who is a High Ranker from one of the Ten Great Families. These Leaders wield significant power, yet their rule is influenced by the Guardians, ancient watchdogs of the Tower. The Leader can arrange tests for commoners (Regulars), but they must adhere to the fundamental rules established by the Tower to maintain fairness and openness.

In the Tower, while the Ruler may be connected to the Zahard Empire, it’s important to note that the ancient Guardians and Tower traditions hold the ultimate authority. As a result, regardless of their strength or position, a Ruler cannot disobey the will of their floor’s Guardian, as they derive their power from the Guardian’s approval.

The Enemies of the Empire: FUG and Wolhaiksong

Despite the might of the Zahard Empire, it’s important to note that it has formidable adversaries. Among these two key groups that present substantial challenges to Zahard’s reign are FUG and Wolhaiksong.

  • FUG is a ruthless criminal organization, sworn to destroy Zahard and the 10 Great Families. Their mission is one of vengeance, aiming to bring down the entire Tower’s political hierarchy. FUG’s influence extends deep into the shadows of the Tower, and while they may not have the strength to directly challenge Zahard’s rule, they are a constant thorn in the side of the Empire.
  • Wolhaiksong, led by Urek Mazino and Baek Ryun, is an organization that opposes the more conservative and authoritarian practices of the Zahard Empire. Though less extreme than FUG, Wolhaiksong seeks to find a way out of the Tower, an objective that threatens the established order maintained by the Empire and the Great Families.

Propaganda, Deification, and Zahard’s Legacy

King Zahard, commonly known as “The Great King Zahard,” is more than just a ruler—he is revered as a divine entity by many within the Tower. His legendary stature and the epic tales of the 10 Great Warriors have etched him into the fabric of Tower society as an almost immortal figure. The citizens of the Tower hold Zahard and his Princesses in high esteem, viewing them as supreme beings who are both feared and admired. This divine status reinforces the authority of the Zahard Empire, fostering loyalty and awe among its people. To many within the Tower, the Empire appears invincible, with Zahard’s influence reaching every floor under his command.

However, this god-like status does not exempt Zahard or his empire from the Tower’s core rules, particularly within the Inner Tower.

  • Despite the Zahard Empire’s immense power, all entities—including Zahard himself—are still bound by the Tower’s regulations, especially in relation to the testing floors. Even the Rulers of each floor, who operate under the authority of Zahard and the 10 Great Families, must adhere to these rules.

The Tower’s Core Rules

The Tower adheres to a stringent code of conduct, overseen by its ancient protectors known as Guardians. These regulations function as a system of counterweights, ensuring that not even the strongest individuals or groups, like Zahard’s Rankers and Rulers, can wield power without limits. Some essential limitations are:

  • Rulers and Rankers may not interfere with Regulars during their tests.
  • Irreegulars are prohibited from entering certain areas designated for Regulars, and if they do trespass, their powers are restricted.
  • Rankers are forbidden from causing harm to test-takers or directly influencing the outcomes of tests.
  • Test Directors and Admins must follow the guidelines laid out by the Tower’s Administrators, ensuring that no test or rule is unfairly altered.

These limitations maintain a degree of fairness throughout the Tower’s structure, causing even Zahard’s Empire to abide by the Tower’s age-old rules. For instance, even a Test Director like Mule Love was disciplined for running a test against the established guidelines, proving that no one is exempt from the Tower’s regulations.

Despite Zahard’s formidable power, the regulations within the Tower and its Guardians maintain a balance, ensuring that no single entity, even those considered divine, can entirely disrupt the Tower’s inherent system or rule supreme over it.

In the realm of “Tower of God”, I, a humble gamer, find myself immersed in the mighty Zahard Empire – a colossal pillar that towers above the world, guiding the paths of Bam, Khun, and Rak. Mastering the intricacies of this empire is essential for us to make sense of the grander struggles and interactions within the Tower, as well as the overarching narrative of the series itself.

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2024-09-24 02:34