Tower of God: Who are Rankers?

Tower of God: Who are Rankers?

Key Takeaways

  • Climbing to the 134th floor grants individuals immense influence and sets them apart from others in the tower.
  • Rankers receive their rank based on power, influence, and recognition, not just combat strength.
  • High Rankers, the top one percent, are the strongest characters in the series with immense destructive power.

As a devoted fan of the captivating Tower of God series, I find myself continually enthralled by the intricate hierarchy and power dynamics that permeate its world. The Rankers, those rare individuals who have climbed to the 134th floor, are the epitome of prestige and influence within the tower’s vast ecosystem.

In “The Tower of God,” numerous characters fulfill unique roles and standings. Both commoners and outcasts strive to ascend the tower, with the goal of reaching its pinnacle. Upon scaling the 134th level, they are bestowed a rank, henceforth known as Rankers. However, it’s important to note that the 134th floor is not the actual summit; instead, it represents the highest reachable level at present, as Zahard’s Empire has yet to conquer the 135th floor due to its formidable Guardian.

Achieving the highest point in the tower bestows significant power on these people, making them distinct from other residents and positioning them as leaders within the tower community, using the term “pinnacle” to represent a peak and a position of authority.

How Rankers Came To Be And Their Role In The Tower

The Reason Behind The Prestigious Title

On reaching the 134th floor, an individual is assigned a rank by the Ranking Administration Office, taking into account factors like power, influence, and renown. This means that while strength is a consideration, it’s not the sole determinant; there are several high-ranking individuals who may not excel in pure combat. As anticipated, these Rankers never struggle financially, given their unique abilities make them highly sought after for jobs and positions. They are often entrusted with special roles such as Test Directors and Floor Administrators due to their elevated status.

Additionally, they hold privileges that allow them entry into the central section of the tower, utilizing its staircases for traversal between outer towers or even skipping floors when moving about. This is because they’ve demonstrated their prowess by successfully navigating all the tower’s levels. Rankers bask in numerous advantages and face few limitations, yet there are strict prohibitions preventing them from entering the living quarters of Regulars or engaging with them directly. The reason behind this is the immense power disparity between them. To most Tower residents, Rankers appear as divine beings, as the level of fortitude and skill needed to attain such a rank exceeds what an ordinary human can achieve.

The Distinction Between Common Rankers And The Best Of Them

The Best Of The Best

Tower of God: Who are Rankers?

Among Rankers, there are two main categories defined by their individual rank positions. Those who make it into the top 10% (approximately the top 10,000) are known as Advanced Rankers. While this status is desired by many Rankers, it holds little significance for those who have ascended to even higher echelons. The exceptionally strong individuals capable of reaching a position within the top 1,000 (approximately 1%) are recognized as High Rankers.

The most formidable figures in the series, these characters are unmatched in strength, and their arrival could be catastrophic for the ordinary beings ( Regulars) due to the immense devastation they’re capable of causing. Over time, it has become standard protocol for those managing daily activities on each floor to alert the regulars when a high-ranking character (High Ranker) appears. In such instances, the ruler of the floor (a role reserved for High Rankers) is expected to intervene if the newcomer poses a threat to the tranquility, as only another High Ranker has the power to confront them effectively.

Generally speaking, high-ranking individuals seldom find themselves engaged in life-threatening conflicts with one another, but according to Evankhell, those who aim to ascend to the top 300 Rankers must prepare for a deadly battle against an existing top 300 Ranker. Over time, these elite rankers have honed their abilities to gather vast amounts of visual data, almost equaling that of expert observers. There are also enigmatic High Rankers known as Blue Holes, about whom little is known due to long periods of inactivity. Their power and influence remain undefined since they don’t receive any ranks due to this elusiveness.

Sobriquets Are Given To The Special Ones As A Way Of Honoring Their Achievements

A Way To Pay Homage To Them

In the series, the most powerful characters are known as High Rankers. To recognize their extraordinary climb to the top and their dominance, the Ranking Administration Office creates nicknames or sobriquets for them. These nicknames often reference a High Ranker’s combat role, impact, or significant aspects of their life. Fishermen, for instance, receive names inspired by Divine Sea Creatures found within the Tower, such as Ha Yuri Zahard who was given the title Black Snakehead.

Guides are linked with boats, while Wave Controllers are associated with wave and wind names. The feared figure known as Enryu, who claimed the life of Administrator, earned his nickname “Red Tower” due to his ability to make his surroundings turn red when he passes through them. On the other hand, Zahard’s nickname, “King of the Tower,” was bestowed upon him in recognition of his position as its ruler. It is worth noting that an individual can acquire multiple nicknames, such as Khun Eduan, although he declined both, hinting that High Rankers have the option to reject them.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-21 19:35