Unlock Charlemagne: Dominance Strategies You Need to Win in Civilization 7 Now!

In Civilization 7, leaders are distinct from Civilizations, providing you with more flexibility in shaping your approach from the get-go. As you advance through different eras, your Civilization may evolve, while Leaders remain constant throughout the game. Therefore, the leader you choose can have a significant impact on your strategy and is likely to guide your decisions throughout the entire gameplay.

In this article, we’ll delve into the role of Charlemagne, a prominent figure in the game “Civilization 7,” who is famously recognized as Charles the Great, King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and eventually Emperor of the Carolingian Empire in real-world history. We’ll examine his abilities within the context of “Civilization 7” and provide strategies for maximizing his potential.

Here’s a more casual way to put it: Let’s check out Charlemagne, one of the bosses in Civilization 7, who you might know as Charles the Great, King of the Franks, King of the Lombards, and the big cheese of the Carolingian Empire. We’re gonna talk about his moves in Civ 7 and give you tips on how to make the most out of him!

Charlemagne Leader Overview

Charlemagne is a skilled military strategist and innovator who excels in the use of cavalry and fostering happiness within his realm. This versatility grants him rapid access to numerous Policy Slots, enabling him to effectively implement various policies and disciplines to fortify his civilization.

Charlemagne, often referred to as the “Father of Europe,” boasts a special trait: enhancing Military and Science buildings’ proximity bonus for quarters, thereby fostering more frequent celebrations within his settlements and maintaining their overall positivity. This benefit also provides him with free cavalry units whenever his civilization rejoices, and amplifies their combat power during these festivities, making Charlemagne’s cavalry exceptionally formidable as long as he skillfully manages the happiness of his territories.

Charlemagne Leader Natural Civ Unlocks

Name Desc/Unique Traits Age
Norman “Normanitas” ability boosts movement of land units by 1 when embarked and grants land units adjacent to the coast +5 Combat Strength. “Chevaler”, a unique cavalry unit that ignores zones of control and gains +3 combat strength against slower units. “Sokeman”, a unique settler that automatically creates medieval walls in the city center when creating a new town. Unique Buildings “Motte” and “Bailey”, which form the unique quarter “Donjon.” Motte acts as a fortified district, gains happiness when built on rough terrain, and has a happiness adjacency bonus from Wonders. Bailey yields culture and gets a culture adjacency bonus from walls, and also acts as a fortified district. Donjon grants a free Chevalar unit when completed. Exploration

How To Win With Charlemagne

Charlemagne Leader Strategy & Walkthrough

Best Charlemagne Victory Path:

Charlemagne excels at achieving a Military Victory. Here’s a strategy you might consider: select Rome during the Age of Antiquity, the Normans in the Age of Exploration, and conclude with the French Empire in the Modern Age.

Charlemagne Antiquity Age Strategy

In Ancient times, Rome is an excellent selection for Charlemagne, offering a distinctive military leader known as “Legatus”. This leader can establish a town for every three levels upgraded, providing opportunities to earn experience from combat against independents and strategically position new towns to fortify their territory. Moreover, the unique infantry units of Rome, “Legions”, receive enhanced combat power with each Roman tradition in the government, while their distinctive traditions (notably Latinitas) facilitate the utilization of these bonuses effectively.

In ancient times, it’s essential to focus on activating Legatus by utilizing the civic “Discipline” first. Once activated, you can make use of the free Legatus and basic military units to swiftly deal with any nearby hostile independents. This will provide you with effortless experience points and help your Legatus reach level 3 more quickly.

1. Option A: This feature enables you to establish a settlement utilizing your Legatus, sparing the resources required for making a settler and facilitating faster expansion. This is particularly beneficial when combined with Latinitas (Tradition), which increases the output of your capital for every town with a specialization. Hence, prioritizing this in the Rome Civic Tree is highly recommended.

2. Option B: The second tradition you should aim to unlock promptly is Cursus Honorum. With this, you receive 25% of a military unit’s production cost as culture every time you create a new military unit. This will assist in building a cultural edge as your military expands.

As a dedicated admirer in the era of antiquity, my primary objective would be to embark on the Military Legacy Path known as “Pax Imperatoria.” To achieve this prestigious title, I must expand my civilization significantly by establishing and maintaining no less than 12 settlements. Any territories I conquer from opponents will double in value, counting as two settlements instead of one towards my goal.

By enabling tracking along the Legacy route, you’ll receive practical guidance for initial moves. It’s recommended that you focus on these key technologies while conducting research: Animal Husbandry (for Slingers), Bronze Working (which unlocks Legions, Archers, and Spearmen), Wheel Technology (essential for Ballistae and Chariots), and Iron Working (important for Horsemen, Phalanx, and advanced Legions).

In order to maximize Charlemagne’s skill, swiftly advancing The Wheel should be your priority. This allows you to acquire Chariots for free each time you join a Celebration. To maintain the celebrations at a steady pace and enjoy all the perks, consider constructing Forums (The Roman Unique District), Villas (which can be unlocked by The Wheel), and the Coliseum Wonder. Additionally, to quickly bolster your military as you establish more towns and cities, focus on unlocking “Legatus Pro Praetore”. This feature grants a free infantry unit every time you found a new settlement.

Charlemagne Exploration Age Strategy

The exceptional harmony between Charlemagne and the Normans positions them as an ideal choice for a Civilization during the Age of Exploration. With Sokeman units to build fortified settlements in distant regions and a unique cavalry unit that grows stronger against any unit with less mobility, Charlemagne offers a strategic advantage to conquer and expand territories beyond his current empire.

Your initial scientific focus should be on Mapmaking, Stargazing, and the study of Feudal societies (in that sequence). This will equip you with technology essential for sending your Sokeman troops to distant territories, enabling you to acquire Naval Commanders, thereby enhancing the efficiency and management of your fleets. Additionally, Feudalism allows for an increase in the number of settlements you can establish in remote areas, reducing the risk of unhappiness within your civilization. Happiness will be vital due to Charlemagne’s ability to generate free cavalry during celebrations, which will aid in expanding your military force at a lower cost and greater effectiveness.

Initially, focus on prioritizing Traditions like “Customs and Justice” and “Customs and Justice II/Mastery” to gain access to distinctive Motte and Bailey structures and the Donjon quarter they form when placed together. This will also grant you the ability to learn the Palisading tradition for naval unit construction enhancement, as well as boosting your Cavalier unit’s battle prowess. Subsequently, it is crucial to unlock “Common Law” for expanding your settlement limits and increasing available social policy slots.

Use your naval forces effectively to explore significant spots in Distant Lands for potential settlements. Utilize fleet commanders to optimize this process and keep an eye out for other civilizations or independent powers that have established themselves in advantageous locations, such as those with access to natural wonders or treasure fleets. Once you’ve set up a base, focus on expanding your territory by conquering these strategic places to advance along the Legacy Path “Non Sufficit Orbis.

This objective is quite similar to the Military route during the Age of Antiquity, but it focuses on establishing and propagating your faith in distant territories. The settlements in these far-off lands will earn you double points if they adopt your religion, making it simpler to accomplish this legacy path.

After securing a base and launching attacks, it would be beneficial for you to investigate Gunpowder and Shipbuilding technology to bolster your naval forces and continue the offensive until you reach the end of the victory path and claim all desired territories in the Faraway Regions.

Charlemagne Modern Age Strategy

In this contemporary era, your preferred civilization will be the French Empire, which becomes accessible as you progress through the game as the Normans in the preceding age. To kickstart your development, delve into the study of Steam Engine technology, thereby re-acquiring Merchants and establishing a robust economic foundation. Subsequently, focus on Military Science to unlock advanced military structures.

As a gamer, I can tell you that these two advancements – Industrialization for modern ground units and Combustion for naval units – are key to my progress. I recommend diving into them as soon as I can. However, detouring to unlock Academics beforehand could prove beneficial, as it will speed up my research pace in the long run.

As a history enthusiast, I find myself drawn to key areas of study such as Modernization, the Social Question, Political Theory, and Voie Triomphale. Delving into these subjects will grant me access to the Civil Engineering Policy, expediting city modernization by boosting overbuilding rates. This policy also unlocks the Living Standards Policy, adding 25% Happiness and Gold to my resources for maintaining buildings. The Social Question opens up Humanism and Social Science policies, allowing my specialists to become more effective at the cost of increased happiness or food needs, a trade-off that can be advantageous if I have sufficient resources to capitalize on it.

Obtaining Political Theory plays a significant role in shaping your civilization’s Ideological Legacy, ultimately leading towards a Military Victory. This knowledge serves as the key to unlock various ideologies, enabling you to choose one for your civilization and reap its related advantages. Each conquered settlement contributes 2 points to your Ideology Legacy path once an ideology is acquired; if the defeated civilization held a different ideology, you earn 3 points instead. To unlock advanced projects like the Manhatten Project and Operation Ivy City Project, which are essential for achieving a Military Victory, you’ll need to accumulate a total of 20 points in your Ideological Legacy path.

When pondering over an Ideology, two particularly beneficial options for your approach are Fascism and Communism. At present, Fascism is a strong overall pick due to its impressive enhancements in gold and production through its distinctive Civic Tree, which significantly strengthens a Militaristic Strategy. On the other hand, Communism offers a Science and Food emphasis, facilitating faster research of advanced units and allowing for the expansion of your settlements and cities at an accelerated pace.

The triumphal road, known as Voie Triomphale, offers entry to the distinctive “Garden à la Française.” This site is rich in culture and boosts happiness adjacent to wonders and cultural structures. Additionally, it grants the Cocorico Policy, which translates to 25% of a defeated enemy unit’s combat power being converted into culture, aiding in the acquisition of future civics. Upon mastering Voie Triomphale II, you will enjoy +2 happiness on military buildings and wonders, as well as an expansion of your settlement limit by one.

In my gaming journey through the Modern Age, I can’t stress enough the importance of investing in Flight, Armor, and Mobilization to bolster my military might. As you advance, you’ll reap the benefits of Mass Production, a game-changing boost for your production and economy. To fortify my civilization along this victory path, focusing on Nationalism II/Mastery, Militarism, and Militarism II/Mastery becomes crucial.

The People’s Army Policy offered through Nationalism II/Mastery enhances the production of land military units by 25%, but in return, increases the gold maintenance for these units by 1. Militarism includes two additional policies: Materiel and Trenchworks. The Materiel Policy boosts unit healing by 10 hp and improves army and fleet movement by 1, while Trenchworks offers a combat strength bonus of +3 to fortified units and districts.

Of course, it’s essential to gain access to the civic advantages of the ideology you select, whether that’s the economic perks of Fascism, such as increased gold and production, or the scientific and food bonuses offered by Communism. You can earn the 20 Ideology points required by engaging in conflicts with other civilizations and capturing their settlements. Once you have accumulated these points, proceed to complete the Manhattan Project and Operation Ivy City Project to secure your victory.

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2025-03-06 07:17