Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

Key Takeaways

  • Enryu is a powerful and merciless character in the Tower, surpassing even Zahard.
  • Enryu’s mastery over Shinsu allows him to bend the Tower to his will.
  • Enryu’s motives, linked to a prophecy, suggest he may play a crucial role in disrupting Zahard’s reign.

As a long-time fan of the Tower of God series, I can’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine whenever I think about Enryu. The story of his wrath unleashed on the 43rd floor is etched deeply into the annals of Tower lore, and it’s hard not to be in awe of such a powerful character.

In the “Tower of God” manga, Enryu is a character who, despite having limited screen time, demonstrates an unquestionable strength. This makes him the second strongest Irregular to ever enter the Tower, surpassing even Zahard, the renowned “King of the Tower.” Known for his remarkable feat of killing a Guardian, beings believed to be immortal, Enryu’s mere presence causes tremors in the Tower. He has also earned the ominous nickname, “Administrator Murderer.

Although he has a fearsome reputation, he is also known for his mercy, granting Zahard’s rankers an opportunity to escape before commencing a massacre on the 43rd floor. In the Tower of God manga, Enryu’s name is whispered with reverence and trepidation, and the enigma surrounding him only serves to heighten his legendary status even more.

Enryu’s Ascent

An Irregular Of Unmatched Power

Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

Irregulars have a reputation for challenging the established order within the Tower, leading to unexpected alterations in its hierarchy. Enryu stands out as the epitome among these unconventional characters. Like all other Irregulars, Enryu entered the Tower without Headon’s approval, the initial Guardian. While specific details of his journey through the Tower remain shrouded in mystery, it is certain that he has always been a dominant figure. It’s plausible that his ascent within the Tower was rapid, given his extraordinary abilities and mastery over Shinsu.

It’s hard to comprehend just how far Tower Enryu has climbed. Fans suggest he may have passed the 134th floor and more, before it was closed off. His incredible rise in the rankings is worth mentioning. Once thought impossible, Enryu’s ranking soared to number one, pushing Zahard down to second place. Since then, there’s been no sign of him, leaving us guessing about his location and activities. Now, he stands as the second highest ranked character, with Phantaminum taking over his position following the Zahard Palace Intrusion event.

Shinsu Mastery

One With The Tower

As a gamer, I’d put it like this: “Man, Enryu’s mastery over Shinsu is off the charts. He ain’t got no limits within the Tower, doesn’t need the blessings of those Floor Guardians to flex his powers. His control over Shinsu outshines even them Guardians! It’s like he’s rewriting the rules. Whenever he shows up, the local Shinsu turns a fiery red, earning him the nickname ‘Red Tower’. This red-hot Shinsu, it’s his plaything. He molds it into weapons of mass destruction, like his signature red spears. He can whip these up by the thousands and rain them down on his enemies, that’s why they call it Red Rain. A blast of this Red Rain was enough to wipe out all the rankers who were against him.

Enryu’s mastery over Shinsu goes beyond mere control; it’s about his immense capacity. Notably, Enryu has managed to command an unprecedented number of Shinsu Baangs, approximately 9000, a feat that has been observed by a lighthouse. Although the exact numbers aren’t recorded, it’s clear that this figure outstrips any other character who came before him. Even formidable figures like Urek Mazino pale in comparison to his level of expertise. Enryu doesn’t simply use Shinsu as a tool; he embodies its spirit. His control over the Tower seems almost supernatural, and there are whispers that he can even create life from Shinsu itself.

Enryu’s Motive

Zahard’s Nemesis

Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

Typically, individuals who act against the established norms of the tower do so for various reasons. For instance, Baam was motivated by his friendship with Rachel, while Urek Mazino sought power. The question arises as to what fuels Enryu, and why did he dare challenge Zahard, the most feared ruler? It’s generally believed that Enryu harbors intense hatred for Zahard and the empire he established within the tower. Over time, Zahard constructed a rigid system that not only oppressed Regulars but also limited Shinsu itself. Enryu, like many others, despises Zahard and his system, but his actions against it stand out as unique, demonstrating that even Zahard’s seemingly unbreakable order can be shaken.

This theory positions Enryu as potentially fulfilling a prophecy that signals Zahard’s downfall. A prediction within the Tower suggests Zahard’s rule will eventually end, and an Irregular will be instrumental in this change. Although Baam is often seen as the predicted Irregular, Enryu might play a pivotal role in its realization. Defeating the Guardian of the 43rd floor lays the groundwork for unrest, and his subsequent silence has left Tower residents in suspense. Regardless of his intentions, Zahard appears to be an obstacle that Enryu must overcome on his journey.

The Death Of A Guardian

Enryu’s Wrath Unleashed on the 43rd Floor

Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

One of the most significant and enigmatic occurrences in the Tower was the demise of the Guardian. These beings are responsible for governing each level of the Tower, holding immense power on their floors, creating the rules for ascending the Tower, controlling the distribution of Shinsu, and granting permission for its use on their specific levels. The idea that someone could slay such a powerful figure was inconceivable, but Enryu accomplished this feat single-handedly.

Upon reaching the 43rd floor, Enryu became enraged at how Arlene’s beloved land had been disrespected. His first words were “Those who follow the fraudulent king will stay here and perish.” From then on, it was a torrent of Red Rain. The Guardian, infuriated, fought Enryu, but his powers proved futile against him. The Guardian was brutally torn apart, revealing the mortality hidden within supposedly immortal beings. This unprecedented event has indelibly altered history’s path.

In their fierce confrontation, their tactics left the scenery on the 43rd level utterly devastated, reducing mountains to rubble, flattening structures, and staining the earth crimson. This floor became infamously known as the “Floor of Desolation”. It is believed that for a considerable period following their clash, it rained Shinsu, with the deceased Guardian being the sole remnant.

If there’s no One to regulate the flow of Shinsu, the floor turns inhospitable. Stories about a massive thorn lethal to Zahard started circulating, and eventually, Zahard himself isolated this floor and its inhabitants, presumably due to his vulnerability. Fortunately, an unidentified individual devised an artificial life-sustaining mechanism for the floor, utilizing the veins of the deceased Guardian. This devastation not only altered the Tower’s structure but also triggered a significant shift in power dynamics, causing tremors that threatened the very foundation of the Tower’s system.

A Catalyst For Change

Enryu’s potential return

Tower of God: Who is Enryu and What Led to His Legendary Status?

The fact that Enryu was able to kill the 43rd Floor Guardian, creatures considered invisible, opens up the Tower to a number of changes. The very rules that governed the Tower can now be questioned, or better still, overcome. Enryu serves as a precursor for all further conflicts, particularly witht Irregulars like Baam who challenge the Tower’s status quo the further they progress. He is not currently an active player, but his mere presence and previous actions cast a shadow on many events in the Tower. Characters such as Zahard are constantly reminded of his existence, a potential danger to their reign, should he ever resurface, which he most likely would.

His mastery of Shinsu also makes him a key character in discovering the secrets of the Tower. Being able to give life using only Shinsu is not a common technique, or something one can just learn. With such abilities in his arsenal and his unprecedented control of Shinsu, fans speculate that Enryu is potentially aware of things about the Tower that nobody else knows. He might even be connected with the ancient history of the Tower. Who built the Tower? Who are the Irregulars? What is the outside world like? The answers to these questions and more could be in the hands of our mysterious character. Enryu’s return, guaranteed by the author, could drastically alter the course of history.

Tower of God is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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2024-09-25 22:34