- Vetterli rifle excels between 60-150m range, offering reliability and effectiveness against other weapons in Hunt.
- Bomb Lance is versatile and deadly in PVP, capable of silent melee attacks or powerful explosions.
- Crossbow is a silent close-range killer, offering one-shot potential and reliability up to 45m in Hunt Showdown.
In the year 1896, Hunt: Showdown offers a distinctly exclusive player versus player (PVP) encounter. When it comes to outfitting their gear, players enjoy a variety of options. For instance, weapons such as the Crown And King offer staggering one-shot capabilities but are tricky to master. Conversely, firearms like the Winfield are user-friendly yet might not pack enough punch to compete with the game’s elite weaponry.
This compilation will feature a minimum of one weapon from each class, prioritizing robust and potent selections ideal for Player versus Player (PVP) engagements. While some weapons may deliver quicker kills, the ensuing picks offer the dependable performance that most gamers prefer in this game.
Skilled hunters understand that they don’t often have multiple opportunities to hit their target. Therefore, it’s wiser to make the first shot count, or carry a firearm with quick reloading speed for subsequent shots!
19. Vetterli 71
Damage: 130

Few players opt for the Vetterli as it’s often considered a budget-friendly alternative to the Mosin Nagant. Yet, being pricier doesn’t necessarily make the Mosin superior in all aspects. Beyond 60 meters, the Vetterli stands out as one of the most efficient and forgiving rifles in the game. The Winfield takes the lead in close-quarters combat, while at long range, the LRR surpasses the Vetterli’s performance.
In the standard engagement distances, which typically fall between 60-150 yards, the Vetterli holds its ground against all competitors in hunting scenarios. It’s also effective at closer ranges due to its exceptional iron sights. However, when you hear a Winfield, it’s wise to maintain some distance.
18. Bomb Lance
Damage: 150 (Explosion)

In the competitive world of Hunt: Showdown PVP, versatility reigns supreme. Instead of relying on specialized builds effective only in specific scenarios, the capacity to inflict significant damage in a variety of situations is generally more advantageous. The Bomb Lance embodies this concept perfectly. It’s not just a melee weapon; it boasts an extraordinary range, making it function like an explosive crossbow. Moreover, it can be wielded stealthily or with a booming noise, based on how players choose to utilize it. Its menacing appearance is further enhanced when used by Legendary Hunters such as the Reptilian, adding an extra layer of badassery.
As a gamer wielding the Bomb Lance, I’ve learned that this weapon excels in tight spaces, where its melee attack can be downright brutal. The sweep is wide, the range is impressive, and the damage, well, it’s almost unfair – even from a light attack! Catch an enemy off guard, and a well-aimed throw could obliterate an entire team if they’re huddled together. Three direct hits are enough to take down any boss in the game. The throw doesn’t have much range, so I gotta get close, but the payoff is worth the risk.
17. Chain Pistol
Damage: 104

In the online setting of Hunt: Showdown 1896, the gameplay primarily emphasizes precision with long-range weapons and silent takedowns. Players enjoy landing a solitary headshot to take down an enemy without causing much commotion. However, the Chain Pistol deviates from this norm, but it’s certainly not a negative aspect.
The appeal of the Chain Pistol lies in its substantial bullet capacity. With a revolving cylinder holding seventeen bullets, it offers numerous advantages, one of which is rarely needing to pause during combat, often causing enemies to become agitated. It can still knock out an enemy with a single headshot, although it lacks the precision to consistently achieve this from a covert position. The audacity of a player who isn’t afraid to make a lot of noise to eliminate an enemy may disrupt other players in a match and offer an advantage through sheer surprise.
16. Winfield Terminus
Damage: 186

Alternative weapons from Winfield perform admirably as main options, but the Winfield Terminus, though not quite potent enough to function as a primary weapon, excels in its support roles. Players often refer to this weapon as the “Bleed Cannon” due to its exceptional ability to weaken enemies when armed with flechette ammo, making it an ideal precursor for finishing them off with a more powerful armament.
By merging flechette ammo with the Levering trait, you can significantly boost its firing speed. The Terminus, then, can blast a vast amount of bleed damage onto opponents. This bleeding condition poses a predicament for other players: either halt and treat the wound (temporarily leaving them vulnerable), or keep moving and suffer continuous health depletion from the bleeding. This predicament offers an excellent opportunity for players to corner their foes, either waiting for their slow decay due to the bleeding or taking them out with a few swift shots while they attempt to heal.
15. Nitro Express Rifle
Damage: 364

In terms of Player vs Player (PvP) combat, what players generally seek is a weapon that inflicts high damage. Although factors like accuracy, range, and durability are also important, it’s the ability to dish out the most damage that often determines who stays in the fight longer when the shooting begins.
The Nitro Express Rifle aligns with the mindset that raw damage trumps other factors. Despite its minuscule magazine capacity and risky reload speed, it excels as one of the highest-damage weapons within the game. At close or medium distances, a single shot usually eliminates another hunter, making it a valuable choice for any player’s strategy.
14. Lebel Variants
Damage: 132

When it comes to choosing between the Mosin and the Lebel, it’s essentially a question of personal taste. The Lebel is known for its quicker unlocking time and costs over $100 less than the Mosin. However, regarding their performance statistics, both rifles are quite similar in terms of damage output. Notably, the Mosin has a slightly extended damage range for body shots compared to the Lebel.
Players might find the Lebel appealing due to its 10-round capacity magazine. When it comes to personalizing their weapons, users can decide if they prefer faster reload speeds or increased ammo capacity. Generally, the Lebel performs comparably to the Mosin in most areas and is often more convenient for newcomers to access.
13. Romero 77
Damage: 220

In terms of shotguns, the Romero 77 boasts the farthest reach, the most impactful shots, and the finest pellet dispersion – qualities that make it an outstanding choice for close-quarters combat. A single well-aimed shot from this weapon can bring down a hunter. It’s worth noting that pellet spread in the game Hunt can sometimes be unpredictable; however, the Romero 77 has the best spread among its peers in the class.
One disadvantage of using a shotgun is that it can discharge only a single shell at a time and requires reloading afterwards. However, the good thing is that its reload speed is quick enough to handle in most situations. The crucial aspect when using this firearm is ensuring that the initial shot hits its target since being empty-handed during a reload could leave you vulnerable.
12. Scottfield
Damage: 107

The Scottfield Model 3 isn’t flashy by any means; it’s just a typical 6-shot revolver from the game Hunt: Showdown, set in 1896. However, it stands out among its peers due to a unique feature – the capacity to eject all six bullets simultaneously when you open the cylinder. This results in a significantly faster reloading speed compared to other weapons in its class.
Six shots might seem restrictive, but the Model 3’s firepower is sufficient that an adept shooter could strategically distribute those bullets among the three adversaries in a group, effectively taking them out before a reload becomes necessary. In terms of handheld weapons, few can match its versatility and lethality.
11. Chu Ko Nu
Damage: 150

Designed for stealthy hunters, Chu Ko Nu stands out as an exceptional short-range, non-verbal damage inflictor in Hunt: Showdown 1896. Essentially a modified crossbow, it fires compact bolts over a limited distance and has the unique feature of automatically loading the next bolt, unlike a standard crossbow.
In just 0.2 seconds, Chu Ko Nu can prepare for the next volley, making it an exceptionally lethal weapon. It requires hitting the torso twice to secure a kill, but given its rapid-fire speed, the enemy hunter will scarcely have a moment to react before the subsequent shot eliminates them.
10. Dolch 96
Damage: 97

Among short-range weapons, only the Romero can surpass the Dolch in combat. But the Dolch stands out for its generosity, offering a large magazine and semi-automatic shooting capabilities. The Dolch is also capable of holding its own against the Winfield at medium range, which makes it an incredibly versatile backup weapon.
The bullet retrieval tool will significantly aid gamers in managing their ammunition, a factor that becomes crucial as matches progress. To put it simply, among all sidearms, the Dolch stands out as the strongest option in Hunt. Although it may not be the most budget-friendly, remember: you get what you pay for.
9. Sparks LRR/ LRR Sniper
Damage: 149

The Long-Range Reconnaissance Rifle (LRR) is a formidable long-range weapon. With its attached sniper scope, hunters can take down opponents from over 200 meters away. At such distances, few other weapons can match its effective damage range. As a result, if an enemy retaliates with a headshot, they won’t be able to secure a one-hit kill unless they too are wielding the LRR.
When it comes to mid and short distances, the LLR isn’t exactly my go-to weapon. Given that I only get a single shot before needing to reload, landing consecutive shots can be quite tricky. I find it’s best to stick to using this sniper rifle strictly for long-range engagements, where a one-shot kill is possible.
8. Caldwell Conversion
Damage: 104

As a gamer, let me tell you this: The Caldwell Conversion might not seem special on its own, but things get interesting once you decide to wield two of them. By itself, it requires precision to be useful. But when you’ve got two, it turns into a machine that sprays bullets non-stop.
In many games, using two weapons simultaneously, known as dual-wielding, is often criticized by the gaming community. However, remember that the main objective is to endure during the hunt or battle. Load your Conversions with Full Metal Jacket ammo for maximum effect at short distances. These pistols can be fired freely without much danger, and they offer impressive penetration through cover as an added bonus.
7. Martini-Henry
Damage: 143

The Martini-Henry gun addresses some close-range challenges that Sparks LRR users might experience, but it comes at the cost of reduced base damage and velocity. However, what it lacks in power, it makes up for in reload speed, almost cutting the reload time in half compared to other rifles. This means it can be fired more frequently, making it a better choice for players who aren’t naturally precise. Adding the Ironside trait to this gun boosts its rate of fire, essentially turning it into a rapid-fire rifle akin to a repeater.
Advancing the concept, adding the Riposte feature to a Martini-Henry rifle equips it with an elongated saber that deploys from its barrel end, enhancing its effectiveness in close quarters. Although it won’t match the raw power of widespread weapons such as a shotgun, the Martini-Henry’s adaptable statistics and diverse traits make it a potent option for nearly any scenario, offering versatility that few can rival.
6. Drilling
Damage: 120 (Rifle Bullet)

Drilling, being versatile, comes equipped with three distinct barrels. Two of them are designed for long-range combat, acting similarly to rifles, while the third is ideal for close-quarters fighting, functioning much like a shotgun. The drilling is an excellent choice for players who prefer melee weapons as their secondary option, such as Katana, Cavalry Sabre, Axe, or Hammer.
By offering versatility in Drilling, the player can bypass the apprehension of approaching an adversary armed with a potent short-range weapon. The shotgun’s barrel holds six rounds in total, providing ample firepower to neutralize targets that have been marked previously.
5. Crossbow
Damage: 246

In the game “Hunt“, employing the Crossbow makes you a stealthy assassin. This weapon can instantly eliminate enemies in their chest within 25 meters, and even at distances up to 45 meters, it will kill them with a single shot to the head. Compared to shotguns, the Crossbow is more dependable in close quarters because it lacks the spread associated with them. Effectively, it can eliminate enemies with a single shot from zero to approximately 45 meters. Rifles require two shots to the chest or just one shot to the head for a kill, making the Crossbow a superior choice for close-range combat. When used tactfully, the Crossbow is one of the most effective weapons in “Hunt Showdown“.
As a fan, I must admit that while this gun boasts some impressive stats, it does come with its own set of challenges. The iron sights might take some time to get accustomed to, and the bullet drop at a velocity of 150m/s is quite significant. Moreover, reloading this weapon isn’t exactly a speedy process, clocking in at a rather lengthy 6 seconds. However, employing the Bolt Thrower trait does halve the reload time, but even then, 3 seconds still feels like an eternity. Mastering this weapon requires skill, but those who can do so will undeniably find success with it.
4. Mosin Nagant M1891
Damage: 136

Featuring a one-shot accuracy up to 250 meters and rapid bullet speed, the Mosin stands out as an elite PVP weapon. It works well as a mix between a long-range sniper rifle (LRR) and a fast-firing Winfield. Compared to many other game weapons, it boasts a swift reload for a rifle and exceptional iron sights. Add to that its barely noticeable sway values, and you’ve got a formidable weapon indeed. The one significant drawback with this gun is its low ammo capacity of just 15 rounds.
Practically speaking, the Mosin Nagant outperforms the Lebel 1886 when it comes to reloading speed due to the use of bulletgrubber and stripper clip. The Mosin can be loaded more quickly. That said, the Lebel has a higher bullet velocity, making it an effective choice as well. Ultimately, the superiority between these two rifles depends on personal preference, as they share many similarities in terms of performance.
3. Mosin Nagant Avtomat
Damage: 136

The Avtomat performs all functions of the standard Mosin, but with enhanced capabilities. It can either be discharged as a fully automatic weapon or used for a two-round burst. If both rounds in a burst hit an enemy’s chest, the gun inflicts sufficient damage to bring them down. This leads to an impressive reduction in time needed to eliminate targets from medium distances.
The primary problems with this firearm lie in its increased weapon instability and higher recoil. When fired continuously, an Avtomat can exhaust its ammunition in merely a few seconds, making conserving bullets a difficulty. Nevertheless, the harm it inflicts is significant.
2. Maynard Sniper Rifle
Damage: 144

In the latest update to the armory in Hunt: Showdown 1896, the Maynard Sniper Rifle stands out as the second most lethal scoped firearm, boasting an exceptional long-range capability. While scoped weapons may not appeal to all players, they can be a game-changer for solo adventurers who prefer to hold down strategic positions near extraction points.
Maynard possesses an impressive ADS speed, enabling swift responses to potential dangers nearby. The firearm itself doesn’t have lethal effects on the torso, but it can be made more deadly using specific ammunition when headshots are missed. Additionally, Maynard is equipped with a clear optic that enhances target visibility.
1. Hunting Bow
Damage: 250

For lone hunters aiming for surprise attacks against multiple opponents, the Hunting Bow serves as an invaluable ally. Its stealthy nature surpasses that of a crossbow, producing no audible reload noise, making it all the more elusive. A single torso hit within shotgun range is almost always lethal, and this weapon’s silent operation grants an additional tactical edge.
In essence, mastering the Hunting Bow demands superior aim for distant targets. Given that ammo is scarce, players should utilize each arrow thoughtfully, as missing too many could compel them to resort to a louder backup weapon or take risks by getting nearer to retrieve spent arrows.
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2025-01-21 06:55