Tywin Lannister’s Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones


  • A Lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of the sheep – Tywin values high stature and self-confidence above all.
  • Strong alliances win wars, not just money – Tywin’s cunning statesmanship leads to victory in battles.
  • Power lies in actions, not empty words – Tywin teaches leadership by example, showing the importance of substance over title.

As a seasoned advisor and master of strategic planning, I have had the privilege of observing the lives of many kings and rulers throughout my long and illustrious career. From Robert Baratheon’s reckless reign to Joffrey’s cruel and capricious rule, I have seen firsthand the consequences of a monarch’s inability to seek counsel and heed wise advice.

In the world of “Game of Thrones,” Tywin Lannister, the powerful patriarch with golden hair and immense wealth, revitalizes his once-struggling House. Born to the feeble Tytos and father to Cersei and Jaime, as well as the impish Tyrion, Tywin bequeaths a formidable inheritance to his offspring. His House gains unrivaled strength following the Battle of Blackwater by forging an alliance with the Tyrells.

Tywin Lannister emerges victorious against the Starks at the Twins and Stannis Baratheon outside their respective cities. Both times, shrewd alliances were the key to his triumphs, not just wealth alone. Quotes below illustrate Tywin’s intelligence as a diplomat:

1 “A Lion Doesn’t Concern Himself With The Opinions Of The Sheep.”

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 7: “You Win Or You Die”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

In “Game of Thrones,” Tywin delivers a memorable line that carries great weight: a nobleman shouldn’t be overly concerned with other people’s opinions. He poses this idea to his son Jaime during an encounter at the Lannister camp, shortly after Catelyn Stark captures Tyrion as her prisoner.

Tywin imparts essential lessons on projecting a formidable persona and prioritizing family to his heir, Jaime. His hope is that Jaime will surpass him and effectively lead House Lannister in the future.

2 “Green Boy. One Taste Of Battle And He Will Run To Winterfell With His Tail Between His Legs.”

Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 8: “The Pointy End”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

Tywin is taken aback by Robb Stark’s determination to lead an army south for rebellion against the Lannisters. He finds it frustrating that a young boy, without the necessary political and military knowledge, has rallied forces to save his father – Ned Stark.

Robb Stark, unlike his father who served as the Warden of the North, is inexperienced in statecraft and strategy as depicted by Tywin. The War of the Five Kings represents a significant challenge for Robb, serving as his first major test against the dominance of the South. Although Robb emerges victorious from all battles, he ultimately fails due to a lack of political vision.

3 “Any Man Who Must Say, ‘I Am The King’ Is No True King.”

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 10: “Mhysa”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

As a passionate fan of “Game of Thrones,” I can’t help but be inspired by Tywin Lannister’s wise words on leadership. In this instance, he imparts valuable advice to his grandson about the role of a king. Unlike what one might initially assume, Tywin teaches that a monarch doesn’t have to shout from the rooftops about their power. Instead, it’s more effective for them to let their actions and decisions convey their authority. This counterintuitive approach is essential in gaining the trust and respect of subjects and advisors alike.

Instead of just criticizing Joffrey, these words hold significance throughout “Game of Thrones,” reflecting the numerous power-hungry characters who excessively value their positions. The audience perceives Tywin’s influence and acts accordingly.

4 “You Really Think A Crown Gives You Power?”

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 10: “Mhysa”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

After the Battle of the Blackwater, things have stabilized with Joffrey now sitting on the Iron Throne and Tywin serving as his Hand. Although Joffrey was accustomed to having his desires met, this is no longer the case with Tywin’s return from Harrenhal and his residence in the Red Keep. Tywin expects Cersei to keep a watchful eye over her volatile son, while he devotes himself to securing victories and quelling uprisings throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

During the small council session, once Joffrey’s temper tantrum subsides, Cersei, under Tywin’s instruction, guides him back to his chambers. Following Joffrey’s departure from the gathering, Tywin emphasizes to Tyrion that it is he, Tywin, who holds the reins of power over the Seven Kingdoms, not Joffrey.

5 “A One-Handed Man With No Family Needs All The Help He Can Get.”

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 1: “Two Swords”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

Following the Red Wedding, Tywin crafts two new swords from House Stark’s ancient Valyrian steel blade, Ice. He presents the first sword to his favored son Jaime, while keeping the second one for his grandson Joffrey.

I’m deeply captivated by the imposing sword that Jaime holds, yet I have no intention of accepting Tywin’s proposal to rule from Casterly Rock. Marriage and producing heirs hold no appeal for me, nor do I wish to be freed from my commitment to the Kingsguard. Losing my hand has not diminished my desire to serve Joffrey in whatever capacity I can. However, Tywin grants me permission to keep the sword, but in a rather harsh and condescending manner.

6 “I Don’t Distrust You Because You’re A Woman…”

Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 4: “And Now His Watch Is Ended”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones
  • “I Don’t Distrust You Because You’re A Woman, I Distrust You Because You’re Not As Smart As You Think You Are.”

In the world of “Game of Thrones,” Jaime is Tywin’s preferred son, deeply cherished by his father. Tywin believes that Jaime deserves nothing but the finest, and sees Cersei as a crucial tool to establish an impressive legacy for Jaime. By Season 4, with the war concluded, Tywin intends to release Jaime from his Kingsguard duties, encourage him to marry, and assume control of Casterly Rock himself. Additionally, in order to secure Highgarden and the Reach, he plans to unite Cersei with Loras Tyrell through matrimony.

Cersei deeply respects her father’s wisdom and follows his guidance to protect their family. She yearns for the affection and recognition that Tywin gave to Jaime, aiming to be seen as more than just a tool for political marriages. However, Cersei can be impulsive and hot-headed, causing concern for Tywin who doubts her ability to strategize effectively.

7 “I Didn’t Like Your Husband. He Used To Pat Me On The Back A Lot. I Didn’t Trust Him…”

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 5: “First of His Name”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones
  • “I Didn’t Like Your Husband. He Used To Pat Me On The Back A Lot. I Didn’t Trust Him… You Don’t Need To Make Formal Alliances With The People You Trust.”

Tywin Lannister comments on the late King Robert Baratheon: He married his sole daughter to Robert due to his victory in the uprising versus the Targaryens, defeating Crown Prince Rhaegar at the Battle of the Trident.

Robert had a distant relationship with his brothers Stannis and Renly, despite their desire for power under his rule. With Ned Stark absent from King’s Landing, Tywin saw an opportunity in marrying Cersei to the monarch, which would significantly boost his influence during the upcoming era.

Robert was deeply in debt to Tywin, which forced him into difficult situations and frequent appeasement. Debts and marriages served as the most convenient means for Robert to form alliances with a man he didn’t care for or trust. The only people he truly trusted were his family, an attitude that Cersei adopted later on.

8 “We Look Like Fools, And They Look Like Heroes. That’s How Kings Fall.”

Game of Thrones Season 2, Episode 7: “A Man Without Honor”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones

As a seasoned reader of George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, I can tell you that the crumbling Harrenhal Castle holds a significant place in the storyline. In this instance, it serves as the location where Jaqen H’ghar carries out Amory Lorch’s assassination on Arya Stark’s behalf. This event unfolds right before Tywin Lannister’s very eyes, leaving him with no doubt that the attempt was made against him.

One of the most powerful men among them, Ser Gregor Clegane, points the finger at the Brotherhood Without Banners as potential instigators of the unrest in the Riverlands. This notion troubles Tywin, as he plans to eliminate this group due to their ability to portray themselves as saviors in the eyes of the people. The Lannister image has already suffered greatly during the War of the Five Kings, and Tywin despises that these elusive outlaws are able to act with impunity.

9 “So, We Have A Man Who Starves Himself To Death…”

Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 3: “Breaker of Chains”

Tywin Lannister's Best Quotes In Game Of Thrones
  • “So, We Have A Man Who Starves Himself To Death; A Man Who Lets His Own Brother Murder Him; And A Man Who Thinks That Winning And Ruling Are The Same Thing. What Do They All Lack?”

The control over Joffrey proved to be a significant challenge for Tywin and Cersei. In the end, Joffrey became their greatest source of distress. Following Joffrey’s death, Tommen, their youngest child, was easily manipulated by the Lannisters. With minimal independence, Tommen obeyed their commands.

At the Great Sept of Baelor, where Joffrey’s lifeless body lies, Tywin gives Tommen a lecture. He subtly persuades Tommen that a great king listens to the advice of experienced rulers, like himself. Tywin believes Tommen is open-minded enough to be influenced by his guidance. In conclusion, Tywin reassures Tommen, “A wise monarch welcomes the counsel of those who have walked the path of ruling before.”

As a young fan, I’m learning that even a wise king, no matter how old or experienced, acknowledges what they don’t know. They surround themselves with trusted advisors and actively seek their counsel. While I may not be a king yet, I can embrace this wisdom by being open-minded to the advice of those around me, especially as I grow older. And even when I reach the throne, it’s important for me to continue listening and learning from my councilors.

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2024-07-20 09:34