Unity Is Cancelling Controversial Runtime Fee

Unity Is Cancelling Controversial Runtime Fee

As a seasoned game developer with years of experience under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of relief and admiration towards Unity. After a rollercoaster ride of changes in their pricing policies, they’ve finally made a decision that aligns with the spirit of game development – democratization! The fact that they listened to their customers and reverted back to a more traditional pricing model is commendable.

Following a challenging year, Unity has chosen to waive their runtime fees. This move is based on thorough discussions, as Unity explains, that took place both within the company and with external parties.

On their official website, Matt Bromberg, the chief executive officer and president, expressed that the introduction of a runtime fee contradicts Unity’s broader goal of making game development accessible to all, which is essentially about democratizing this field.

Bromberg stated, “Nevertheless, we can’t advance our mission if it clashes with our customers; instead, it should be a harmonious relationship founded on trust.” Over the past three months, I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with many of you and have consistently heard that you desire a robust Unity. You also understand that price adjustments are vital for us to continue investing in advancing gaming technology.

He continued: “We want to deliver value at a fair price in the right way so that you will continue to feel comfortable building your business over the long term with Unity as your partner.”

In 2023, Unity declared intentions to instate fees for developers on games surpassing certain installation limits, which appeared to be a form of retribution towards successful games. After receiving criticism, they adjusted the fee structure but retained it in essence. Twelve months later, the firm has now announced that these charges will be eliminated altogether.

What Unity Is Doing Instead Of Runtime Fees?

With this recent update, Unity is returning to its seat-based subscription model for “all gaming clients, encompassing those who opt for Unity 6 as well.

The plans and tiers are as follows:

  • Unity Personal License: Will remain free, and have a revenue and funding ceiling for $200,000. The “Made with Unity” splash screen becomes optional with Unity 6
  • Unity Pro: Starting January 1, 2025, subscription price will be $2,200 per year, per sit. Unity Pro is required of those with more than $200,000 in annual revenue and funding.
  • Unity Enterprise: Starting January 1, 2025, a 25% subscription price increase will go into effect. Unity Enterprise is required for customers with over $25 million of annual revenue and funding. Unity Enterprise prices come via custom packages due to the nature of customers with these plans having “unique needs”.

Starting from now, we plan to follow a conventional approach by reviewing any possible price adjustments annually, as stated by Bromberg.

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2024-09-12 21:17