Unlock Nickit & More in Pokemon GO Deep Depths Event!

The Pokemon GO Deep Depths event offers numerous Research tasks and Collection Challenges. Finishing these tasks will earn you the newly introduced Dark-type Pokemon, Nickit. Additionally, you’ll encounter featured Pokemon and acquire valuable in-game items as rewards.

The “Deep Depths” occasion kicks off on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10 AM local time and concludes on Monday, March 24, 2025, at 8 PM local time. This event features a Field Research, both free and paid Timed Research, and two separate Collection Challenges. To get the rewards, you’ll need to finish all tasks before the event comes to an end. Here’s a comprehensive guide covering all the “Pokemon GO” Deep Depths Research tasks, Collection Challenges, and incentives.

Pokemon GO Deep Depths – All Field Research Tasks And Rewards

In the “Pokemon GO” Deep Sea Field Research, you’ll encounter four tasks that offer various prizes. These tasks could involve capturing diverse species of Pokemon, hatching in-game Eggs, and other activities. The rewards can include exclusive encounters with Alolan Meowth, Carvanha, Nickit, and more.

Field Research Task Reward
Catch 5 Dark‑type Pokemon
  • Alolan Meowth Encounter (Shiny Available)
  • Carvanha Encounter (Shiny Available)
Catch 5 Water‑type Pokemon
  • Frillish Encounter (Shiny Available)
  • Clauncher Encounter (Shiny Available)
Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts Nickit Encounter
Hatch an Egg Clauncher Encounter (Shiny Available)

Pokemon GO Deep Depths: Free Timed Research Tasks & Rewards

During the Pokemon GO Deep Depths event, you have an opportunity to join a complimentary Time-Limited Research. This activity consists of just 2 phases, each containing unique tasks with their own rewards. Tasks range from capturing various Water and Dark-type Pokemon, examining the map, and other engaging activities.

STEP ONE – Deep Depths Timed Research

Timed Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Water-type Pokemon Clauncher Encounter
Catch 20 Water-type Pokemon 2000 XP
Explore 1 km Clauncher Encounter
Explore 2 km Stardust ×2000
Spin 3 PokeStops or Gyms Razz Berry ×5
Spin 5 PokeStops or Gyms Ultra Ball ×5
Rewards For Completion
  • Rare Candy ×1
  • 2000 XP
  • Stardust ×2000

STEP TWO – Deep Depths Timed Research

Timed Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Dark-type Pokemon Clauncher Encounter
Catch 20 Dark-type Pokemon 2000 XP
Hatch an Egg Alolan Meowth Encounter
Hatch 3 Eggs Stardust ×2000
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt Max Revive ×1
Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts Mysterious Component ×1
Rewards For Completion
  • Kubfu Candy ×10
  • 2000 XP
  • Stardust ×2000

Pokemon GO Deep Depths: Paid Timed Research Tasks & Rewards

In the Pokemon GO game, The Deep Depths event features a paid timed research called ‘Premium Timed Research,’ which costs approximately $2.00 or equivalent in your local currency. This research has just one step: you’ll be asked to catch multiple Pokemon, battle against Team GO Rocket grunts, and more. The rewards are enticing, with items like Star Piece, Super Incubator, and additional prizes up for grabs!

STEP ONE – Deep Depths Premium Timed Research

Timed Research Task Reward
Catch 10 Pokemon Clauncher Encounter
Catch 20 Pokemon Clauncher Encounter
Spin 2 PokeStops or Gyms Clauncher Encounter
Spin 4 PokeStops or Gyms Clauncher Encounter
Complete a Field Research task Clauncher Encounter
Complete 2 Field Research tasks Clauncher Encounter
Explore 1 km Clauncher Encounter
Hatch an Egg Clauncher Encounter
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Grunt Nickit Encounter
Defeat 2 Team GO Rocket Grunts Super Incubator ×1
Rewards For Completion
  • Nickit Encounter
  • Super Incubator ×1
  • Star Piece ×1

Make sure you finish and receive the rewards for all the Deep Depths Timed Research quests by Monday, March 24, 2025, at 8 PM in your local time zone.

Pokemon GO Deep Depths – All Collection Challenges & Rewards

The current Pokémon GO Deep Depths event offers two distinct Collection Missions: “In the Nickit of Time” and “Sea-volution”. These missions require you to gather various types of Pokémon. Upon completion, you’ll receive in-game experience points (XP), Stardust, and special edition Pokémon as a reward.

In the Nickit of Time Collection Challenge

Pokemon How To Get
Murkrow As a wild spawn
Purrloin As a wild spawn
Sneasel As a wild spawn
  • As a wild spawn
  • 7 km Egg hatch
  • As a Research task reward
Rewards For Completion
  • Liepard Encounter
  • Stardust ×1000

Sea-volution Collection Challenge

Pokemon How To Get
Clauncher 7 km Egg hatch As a Research task reward
Clawitzer Evolve a Clauncher
Frillish (Female) As a wild spawn As a Research task reward
Jellicent (Female) Evolve a Frillish (Female)
Corphish As a wild spawn
Crawdaunt Evolve a Corphish
Rewards For Completion
  • Lumineon Encounter
  • 3000 XP

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2025-03-19 12:58